English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 147
0 4013264 0 0 Can you teach me how to play that song? CK 1
0 2229693 0 0 Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes? FeuDRenais 1
0 3387499 0 0 Can you teach me how to play the guitar like you do? CK 1
0 2587709 0 0 Can you teach me how to ride a horse? Hybrid 1
0 383330 0 0 Can you teach me how to steal? MUIRIEL 1
0 3347393 0 0 Can you teach me to fight? CK 1
0 995306 0 0 Can you teach me to play chess? NickC 1
0 443088 0 0 Can you teach me? minshirui 1
0 3201019 0 0 Can you tell if this is Tom's? CK 1
0 4233747 0 0 Can you tell me a little about yourself? CK 1
0 2497086 0 0 Can you tell me about it? Hybrid 1
0 3200373 0 0 Can you tell me about Tom? CK 1
0 3202317 0 0 Can you tell me about what happened? CK 1
0 5195246 0 0 Can you tell me about your project? CK 1
0 3817977 0 0 Can you tell me about yourself? CK 1
0 3202094 0 0 Can you tell me anything about Tom? CK 1
0 3201018 0 0 Can you tell me anything else? CK 1
0 3202538 0 0 Can you tell me exactly what you saw? CK 1
0 3131079 0 0 Can you tell me how it happened? CK 1
0 5195236 0 0 Can you tell me how much a ticket costs? CK 1
0 4012943 0 0 Can you tell me how much you paid for that? CK 1
0 3201238 0 0 Can you tell me how to do this? CK 1
0 55869 0 0 Can you tell me how to fill in this form? CK 1
192495 29659 リンカーン・センターにはどう行けばよいのですか。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center? CK 1
1160396 29659 リンカーンセンターへの行き方を教えてください。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center? CK 1
0 4985995 0 0 Can you tell me how to get to the airport? jayrod84 1
0 5195229 0 0 Can you tell me how to get to the Hilton Hotel? CK 1
0 5195232 0 0 Can you tell me how to get to the library? CK 1
188879 26033 駅へはどう行ったらいいか教えていただけませんか。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to the station? CK 1
188885 26033 駅への行き方を教えていただけませんか。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to the station? CK 1
188887 26033 駅へどう行ったら良いかを教えてもらえませんか。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to the station? CK 1
188888 26033 駅へどう行けばいいか教えてくれませんか。 bunbuku Can you tell me how to get to the station? CK 1
0 2656988 0 0 Can you tell me how to get to the train station? Joseph 1
0 3201237 0 0 Can you tell me how you did it? CK 1
0 5195227 0 0 Can you tell me how you found out that Tom did that? CK 1
0 5195228 0 0 Can you tell me how you found out what Tom did? CK 1
0 880509 0 0 Can you tell me how you get to the American Embassy? CK 1
0 5182631 0 0 Can you tell me how? CK 1
0 5195262 0 0 Can you tell me if this is true? CK 1
0 4016898 0 0 Can you tell me more about Boston? CK 1
0 3204659 0 0 Can you tell me more about the person you saw? CK 1
0 3201236 0 0 Can you tell me more about Tom? CK 1
0 3203811 0 0 Can you tell me more about your family? CK 1
0 4014933 0 0 Can you tell me more about your job? CK 1
0 5195284 0 0 Can you tell me my future? CK 1
0 3201573 0 0 Can you tell me that man's name? CK 1
0 894777 0 0 Can you tell me the balance on my account? pauldhunt 1
0 271597 0 0 Can you tell me the exact time, please? CK 1
0 38846 0 0 Can you tell me the time, please? CK 1
0 264007 0 0 Can you tell me the time? CK 1