English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1029

0	2358816	0	0	I have a small gift for Tom.	CK	1
0	2358817	0	0	I have a small gift for you.	CK	1
0	2358818	0	0	I have a solution in mind.	CK	1
0	3374695	0	0	I have a solution.	CK	1
2354370	1887353	私には中学生の息子がいる。	wakatyann630	I have a son in junior high school.	CK	1
0	2712784	0	0	I have a son not much older than you.	CK	1
0	2358819	0	0	I have a son Tom's age.	CK	1
0	2358820	0	0	I have a son who disappeared.	CK	1
3050897	3050979	3歳になったばかりの息子がいます。	tommy_san	I have a son who's just turned three.	CK	1
0	2358821	0	0	I have a son who's sick.	CK	1
3492780	2358822	息子が一人います。	arnab	I have a son.	CK	1
198568	35761	喉がひりひりして、ちょっと熱があるんです。	bunbuku	I have a sore throat and a slight fever.	CK	1
1185759	35761	喉が痛くて微熱があるんです。	bunbuku	I have a sore throat and a slight fever.	CK	1
173823	240647	喉が痛くて、鼻水もでます。	bunbuku	I have a sore throat and runny nose.	CK	1
173826	417891	喉が痛い。	tommy_san	I have a sore throat.	CK	1
198561	417891	のどが痛いです。	wat	I have a sore throat.	CK	1
1289572	1300315	のどが痛いんだけど、のど飴持ってない?	bunbuku	I have a sore throat. Do you have a cough drop?	NekoKanjya	1
0	4979568	0	0	I have a spare key.	CK	1
0	2358823	0	0	I have a spare room.	CK	1
0	2358824	0	0	I have a special surprise for you.	CK	1
0	2358825	0	0	I have a speech to write.	CK	1
0	2796766	0	0	I have a splinter in the palm of my hand.	sharptoothed	1
123875	280120	頭が割れそうに痛い。	tommy__san	I have a splitting headache.	CK	1
0	3826733	0	0	I have a sprained ankle.	CK	1
0	4499935	0	0	I have a stepbrother.	CK	1
0	2784049	0	0	I have a stiff neck.	CK	1
0	257255	0	0	I have a stiff shoulder.	CK	1
396174	64954	おなかが痛い。	bunbuku	I have a stomachache.	CK	1
3589612	64954	お腹痛い。	tommy_san	I have a stomachache.	CK	1
0	2358826	0	0	I have a story to tell.	CK	1
0	2358827	0	0	I have a strange problem.	CK	1
157837	256694	私は学生ビザを持っています。	mookeee	I have a student visa.	CK	1
85522	318191	鼻がつまっています。	bunbuku	I have a stuffed-up nose.	CK	1
0	410531	0	0	I have a stupid question.	CK	1
234801	72178	TIMEを定期購読しています。	mookeee	I have a subscription to Time.	CM	1
0	2982980	0	0	I have a suggestion for you.	pne	1
125416	278579	提案があります。	Ianagisacos	I have a suggestion.	CK	1
2265652	278579	一つ提案があります。	Ianagisacos	I have a suggestion.	CK	1
0	2358828	0	0	I have a surprise for Tom.	CK	1
0	2358829	0	0	I have a surprise for you guys.	CK	1
176781	237681	君をびっくりさせるものがある。	bunbuku	I have a surprise for you.	CK	1
0	3374691	0	0	I have a surprise.	CK	1
81970	256724	僕は甘党だ。	tommy_san	I have a sweet tooth.	CK	1
157807	256724	私は甘党なんです。	tommy_san	I have a sweet tooth.	CK	1
1006908	256724	私は甘いもの好きだ。	mookeee	I have a sweet tooth.	CK	1
0	3826732	0	0	I have a swollen ankle.	CK	1
0	2358830	0	0	I have a T-shirt in my suitcase.	CK	1
0	3363733	0	0	I have a tattoo.	CK	1
0	4500038	0	0	I have a telephone.	CK	1
0	2358831	0	0	I have a ten-year old son.	CK	1