English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1465

0	5147480	0	0	I want to dye my hair red.	CarpeLanam	1
0	4269251	0	0	I want to earn a lot of money.	CK	1
1037904	1037573	マンゴーが食べたい。	bunbuku	I want to eat a mango.	oscarguille	1
0	3867525	0	0	I want to eat a steak.	Jenn	1
0	252663	0	0	I want to eat apple pie.	adjusting	1
0	3732782	0	0	I want to eat breakfast outside.	CK	1
0	4666033	0	0	I want to eat Chinese food.	CK	1
3635276	3777898	ラーメン食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat Chinese noodles.	CK	1
0	269326	0	0	I want to eat fresh fish.	CK	1
0	2548853	0	0	I want to eat here.	CK	1
2067066	1370839	アイスクリームが食べたい。	bunbuku	I want to eat ice cream.	TuckingFypo	1
2654861	1370839	アイス食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat ice cream.	TuckingFypo	1
0	770113	0	0	I want to eat it.	marloncori	1
3635258	961889	韓国料理が食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat Korean food.	Eevee	1
0	4132836	0	0	I want to eat lobster again tonight.	CK	1
0	4132834	0	0	I want to eat lobster tonight.	CK	1
0	1529621	0	0	I want to eat out today.	erikspen	1
2384261	895382	私は今晩ピザを食べたい。	hutian	I want to eat pizza tonight.	pauldhunt	1
3635285	3777902	ピザ食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat pizza.	CK	1
3635271	3777894	辛くない韓国料理が食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat some Korean food that isn't hot and spicy.	CK	1
3635271	3777895	辛くない韓国料理が食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat some Korean food that isn't spicy.	CK	1
3635215	4569160	おいしいもの食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something delicious.	CK	1
0	5194181	0	0	I want to eat something different for a change.	CK	1
3635215	255317	おいしいもの食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something good.	CK	1
3234781	3665218	何か甘いもの食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something sweet.	_undertoad	1
3635288	3665218	甘いものが食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something sweet.	_undertoad	1
3635300	3777908	ここでしか食べられないものを食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something that I can only eat here.	CK	1
3635291	3777905	甘くないものが食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something that isn't sweet.	CK	1
3635311	3652327	辛くないものが食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something that's not hot and spicy.	CK	1
3635311	3652326	辛くないものが食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something that's not spicy.	CK	1
1708867	256362	何か食べたいな。	bunbuku	I want to eat something.	CK	1
3635195	256362	何か食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat something.	CK	1
3635196	1869545	ステーキ食べたい。	tommy_san	I want to eat steak.	Spamster	1
0	1911894	0	0	I want to eat the same thing Tom is eating.	CK	1
0	5152930	0	0	I want to eat this.	CarpeLanam	1
0	1356939	0	0	I want to eat.	sacredceltic	1
0	5193503	0	0	I want to emigrate to Australia.	CK	1
0	2034494	0	0	I want to emphasize the need to get this done on time.	CK	1
82097	33531	僕はこの点を特に強調したい。	mookeee	I want to emphasize this point in particular.	CK	1
160814	33531	私はこの点を特に強調したい。	mookeee	I want to emphasize this point in particular.	CK	1
196353	33531	ぼくはこの点を特に強調したい。	mookeee	I want to emphasize this point in particular.	CK	1
0	2548852	0	0	I want to end this.	CK	1
0	2011407	0	0	I want to enjoy it.	CK	1
0	5193555	0	0	I want to enjoy this moment.	CK	1
0	3365636	0	0	I want to explain.	CK	1
0	953690	0	0	I want to feel important.	CK	1
0	2780012	0	0	I want to feel special.	CM	1
0	1841654	0	0	I want to fight.	CK	1
0	5193466	0	0	I want to figure it out for myself.	CK	1
0	2012460	0	0	I want to figure this out.	CK	1