English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1511

0	4666238	0	0	I was concerned about Tom.	CK	1
0	2247467	0	0	I was concerned.	CK	1
0	2834985	0	0	I was confused about that at first.	Hybrid	1
0	2834991	0	0	I was confused at first.	Hybrid	1
94026	1318764	彼女の表情に私は困惑した。	mookeee	I was confused by her expression.	CK	1
3552083	2247468	混乱してしまった。	arnab	I was confused.	CK	1
0	2247469	0	0	I was convicted.	CK	1
153837	260705	私は彼の説明で納得した。	bunbuku	I was convinced by his explanation.	CK	1
995160	260157	私は彼の有罪を確信していた。	mookeee	I was convinced that he was guilty.	CK	1
0	2542053	0	0	I was convinced Tom was guilty.	CK	1
0	2247470	0	0	I was correct.	CK	1
0	2563358	0	0	I was coughing.	CM	1
0	2547377	0	0	I was counting on you.	CK	1
0	4980184	0	0	I was curious about that.	CK	1
0	2247471	0	0	I was curious.	CK	1
0	3635967	0	0	I was daydreaming.	CK	1
0	66709	0	0	I was dealt a good hand.	CK	1
0	3826518	0	0	I was deeply ashamed.	CK	1
115952	287717	彼の勇気に感動した。	bunbuku	I was deeply impressed with his courage.	CK	1
153764	260779	私は彼の話に深く感動した。	bunbuku	I was deeply moved by his speech.	CK	1
1247673	260779	彼のスピーチに深い感銘を受けた。	bunbuku	I was deeply moved by his speech.	CK	1
160401	254120	私はそのことで強く心を動かされた。	bunbuku	I was deeply moved by that.	CK	1
159888	254634	私はその物語に深く感動した。	bunbuku	I was deeply touched by the story.	CK	1
0	3723712	0	0	I was defending myself.	CM	1
0	2247472	0	0	I was defenseless.	CK	1
0	4499693	0	0	I was definitely surprised.	CK	1
0	4499812	0	0	I was definitely wrong.	CK	1
0	4500121	0	0	I was dehydrated.	CK	1
147991	266568	渋滞で遅れました。	bunbuku	I was delayed by a traffic jam.	CK	1
153490	261054	私は彼女が成功したという知らせを聞いて喜んだ。	mookeee	I was delighted at the news of her success.	CM	1
0	2247473	0	0	I was desperate.	CK	1
0	3825468	0	0	I was detained all day.	CK	1
0	2247474	0	0	I was detained.	CK	1
0	3372009	0	0	I was devastated.	Hybrid	1
0	3753093	0	0	I was disappointed because you weren't at home.	CK	1
0	2713050	0	0	I was disappointed by the news.	CK	1
153356	261190	私は彼女に失望した。	bunbuku	I was disappointed in her.	CK	1
154129	395061	私は彼に失望した。	bunbuku	I was disappointed in him.	CK	1
140159	274393	息子にはがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed in my son.	CK	1
233971	71343	あなたが電話をしてくれなかったのでがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed that you didn't call.	CK	1
159448	255075	私はテストの結果を聞いてがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed to hear the test results.	CM	1
196537	33716	ボーナスがいつもより少なかったのでがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed to see that my bonus was a bit less than I was expecting.	CK	1
234245	71619	あなたがお出でになれない事を聞いてがっかりしました。	bunbuku	I was disappointed when I heard that you couldn't come.	CK	1
1248321	71619	君が来れないと聞いたときは、拍子抜けしてしまったよ。	bunbuku	I was disappointed when I heard that you couldn't come.	CK	1
160211	710993	私はその結果にがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed with the result.	Eldad	1
160211	1304547	私はその結果にがっかりした。	bunbuku	I was disappointed with those results.	CK	1
178482	17334	君のレポートにはがっかりしたよ。	bunbuku	I was disappointed with your paper.	papabear	1
0	366920	0	0	I was disappointed.	j4p4n	1
157729	1456144	私は気落ちしていた。	tommy_san	I was discouraged.	CK	1
0	2247475	0	0	I was discredited.	CK	1