English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 1982
0 4529020 0 0 Is there any chance that Tom will be at tonight's party? CK 1
0 4529185 0 0 Is there any chance that Tom will be late? CK 1
0 4529053 0 0 Is there any chance that Tom won't get here on time? CK 1
0 3148371 0 0 Is there any chance that you'll be coming to Boston this year? CK 1
0 4014355 0 0 Is there any chance this is a mistake? CK 1
0 4015260 0 0 Is there any chance you could be ready in an hour? CK 1
0 4012844 0 0 Is there any chance you could help me get them? CK 1
0 3226425 0 0 Is there any danger of radiation? CK 1
0 20702 0 0 Is there any danger? CK 1
0 3825092 0 0 Is there any doubt? CK 1
0 4489202 0 0 Is there any easy way to get there without using a toll road? CK 1
175407 2944688 嫌いな食べ物ってありますか? tommy_san Is there any food you don't like? CK 1
0 3393001 0 0 Is there any food? CK 1
147377 267183 助けてもらえますか。 mookeee Is there any help available? CK 1
1736686 267183 何か補助はありませんか? mookeee Is there any help available? CK 1
0 4014784 0 0 Is there any hot water left? CK 1
0 3393243 0 0 Is there any left? CK 1
0 246395 0 0 Is there any mail for me? CK 1
0 3028480 0 0 Is there any milk left? AlanF_US 1
0 4017026 0 0 Is there any more beer? CK 1
0 3707717 0 0 Is there any more of that? Nero 1
0 4012029 0 0 Is there any more water? CK 1
0 3539501 0 0 Is there any more we can do for Tom? CK 1
168003 246493 私がそこに出向く必要がありますか。 bunbuku Is there any need for me to go there? CM 1
0 2891455 0 0 Is there any objection? CK 1
0 4015408 0 0 Is there any other way out of here? CK 1
0 4662963 0 0 Is there any place around here that rents bicycles? CK 1
0 4662822 0 0 Is there any place around here where I can cash a check? CK 1
0 4662790 0 0 Is there any place around here where I can rent a bicycle? CK 1
0 4662717 0 0 Is there any place around here where we can get something to eat? CK 1
0 2028405 0 0 Is there any place special you want to go? CK 1
0 2016689 0 0 Is there any place you want to go? CK 1
119694 283968 彼が選挙に勝つ見込みはありますか。 bunbuku Is there any possibility that he'll win the election? CK 1
0 898539 0 0 Is there any problem with feeding my dog ice cream? CK 1
0 2834006 0 0 Is there any proof? 0ni 1
0 246986 0 0 Is there any room for me? CK 1
0 25758 0 0 Is there any salt left? CK 1
0 243597 0 0 Is there any sugar? CK 1
196234 33410 ポットにお湯はありますか? arihato Is there any water in the pot? CK 1
0 2057846 0 0 Is there any way I can blame this on you? CK 1
0 2641358 0 0 Is there any word on Tom's condition? CK 1
0 2092616 0 0 Is there anybody else I can ask? CK 1
0 2092618 0 0 Is there anybody here you don't know? CK 1
137131 1239182 誰かいるの? tommy_san Is there anybody here? CK 1
0 1334516 0 0 Is there anybody in there? CK 1
0 2092620 0 0 Is there anybody left? CK 1
0 2092614 0 0 Is there anybody there? CK 1
0 2092615 0 0 Is there anyone else around? CK 1
0 2996322 0 0 Is there anyone else? CK 1
3474868 2451249 ここにどなたかフランス語を話される方、いらっしゃいますか? arnab Is there anyone here who can speak French? CK 1