English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2196
0 5181126 0 0 Let's be thankful for everything we have. CK 1
0 5178584 0 0 Let's be together forever. CK 1
0 5178381 0 0 Let's be tolerant. CK 1
0 2007835 0 0 Let's begin again. CK 1
170498 243985 最初から始めよう。 bunbuku Let's begin at the beginning. CK 1
0 5181151 0 0 Let's begin by considering the similarities. CK 1
0 5178375 0 0 Let's begin now. CK 1
235379 1286502 30ページから始めましょう。 bunbuku Let's begin on page 30. CK 1
0 52080 0 0 Let's begin our work at once. CK 1
0 276017 0 0 Let's begin with Lesson 3. CK 1
0 2464699 0 0 Let's begin with soup. sharptoothed 1
0 46925 0 0 Let's begin with that question. CK 1
137189 276047 第一章から始めましょう。 mookeee Let's begin with the first chapter. CK 1
219437 56757 この問題から始めましょう。 tommy__san Let's begin with this problem. CK 1
216874 387427 さぁ始めましょう。 bunbuku Let's begin. CK 1
216932 387427 さあ、始めましょう。 arnab Let's begin. CK 1
442923 387427 始めましょう。 bunbuku Let's begin. CK 1
0 2007681 0 0 Let's break for lunch. CK 1
0 4665764 0 0 Let's bring our troops home. CK 1
0 3392697 0 0 Let's build a fire. CK 1
0 3286806 0 0 Let's build something. CK 1
0 4496240 0 0 Let's buy something else. CK 1
0 2640087 0 0 Let's buy something for you to wear to the party. CK 1
0 2064883 0 0 Let's buy something nice for Tom. CK 1
0 3166220 0 0 Let's buy this one. CK 1
0 2007680 0 0 Let's buy Tom a drink. CK 1
0 2007399 0 0 Let's call a press conference. CK 1
0 2007767 0 0 Let's call for help. CK 1
171599 503842 今日は終わりにしましょう。 bunbuku Let's call it a day. CK 1
171789 503842 今日はこれでおしまいにしてはどうでしょう。 bunbuku Let's call it a day. CK 1
171833 503842 今日は、ここまでにしておこう。 bunbuku Let's call it a day. CK 1
171907 503842 今日の仕事は終わりにしましょう。 bunbuku Let's call it a day. CK 1
4260187 503842 今日はここまでにしよう。 tommy_san Let's call it a day. CK 1
0 2007679 0 0 Let's call it a night. CK 1
0 2470096 0 0 Let's call the police. Hybrid 1
0 5178670 0 0 Let's call the whole thing off. CK 1
0 3071632 0 0 Let's call them together for a meeting. sharptoothed 1
0 2007905 0 0 Let's call Tom. CK 1
0 2007887 0 0 Let's calm down. CK 1
0 238414 0 0 Let's catch a bite. NekoKanjya 1
0 19723 0 0 Let's catch a quick bite. CK 1
0 3392694 0 0 Let's celebrate with ice cream. CK 1
0 2007886 0 0 Let's celebrate. CK 1
0 1096383 0 0 Let's change into our swimsuits and go swimming. CK 1
0 5178382 0 0 Let's change that. CK 1
0 5178429 0 0 Let's change the rules. CK 1
77139 326580 話題を変えましょう。 mookeee Let's change the subject. CK 1
3717895 2944128 話題変えよう。 tommy_san Let's change the topic. CK 1
0 5178383 0 0 Let's change this. CK 1
0 2007940 0 0 Let's chat. CK 1