English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1469

0	437043	0	0	I want to go shopping.	lukaszpp	1
0	5193554	0	0	I want to go somewhere else.	CK	1
0	4683488	0	0	I want to go somewhere quiet.	CK	1
0	3045785	0	0	I want to go south for the winter.	sharptoothed	1
0	5101963	0	0	I want to go swimming with a friend.	Airvian	1
0	2011673	0	0	I want to go swimming.	CK	1
0	2012136	0	0	I want to go talk to Tom.	CK	1
194329	3777939	もう一度そこへ行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go there again.	CK	1
0	3594734	0	0	I want to go there as much as you do.	CK	1
0	2952560	0	0	I want to go there by myself.	CK	1
194329	3777940	もう一度そこへ行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go there once again.	CK	1
194329	31502	もう一度そこへ行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go there once more.	CK	1
0	2011409	0	0	I want to go there.	CK	1
229021	66378	いつかアメリカに行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go to America some day.	CK	1
161510	253006	私はアメリカへ行きたい。	mookeee	I want to go to America.	CK	1
157910	3777928	私は外国へ行きたい。	mookeee	I want to go to another country.	CK	1
157914	3777928	私は外国に行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to another country.	CK	1
184808	3777928	外国へいきたい。	bunbuku	I want to go to another country.	CK	1
1200846	3777928	海外に行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go to another country.	CK	1
3135679	3135802	パスポート切れる前にもう一回オーストラリア行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to Australia once again before my passport expires.	CK	1
3135679	3347177	パスポート切れる前にもう一回オーストラリア行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to Australia once more before my passport expires.	CK	1
3135679	3347179	パスポート切れる前にもう一回オーストラリア行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to Australia one more time before my passport expires.	CK	1
0	498452	0	0	I want to go to Australia with my family.	adjusting	1
0	5193570	0	0	I want to go to Australia.	CK	1
3709600	2016646	今日は早く寝たいな。	tommy_san	I want to go to bed early tonight.	CK	1
0	2054088	0	0	I want to go to bed.	CK	1
2990547	3054453	死ぬまでにあと1回はボストンに行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to Boston at least one more time before I die.	WestofEden	1
2991900	3054453	死ぬまでにあと1回ボストンに行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to Boston at least one more time before I die.	WestofEden	1
0	3024239	0	0	I want to go to Boston someday.	CK	1
0	2952561	0	0	I want to go to Boston with you.	CK	1
3459173	2011780	私はボストンに行きたい。	arnab	I want to go to Boston.	CK	1
0	2343106	0	0	I want to go to class.	kareybh	1
155210	259326	私は大学へ行きたい。	mookeee	I want to go to college.	CK	1
1078969	1418291	次の春にはハワイに行きたいんです。	thyc244	I want to go to Hawaii next spring.	CK	1
0	5193458	0	0	I want to go to school in Australia.	CK	1
2978485	2714993	学校に行きたいです。	Fukuko	I want to go to school.	CK	1
2978493	2714993	学校に行きたいんです。	Fukuko	I want to go to school.	CK	1
2978494	2714993	学校に行きたいんだ。	Fukuko	I want to go to school.	CK	1
0	2042846	0	0	I want to go to sleep soon because I need to get up early tomorrow.	CK	1
0	2011674	0	0	I want to go to sleep.	CK	1
0	2013577	0	0	I want to go to the bathroom.	CK	1
0	1031266	0	0	I want to go to the city.	aikidave	1
2172582	1256131	私は月に行きたいです。	Blanka_Meduzo	I want to go to the moon.	stb	1
0	2055398	0	0	I want to go to the movies today.	Dejo	1
3235285	4559231	映画見に行きたい。	tommy_san	I want to go to the movies.	Raizin	1
0	4070480	0	0	I want to go to the park.	botshy	1
2056763	1911893	トムが行く予定の学校と同じところに行きたい。	bunbuku	I want to go to the same school that Tom plans to go to.	CK	1
0	1911892	0	0	I want to go to the store Tom went to yesterday.	CK	1
0	2028381	0	0	I want to go to the store where Tom works.	CK	1
0	2967167	0	0	I want to go to the store.	mikulthegreat	1