English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1038

0	270666	0	0	I have kidney trouble.	CK	1
154322	260221	私は彼と知り合って長い。	bunbuku	I have known him a long time.	CK	1
154424	260117	私は彼が赤ちゃんの時から知っている。	bunbuku	I have known him since he was a baby.	CK	1
156560	257974	私は子供のころからトムを知っている。	bunbuku	I have known Tom since I was a little boy.	CK	1
0	3734587	0	0	I have learned to work with Tom.	CK	1
1221982	265506	車のキーを忘れてきた。	mookeee	I have left my car keys behind.	CK	1
1134599	268722	あなたの夕飯はオーブンの中に入れてあります。	bunbuku	I have left you your dinner in the oven.	CK	1
0	770023	0	0	I have less money than you.	marloncori	1
0	2359912	0	0	I have less than an hour left until I have to tell Tom my decision.	CK	1
155541	258997	私は生命保険に入っています。	bunbuku	I have life insurance.	CK	1
152293	262258	私は歴史にはほとんど興味がない。	bunbuku	I have little interest in history.	CK	1
155029	1369395	私は長い間ここに住んでいます。	bunbuku	I have lived here a long time.	CK	1
155029	259510	私は長い間ここに住んでいます。	bunbuku	I have lived here for a long time.	CK	1
3069842	259510	私は以前からここに住んでおります。	nnaffu	I have lived here for a long time.	CK	1
0	3024328	0	0	I have lived in Boston since 1995.	CK	1
0	5240975	0	0	I have loads of things to do.	CK	1
0	4530028	0	0	I have long admired Tom.	CK	1
226217	63558	カメラをなくしてしまった。	bunbuku	I have lost my camera.	CK	1
0	261717	0	0	I have lost my cap.	CK	1
157267	257266	私は鍵をなくした。	tommy_san	I have lost my key.	CK	1
0	25767	0	0	I have lost my pencil.	CK	1
0	259742	0	0	I have lost my place.	CK	1
156661	245032	私は傘をなくした。	tommy_san	I have lost my umbrella.	CK	1
5069	1666	財布をなくしたの。	bunbuku	I have lost my wallet.	CK	1
0	258128	0	0	I have lost my watch.	CK	1
0	257268	0	0	I have lost the key.	CK	1
0	3922339	0	0	I have lot of work to do before then.	CK	1
164562	1423171	私には相談する友達がたくさんいる。	bunbuku	I have lots of friends I can talk things over with.	CK	1
0	1887361	0	0	I have lots of friends.	CK	1
0	2359931	0	0	I have lots of ideas.	CK	1
0	3620265	0	0	I have lots of money.	CK	1
0	4474981	0	0	I have lots of rubber bands.	AlanF_US	1
899598	901121	今日はやることがたくさんあるんだ。	bunbuku	I have lots of things I need to do today.	Scott	1
0	1879738	0	0	I have lots of time.	Spamster	1
156023	258513	私は週末までに済ませなければならない仕事がたくさんある。	bunbuku	I have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.	CK	1
1039984	1039958	明日はやるべき仕事がたくさんある。	mookeee	I have lots of work to do tomorrow.	CK	1
0	257206	0	0	I have low blood pressure.	sacredceltic	1
0	258971	0	0	I have lunch at noon.	CK	1
0	2359932	0	0	I have lunch plans with Tom.	CK	1
0	4499934	0	0	I have made mistakes.	CK	1
159598	254923	私はたくさん本を持っている。	bunbuku	I have many books.	CK	1
159600	254923	私はたくさんの本を持っています。	bunbuku	I have many books.	CK	1
237460	253715	私はこの箱のなかにたくさんのコインを持っている。	mookeee	I have many coins in this box.	CK	1
627983	2554528	僕には夢がたくさんある。	arihato	I have many dreams.	martinnicholson	1
1112854	256617	私は外国にたくさんの友達がいます。	bunbuku	I have many friends in foreign countries.	CK	1
0	953474	0	0	I have many friends who are native speakers.	CK	1
0	953475	0	0	I have many friends who speak fluently, but still don't sound like native speakers.	CK	1
0	341634	0	0	I have many friends.	MUIRIEL	1
0	2359952	0	0	I have many talents.	CK	1
160474	254047	私はするべきことがたくさんある。	bunbuku	I have many things to do.	CK	1