English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1956

200438	37639	とにかく明日電話するよ。	bunbuku	In any case, I'll call you tomorrow.	CK	1
0	3098956	0	0	In any case, you don't need to worry.	CK	1
235215	72593	4月には学校行事がたくさんある。	bunbuku	In April we have a lot of school events.	CK	1
198219	35411	バスケットボールでは背が高い選手は有利だ。	bunbuku	In basketball, tall players have an advantage.	jakov	1
193752	30920	何が起こっても、すぐに電話をください。	Blanka_Meduzo	In case anything happens, call me immediately.	CK	1
0	247092	0	0	In case I forget, please remind me.	CK	1
179944	18803	緊急の時は私の代理人に連絡をとってください。	bunbuku	In case of an emergency, get in touch with my agent.	CK	1
2124177	4356258	緊急の時には何番に電話したらよいですか。	Blanka_Meduzo	In case of an emergency, what number should I call?	CK	1
179942	18801	緊急の場合は、119番に電話しなさい。	wakatyann630	In case of emergency, call 119.	CK	1
2452184	23851	火事の場合は119に電話してください。	Hirashiki	In case of fire, call 119.	CK	1
186681	23817	火事の場合には119番すべきです。	mookeee	In case of fire, you should dial 119.	NekoKanjya	1
0	2063227	0	0	In case something happens to me, I'd like you to take care of my children.	CK	1
0	2046881	0	0	In case you haven't noticed, I'm busy.	CK	1
125202	278791	天気がいいときはここから島がみえます。	bunbuku	In clear weather, we can see the island from here.	CM	1
0	3394327	0	0	In fact, I don't think that was Tom.	CK	1
0	2026440	0	0	In fact, I don't want to know anything.	CK	1
0	2100016	0	0	In fact, I was born in Boston.	AlanF_US	1
0	3202048	0	0	In fact, Tom told me you were dead.	CK	1
190184	27341	一般的に、消費者は質よりも量を選ぶ。	mookeee	In general, consumers prefer quantity to quality.	CK	1
0	5151939	0	0	In general, kids like ice cream.	AlanF_US	1
0	2451177	0	0	In high school, French was my favorite subject.	CK	1
0	1027422	0	0	In his heart, Tom knew that he would never return.	CK	1
122773	281229	日本では子供はみんな学校に行く。	bunbuku	In Japan, all children go to school.	CK	1
2850571	2921562	日本は今午前3時です。	tommy_san	In Japan, it's now 3:00 a.m.	CK	1
0	2031037	0	0	In Japan, people legally become adults at the age of twenty.	CK	1
0	2031038	0	0	In Japan, people legally become adults when they turn twenty.	CK	1
1173600	1423299	日本では新学期が四月に始まる。	bunbuku	In Japan, the new school year begins in April.	CK	1
3465049	1423299	日本では、新学年は4月に始まる。	arnab	In Japan, the new school year begins in April.	CK	1
122766	387451	日本では新学期は4月から始まる。	bunbuku	In Japan, the new semester begins in April.	CK	1
122770	281232	日本では車は左側です。	mookeee	In Japan, we drive on the left side of the road.	CK	1
1656138	281232	日本では車は左側通行だ。	mookeee	In Japan, we drive on the left side of the road.	CK	1
2497753	72709	三月にはたくさんの花が咲く。	bunbuku	In March, many flowers come out.	CK	1
0	2451149	0	0	In my opinion, French is a hard language to learn.	CK	1
1087652	388737	私の意見としては、彼は正しいと思います。	bunbuku	In my opinion, he is correct.	CK	1
1209986	388737	私の考えでは、彼が正しいと思います。	bunbuku	In my opinion, he is correct.	CK	1
88378	388734	彼女は正しいというのが私の意見です。	bunbuku	In my opinion, she is correct.	CK	1
95321	388734	彼女が正しいというのが私の意見です。	bunbuku	In my opinion, she is correct.	CK	1
0	4499534	0	0	In my opinion, that's not a good idea.	CK	1
0	4391109	0	0	In my opinion, Tom is innocent.	CK	1
0	2641964	0	0	In my opinion, we should hire Tom.	CK	1
4787	1366	それをするためには危険を冒さなければならない。	bunbuku	In order to do that, you have to take risks.	Zifre	1
78969	324747	予約をするには、彼女の名前が必要だ。	bunbuku	In order to get a reservation, you must use her name.	Nero	1
1587319	324747	予約を取るためには、彼女の名前を使わなければいけない。	bunbuku	In order to get a reservation, you must use her name.	Nero	1
0	2047684	0	0	In other words, be very careful.	CK	1
229414	66773	いいかえれば、彼はなまけものだ。	mookeee	In other words, he is lazy.	CM	1
174805	239663	言い換えれば、私は彼と働きたくない。	mookeee	In other words, I don't like to work with him.	CM	1
0	1027421	0	0	In retrospect, Tom realized he shouldn't have been dating both sisters at the same time.	CK	1
0	1027420	0	0	In retrospect, Tom wishes he had spent more time studying.	CK	1
0	3732319	0	0	In school, Tom was often bullied.	CK	1
0	3732429	0	0	In school, Tom was often teased.	CK	1