English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1440
0 1312184 0 0 I turned the lamp off and fell asleep. lugal 1
0 3686502 0 0 I turned the page. karloelkebekio 1
0 2548407 0 0 I turned the TV off. CK 1
4216054 4356729 私は2003年に13歳になりました。 Atamapan I turned thirteen in 2003. CK 1
0 2544981 0 0 I turned thirty last week. CK 1
154083 260460 私は彼に忠告を求めた。 bunbuku I turned to him for advice. CK 1
0 2549151 0 0 I turned Tom down. CK 1
0 1110536 0 0 I twisted my ankle. Scott 1
0 2235739 0 0 I underestimated Tom. CK 1
0 2544980 0 0 I underestimated you, Tom. CK 1
0 3620036 0 0 I underestimated you. CK 1
0 3264785 0 0 I understand a new vaccine is being tested. CK 1
0 2540238 0 0 I understand better than you think. CK 1
0 2247432 0 0 I understand completely. CK 1
0 2543792 0 0 I understand everything now. CK 1
0 2451531 0 0 I understand French a little. CK 1
0 4791574 0 0 I understand French better than I can speak it. CK 1
0 2539576 0 0 I understand how angry Tom must feel. CK 1
0 5216324 0 0 I understand how good Tom is. CK 1
0 2542635 0 0 I understand how hard this is. CK 1
0 2042893 0 0 I understand how much you want to go to the party, but I can't let you go. CK 1
1107654 476211 わたしはどのようにこの問題を解くかわかる。 mookeee I understand how to solve the problem. morganlmallory 1
1107656 476211 わたしはいかにこの問題を解決するかわかっている。 mookeee I understand how to solve the problem. morganlmallory 1
0 2544979 0 0 I understand how you felt. CK 1
0 2546184 0 0 I understand it all now. CK 1
0 5195399 0 0 I understand it now, or at least I think I do. Objectivesea 1
0 3439443 0 0 I understand it. CK 1
0 2541086 0 0 I understand more than you think. CK 1
0 808685 0 0 I understand now. Zifre 1
0 2247433 0 0 I understand perfectly. CK 1
0 2547385 0 0 I understand that now. CK 1
0 5276153 0 0 I understand that Tom is hurt. CK 1
0 2537727 0 0 I understand that Tom is leaving Boston tonight. CK 1
0 1838182 0 0 I understand that Tom is on a tight schedule, but I'd really appreciate it if I could get an appointment with him. CK 1
0 2539575 0 0 I understand that would be difficult. CK 1
0 2542060 0 0 I understand that you're angry. CK 1
0 1304609 0 0 I understand that. candistyx 1
0 4666468 0 0 I understand the concept. CK 1
0 2287001 0 0 I understand the consequences. CK 1
0 4499767 0 0 I understand the issues. CK 1
0 4499733 0 0 I understand the premise. CK 1
0 1887865 0 0 I understand the problem. CK 1
0 2547384 0 0 I understand the risk. CK 1
0 1655780 0 0 I understand the risks. Spamster 1
0 4499862 0 0 I understand the rule. CK 1
0 2544394 0 0 I understand the situation. CK 1
0 3824718 0 0 I understand the way you feel. CK 1
0 4498506 0 0 I understand their feelings. CK 1
0 2641738 0 0 I understand this used to be Tom's. CK 1
0 2247434 0 0 I understand this. CK 1