English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1870

0	2540857	0	0	I'm turning into a snob, I think.	CK	1
0	2544054	0	0	I'm turning it over to you.	CK	1
4257396	4635281	今年の10月で30歳になります。	tommy_san	I'm turning thirty this October.	mactrey	1
3488407	2069142	12歳です。	arnab	I'm twelve.	halfb1t	1
0	2641965	0	0	I'm twice as busy as I was before.	CK	1
0	2539695	0	0	I'm twice as hungry as I was before.	CK	1
161725	252791	私はあなたの2倍年をとっている。	bunbuku	I'm twice your age.	CK	1
1237528	252791	私の年齢はあなたの二倍です。	bunbuku	I'm twice your age.	CK	1
153734	1456865	私は彼より2歳若い。	tommy_san	I'm two years younger than he is.	CK	1
0	2542879	0	0	I'm tying up some loose ends.	CK	1
0	2428556	0	0	I'm ugly.	CK	1
0	2540041	0	0	I'm unable to answer that question.	CK	1
0	4888492	0	0	I'm unable to do that.	CK	1
0	2208533	0	0	I'm unable to function alone.	CK	1
0	2545263	0	0	I'm unaccustomed to this.	CK	1
0	2203481	0	0	I'm unambitious.	CK	1
0	2111672	0	0	I'm unarmed.	CK	1
0	2203490	0	0	I'm unbiased.	CK	1
0	1356935	0	0	I'm uncomfortable.	sacredceltic	1
0	3732276	0	0	I'm unconvinced.	CK	1
0	4850055	0	0	I'm undecided at this point.	CK	1
0	3727456	0	0	I'm under orders.	CM	1
0	3722976	0	0	I'm under quarantine.	CM	1
0	3726067	0	0	I'm under suspicion, too.	CM	1
5162	1765	私は服を脱いでいる。	mookeee	I'm undressing.	Swift	1
0	2863912	0	0	I'm uneasy about it.	AlanF_US	1
0	427057	0	0	I'm unemployed.	FeuDRenais	1
0	2203500	0	0	I'm unenthusiastic.	CK	1
0	2542302	0	0	I'm unfamiliar with that term.	CK	1
0	2542301	0	0	I'm unfamiliar with that word.	CK	1
0	2203511	0	0	I'm unhappy.	CK	1
0	1723956	0	0	I'm uninsured.	Spamster	1
3507385	2203525	ついてないや。	arnab	I'm unlucky.	CK	1
3496686	2549703	まだ未婚です。	arnab	I'm unmarried.	CK	1
0	2203534	0	0	I'm unprejudiced.	CK	1
0	2545876	0	0	I'm unprepared for this.	CK	1
0	2203548	0	0	I'm untalented.	CK	1
0	2203554	0	0	I'm unusual.	CK	1
0	2545262	0	0	I'm unwilling to do that.	CK	1
0	2544053	0	0	I'm unwilling to risk that.	CK	1
0	3723188	0	0	I'm up here.	CM	1
2095098	3826489	屋根裏部屋にいるよ。	bunbuku	I'm up in the attic.	CK	1
1233800	2765357	起きてるよ。	bunbuku	I'm up.	arnxy20	1
0	2262046	0	0	I'm upset about Tom.	CK	1
0	2203558	0	0	I'm upset.	CK	1
0	2721193	0	0	I'm upstairs.	kieranjpball	1
0	5189144	0	0	I'm used to being around a lot of people.	CK	1
1429170	1429062	両親に相手にされないのには慣れている。	bunbuku	I'm used to being ignored by my parents.	CK	1
0	2544641	0	0	I'm used to being ignored.	CK	1
146351	268211	笑われるのには慣れている。	bunbuku	I'm used to being laughed at.	CK	1