English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 158

0	71003	0	0	Check your order.	CK	1
0	1850262	0	0	Check your pockets.	CK	1
0	4496530	0	0	Check your tire pressure.	CK	1
5112	21098	勘定お願いします。	bunbuku	Check, please.	CK	1
76265	21098	勘定書を頼むよ。	mookeee	Check, please.	CK	1
76266	21098	勘定書をお願いします。	mookeee	Check, please.	CK	1
183972	21098	勘定書を持ってきてくれ。	bunbuku	Check, please.	CK	1
227364	21098	お勘定して下さい。	bunbuku	Check, please.	CK	1
1014812	21098	お会計お願いします。	mookeee	Check, please.	CK	1
3452051	21098	お勘定お願いします。	tommy_san	Check, please.	CK	1
175025	239441	元気出して。	mookeee	Cheer up!	CM	1
175027	239441	元気を出せよ。	mookeee	Cheer up!	CM	1
3859210	239441	元気出せよ。	tommy_san	Cheer up!	CM	1
3859522	239441	元気出しなよ。	tommy_san	Cheer up!	CM	1
175025	2946394	元気出して。	mookeee	Cheer up.	alvations	1
3859522	2946394	元気出しなよ。	tommy_san	Cheer up.	alvations	1
0	2852070	0	0	Cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow.	CK	1
1006610	1006538	チーズはナイフで簡単に切れる。	mookeee	Cheese is easy to cut with a knife.	Nero	1
0	32228	0	0	Cheese is made from milk.	CK	1
0	3732861	0	0	Cheesecake is my favorite cake.	CK	1
0	2245175	0	0	Cherish the thought.	CK	1
0	2245176	0	0	Cherish this moment.	CK	1
1169756	370553	サクランボは赤い。	bunbuku	Cherries are red.	saeb	1
0	5182621	0	0	Chew with your mouth closed.	CK	1
0	268787	0	0	Chew your food well.	CK	1
0	4744176	0	0	Chicken, tuna and soybeans are good sources of protein.	CK	1
0	4495420	0	0	Child abuse is a crime.	CK	1
0	4496301	0	0	Child care is provided.	CK	1
0	4495500	0	0	Children are admitted free.	CK	1
0	4497306	0	0	Children are dying.	CK	1
0	2682194	0	0	Children are expensive.	Hybrid	1
168857	245633	子どもは入場お断りです。	bunbuku	Children are not allowed in.	CK	1
0	2427883	0	0	Children are often impatient and restless.	CK	1
0	4500199	0	0	Children are very impressionable.	CK	1
0	2583427	0	0	Children aren't allowed in this bar.	CK	1
2988091	2951592	この辺の子どもたちは泳ぐチャンスがあんまりないんです。	Fukuko	Children around here don't have many opportunities to swim.	CK	1
168855	473595	子どもは風邪を引きやすい。	tommy__san	Children catch colds easily.	CK	1
0	2711923	0	0	Children do a lot of stupid things.	CK	1
0	4171904	0	0	Children don't need their own rooms.	Hybrid	1
0	380064	0	0	Children hate annoying teachers.	MUIRIEL	1
0	3734310	0	0	Children hate cod liver oil.	CK	1
0	3405235	0	0	Children have rights, too.	CK	1
0	3736040	0	0	Children imitate their parents.	CK	1
0	4500564	0	0	Children learn by example.	CK	1
0	4500562	0	0	Children learn from adults.	CK	1
0	5224444	0	0	Children like cake.	CK	1
0	245782	0	0	Children like climbing trees.	CK	1
0	3735959	0	0	Children like gummy bears.	CK	1
0	245925	0	0	Children like watching television.	CK	1
0	2717855	0	0	Children love cake.	WestofEden	1