English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1957

1015753	1497591	シンガポールでは、刑罰の一つに鞭打ちがある。	mookeee	In Singapore, one way to punish criminals is to whip them.	CK	1
0	3121469	0	0	In some ways, Boston is nicer than Chicago.	CK	1
0	1838180	0	0	In spite of his tight schedule, Tom always has time to spend with his children.	CK	1
0	4772587	0	0	In spite of the bad weather, they decided to go by car.	CK	1
189625	26778	雨にもかかわらず、私は外出した。	bunbuku	In spite of the rain, I went out.	CK	1
78453	325263	嵐にもかかわらず彼は出ていった。	mookeee	In spite of the storm, he went out.	CM	1
0	3703236	0	0	In spring, the days get longer.	CK	1
2800163	52450	スイスでは5月に春が来る。	tommy_san	In Switzerland, spring comes in May.	CK	1
235937	73317	1600年代に紅茶はインドからヨーロッパに伝えられた。	mookeee	In the 1600s, tea was introduced into Europe from India.	CK	1
235900	73281	1960年代に日本の大学生は政府に対して示威運動を起こした。	mookeee	In the 1960's, Japanese college students demonstrated against their government.	CK	1
183296	20419	帰宅途中の車のなかで、彼は翌日の計画を立てた。	mookeee	In the car on the way home, he was making plans for the next day.	CK	1
0	1027419	0	0	In the early afternoon, Tom decided that he just had to get out of the house.	CK	1
79037	324680	夕方私は犬と散歩する。	bunbuku	In the evening, I walk with my dog.	CM	1
0	4211681	0	0	In the future, many workers will be replaced by robots.	Hybrid	1
0	1040705	0	0	In the heat of the moment, Tom slapped Mary.	CK	1
0	1285644	0	0	In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.	enteka	1
155065	1105997	私は朝、トーストに蜂蜜を塗るのが好きです。	bunbuku	In the morning, I like to put honey on my toast.	CK	1
237477	18753	近い将来宇宙旅行も夢ではない。	mookeee	In the near future, space travel will no longer be just a dream.	Nero	1
2419615	2419636	トムが少し席を離れた隙に、メアリーは彼の教科書に落書きをした。	tommy_san	In the short time Tom was away from his desk, Mary scribbled something in his textbook.	CK	1
237406	269643	神の目には人はすべて平等である。	mookeee	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
3454062	4740217	夏には半そでシャツを着ます。	tomo	In the summer, I wear short-sleeve shirts.	CK	1
0	4755066	0	0	In this kind of weather, it's best to stay home and not go outside.	CK	1
207464	44717	その当時海外旅行に行ける人はほとんどいなかった。	bunbuku	In those days, few people could travel abroad.	CM	1
1587321	279943	あの頃は、毎朝六時に起きていました。	bunbuku	In those days, I used to get up at six every morning.	CK	1
0	2891414	0	0	In time, you will understand.	CK	1
0	3741664	0	0	In what kind of situations would you do that?	CK	1
0	3741663	0	0	In what kind of situations would you use that sentence?	CK	1
0	3754815	0	0	In what kinds of situations would you use it?	CK	1
0	1293256	0	0	Incentives always help.	CK	1
0	2547654	0	0	Incredible, isn't it?	CK	1
0	4500286	0	0	Injuries are frequent.	CK	1
0	4494383	0	0	Insomnia is very common.	CK	1
0	4497371	0	0	Instead of doing what he was supposed to do, Tom went fishing.	CK	1
0	4496106	0	0	Instead of doing what needed to be done, Tom read a book.	CK	1
2107439	953980	彼は野菜を食べる代わりに、ミキサーにかけて飲む。	bunbuku	Instead of eating vegetables, he puts them in a blender and drinks them.	CK	1
184469	21597	彼は学校に行かずに家にいた。	tommy_san	Instead of going to school, he stayed at home.	Asakurayoh11	1
182622	19755	彼は休養するどころか、かえっていつもより仕事に励んだ。	bunbuku	Instead of taking a rest, he worked much harder than usual.	CK	1
0	4500307	0	0	Instructions will be provided.	CK	1
83245	320472	保険をかけて下さい。	bunbuku	Insure it, please.	CM	1
0	4918992	0	0	Interest rates are going up.	CK	1
0	5134823	0	0	Interest rates are still low.	CK	1
1194768	679877	あそこにいるあなたの友だち紹介してよ。	mookeee	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
0	4500340	0	0	Investing can be stressful.	CK	1
0	276438	0	0	Invite whoever you like.	CK	1
467323	467339	鉄は役に立つ金属だ。	Namikaze	Iron is a useful metal.	CK	1
905821	467339	鉄は有用な金属元素である。	thyc244	Iron is a useful metal.	CK	1
0	278744	0	0	Iron is harder than gold.	CK	1
0	1111695	0	0	Ironic, isn't it?	Scott	1
0	2547653	0	0	Irritating, isn't it?	CK	1
0	4495269	0	0	Is 2:30 too late?	CK	1