English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1250

0	5204195	0	0	I often hear people say that.	CK	1
0	4664651	0	0	I often help Tom do his homework.	CK	1
0	4664343	0	0	I often help Tom with his homework.	CK	1
3552002	1014156	よくしゃっくりが出る。	arnab	I often hiccup.	Albert	1
0	4221133	0	0	I often lie about my age.	Hybrid	1
1194161	1194172	わたしはよくその辞書を引く。	mookeee	I often look up words in that dictionary.	CK	1
1195104	1194172	私はよくその辞書で言葉を調べます。	bunbuku	I often look up words in that dictionary.	CK	1
0	2451192	0	0	I often make mistakes when speaking in French.	CK	1
0	1180005	0	0	I often make mistakes.	Nero	1
152836	255894	私は放課後よくテニスをします。	arnab	I often play tennis after school.	CK	1
158634	255894	私はよく放課後にテニスをする。	arnab	I often play tennis after school.	CK	1
0	2039632	0	0	I often play volleyball.	nava	1
1037328	788981	私はよく本を読みます。	bunbuku	I often read books.	eastasiastudent	1
0	1503453	0	0	I often read.	CK	1
158663	255865	私はよくその辞書を参照する。	mookeee	I often refer to the dictionary.	CK	1
1194161	255865	わたしはよくその辞書を引く。	mookeee	I often refer to the dictionary.	CK	1
160574	253946	私はスーパーでよく彼女と会う。	bunbuku	I often run into her at the supermarket.	CK	1
0	29927	0	0	I often see him.	CK	1
0	4546353	0	0	I often sing in the shower.	CK	1
0	4499469	0	0	I often sit on the porch and read in the afternoon.	CK	1
0	253884	0	0	I often ski.	CK	1
0	3736770	0	0	I often skip breakfast.	CK	1
1037850	454113	暇なときはよく音楽を聞いています。	bunbuku	I often spend my free time listening to music.	saasmath	1
162306	252208	私はよく徹夜する。	tommy_san	I often stay up all night.	CK	1
158191	256339	私は音楽を聴きながら勉強することがよくある。	Blanka_Meduzo	I often study while listening to music.	CK	1
0	4910084	0	0	I often take a bath before breakfast.	yashtib1995	1
198155	35345	バスの中で彼とよく喋ります。	bunbuku	I often talk to him on the bus.	CK	1
178766	17619	君とであった場所のことをよく考えるんだ。	mookeee	I often think about the place where I met you.	CK	1
0	3818117	0	0	I often think about you.	CK	1
991755	992031	私はよく旅行します。	mookeee	I often travel.	CK	1
2977079	2976978	前はよくピザを食べていました。	Fukuko	I often used to eat pizza.	CK	1
2977081	2976978	前はよくピザを食べてました。	Fukuko	I often used to eat pizza.	CK	1
2977082	2976978	前はよくピザを食べてたんだけど。	Fukuko	I often used to eat pizza.	CK	1
0	2174962	0	0	I often visit my relatives.	FeuDRenais	1
0	2628693	0	0	I often watch documentaries.	CK	1
0	861781	0	0	I often watch TV before dinner.	Vulgaris	1
0	5263793	0	0	I often wear blue.	CK	1
0	258207	0	0	I oiled my bicycle.	CK	1
0	3439510	0	0	I once dated a girl just like Mary.	CK	1
0	2389515	0	0	I once knew somebody named Tom, but that was a long time ago.	CK	1
0	3024284	0	0	I once lived in Boston.	CK	1
161196	253322	私はかつてローマに住んだことがある。	bunbuku	I once lived in Rome.	CK	1
869850	565792	熱い石炭の上を裸足で歩く男を見たことがある。	thyc244	I once saw a man walk barefoot over hot coals.	darinmex	1
4743	1316	私は一時期、天体物理学者になりたかった。	bunbuku	I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.	papabear	1
0	3024283	0	0	I once went to Boston with Tom.	CK	1
0	1956028	0	0	I only asked Tom to pay his bill.	CK	1
0	3821017	0	0	I only ate one sandwich.	CK	1
4670035	1887606	ただ謝りに来た。	anhgosho	I only came to say I'm sorry.	CK	1
0	1956030	0	0	I only care about Tom.	CK	1
0	257288	0	0	I only did as I was told.	CK	1