English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1024
0 3735194 0 0 I have a lot of cleaning to do. CK 1
0 2358750 0 0 I have a lot of credit cards. CK 1
627983 602516 僕には夢がたくさんある。 arihato I have a lot of dreams. CK 1
0 5270644 0 0 I have a lot of faith in Tom. CK 1
0 5274750 0 0 I have a lot of faith in you. CK 1
0 384878 0 0 I have a lot of flowers. CK 1
164562 1423172 私には相談する友達がたくさんいる。 bunbuku I have a lot of friends I can discuss things with. CK 1
0 3024331 0 0 I have a lot of friends I want to visit in Boston. CK 1
0 1970142 0 0 I have a lot of friends in Boston. CK 1
0 1495735 0 0 I have a lot of friends living in Boston. CK 1
1171037 262436 私には助けてくれる友達がたくさんいる。 bunbuku I have a lot of friends to help me. CK 1
0 1970163 0 0 I have a lot of friends. CK 1
164605 249902 私には今日しなければならない宿題がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of homework to do today. CK 1
147895 30181 宿題がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of homework to do. CK 1
193016 30181 やるべき宿題がたくさんあります。 bunbuku I have a lot of homework to do. CK 1
216143 30181 しなくてはならない宿題がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of homework to do. CK 1
2999717 3003248 今日宿題すごく多いんだよ。 Fukuko I have a lot of homework today. CK 1
147895 418848 宿題がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of homework. CK 1
0 2484980 0 0 I have a lot of ideas. AlanF_US 1
0 509651 0 0 I have a lot of land. darinmex 1
1119996 249783 私にはお金がたくさんあるし、使う時間も十分にある。 bunbuku I have a lot of money and enough time to use it. CK 1
156192 258342 私は自由に使えるお金がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of money at my disposal. CK 1
152443 262107 私は預金口座にたくさん金がある。 bunbuku I have a lot of money in my savings account. CK 1
0 64579 0 0 I have a lot of money. pigeonenglish 1
0 5218395 0 0 I have a lot of neighbors. CK 1
0 5187469 0 0 I have a lot of patience. CK 1
0 5187492 0 0 I have a lot of patients who are older than me. CK 1
0 5187490 0 0 I have a lot of patients. CK 1
0 254916 0 0 I have a lot of pencils. CK 1
0 254924 0 0 I have a lot of pictures. autuno 1
164548 249959 私には答えなければならない質問がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of questions to answer. CK 1
0 5187013 0 0 I have a lot of regrets. CK 1
0 2358751 0 0 I have a lot of respect for you. CK 1
0 5287003 0 0 I have a lot of responsibilities. Hybrid 1
0 3735201 0 0 I have a lot of studying to do. CK 1
0 4981335 0 0 I have a lot of stuff planned for tomorrow. PvtMarc 1
0 5198288 0 0 I have a lot of stuffed animals. jhomel 1
3233482 3255468 明日までにやらないといけないことがたくさんあるんだ。 tommy_san I have a lot of things I have to do before tomorrow. CK 1
1119985 249920 私には取り組まなければならないことがたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things that I must deal with. CK 1
171932 240062 今日の午後はするべきことがたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. CK 1
171943 240062 今日の午後しなければならない事がたくさんあります。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. CK 1
174407 240062 午後しなきゃいけない事がたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do this afternoon. CK 1
172293 242182 今朝はするべきことがたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do this morning. CK 1
81892 242706 僕は今日はすることがたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do today. CK 1
171716 242706 今日はやることがたくさんある。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do today. CK 1
171769 242706 今日はすることが多い。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do today. CK 1
899598 242706 今日はやることがたくさんあるんだ。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do today. CK 1
159604 254914 私はたくさんの事をしなければならない。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do. CK 1
159609 254914 私はたくさんすることがあります。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to do. CK 1
226513 63858 お話したいことが色々あります。 bunbuku I have a lot of things to tell you. CK 1