English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1551

1084381	892682	6時半に戻ります。	mookeee	I will return at 6:30.	Scott	1
0	2247578	0	0	I will return.	CK	1
1171038	20453	私が戻ってから彼に会いましょう。	bunbuku	I will see him after I get back.	CK	1
0	247099	0	0	I will see to it.	CK	1
1116437	953720	出来るだけ早くこの絵のコピーを送ります。	bunbuku	I will send you a copy of this picture as soon as I can.	CK	1
0	2247579	0	0	I will shoot.	CK	1
168311	246182	市内をぐるっと案内しましょう。	bunbuku	I will show you around the city.	CK	1
168312	246182	市内をぐるっとご案内しましょう。	bunbuku	I will show you around the city.	CK	1
1256368	246182	町を案内しましょう。	mookeee	I will show you around the city.	CK	1
1034907	71094	写真を何枚か見せてあげるよ。	bunbuku	I will show you some pictures.	CK	1
234458	71835	明日お話します。	bunbuku	I will speak to you tomorrow.	CK	1
234458	611146	明日お話します。	bunbuku	I will speak with you tomorrow.	kebukebu	1
158046	256483	私は家にいるつもりだ。	bunbuku	I will stay at home.	CK	1
697570	697564	今日、私は家にいます。	arihato	I will stay home today.	kroko	1
234465	71842	あしたは家に居るつもりだ。	bunbuku	I will stay home tomorrow.	CK	1
0	2247580	0	0	I will stay.	CK	1
0	3374181	0	0	I will stop it.	CK	1
0	2262000	0	0	I will stop Tom.	CK	1
435160	64269	あなたを訴えます。	mookeee	I will sue you.	xtofu80	1
0	2025436	0	0	I will survive.	Spamster	1
0	1887959	0	0	I will take it.	CK	1
0	24129	0	0	I will take you home.	CK	1
78643	325073	来週の日曜日に釣りを教えてあげよう。	bunbuku	I will teach you how to fish next Sunday.	CK	1
0	2247620	0	0	I will testify.	CK	1
0	2064702	0	0	I will think of something.	CK	1
0	2247621	0	0	I will translate.	CK	1
0	1089411	0	0	I will try again.	Maltherion	1
1034507	33518	もう一度やってみるよ。	bunbuku	I will try it again.	CK	1
119348	284315	彼が来るまでここで待ちます。	bunbuku	I will wait here till he comes.	CK	1
0	2247622	0	0	I will walk.	CK	1
0	246591	0	0	I will warn him.	CK	1
0	5148466	0	0	I will write about it.	CK	1
997338	70365	お名前とご住所を控えさせていただきます。	mookeee	I will write down your name and address.	CK	1
995566	255064	出来るだけ手紙書くようにするよ。	mookeee	I will write letters to you as often as I can.	CK	1
1035914	52195	すぐ手紙を書くよ。	bunbuku	I will write to you soon.	CK	1
0	2889142	0	0	I wiped the dirt off my pants.	wnieboer	1
4394458	4394401	私は窓の下枠をペーパータオルで拭いた。	MiyaUna	I wiped the window sill with a paper towel.	123xyz	1
0	2509638	0	0	I wish both of you'd keep quiet.	CK	1
0	5168327	0	0	I wish everybody else had the same opinion.	CK	1
0	5116583	0	0	I wish everybody liked me.	CK	1
0	2540627	0	0	I wish everybody would just relax.	CK	1
0	3073607	0	0	I wish everybody would stop telling me I need to be more careful.	CK	1
0	3195698	0	0	I wish everyone would cooperate.	CK	1
0	4665325	0	0	I wish everyone would go away.	CK	1
0	4498989	0	0	I wish everyone would go home.	CK	1
0	4919034	0	0	I wish everyone would just go away.	CK	1
3596290	3739822	トムの言ってたことが全部嘘だったらいいのに。	tommy_san	I wish everything Tom said was a lie.	CK	1
0	2732631	0	0	I wish Friday was over and done with.	CK	1
0	3329985	0	0	I wish girls found me as attractive as they find Tom.	CK	1
120546	283463	彼が会議に出ていたらなぁ。	bunbuku	I wish he had attended the meeting.	CK	1