English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2292

0	4474973	0	0	Men don't cry.	AlanF_US	1
0	3734384	0	0	Men fear what they can't control.	CK	1
0	4208056	0	0	Men talk about women all the time.	Hybrid	1
0	4495892	0	0	Men were men back then.	CK	1
0	4500966	0	0	Men were men in those days.	CK	1
0	2262862	0	0	Meningitis is a terrible disease.	CK	1
0	4529502	0	0	Mental illness can affect anyone.	CK	1
2806266	4523889	水星は太陽に一番近い惑星です。	tommy_san	Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.	CK	1
2806266	4523893	水星は太陽に一番近い惑星です。	tommy_san	Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.	CK	1
5125	1723	メリークリスマス!	bunbuku	Merry Christmas!	brauliobezerra	1
1202223	1723	メリークリスマス。	bunbuku	Merry Christmas!	brauliobezerra	1
0	3731875	0	0	Might I have a moment?	CM	1
77809	325909	力は正義なり。	mookeee	Might is right.	CM	1
0	4498413	0	0	Milder temperatures are expected next week.	CK	1
0	4408751	0	0	Milk is nutritious.	wells	1
0	3826060	0	0	Milk used to be sold in glass bottles.	CK	1
872729	682435	アラスカには何百万もの野生動物が生息している。	thyc244	Millions of wild animals live in Alaska.	Source_VOA	1
1080856	807261	何百万人という労働者が職を失った。	thyc244	Millions of workers lost their jobs.	Source_VOA	1
77623	326095	礼儀正しくしなさい。	mookeee	Mind your manners.	CK	1
77626	326095	礼儀作法に気を付けなければいけない。	mookeee	Mind your manners.	CK	1
137748	16996	大きなお世話だ。	Blanka_Meduzo	Mind your own business!	CK	1
192744	16996	よけいなお世話だ。	bunbuku	Mind your own business!	CK	1
144601	29909	人の事に手を出すな。	mookeee	Mind your own business.	CK	1
149822	29909	自分の事に打ち込みなさい。	bunbuku	Mind your own business.	CK	1
228459	29909	いらぬ世話をやくな。	bunbuku	Mind your own business.	CK	1
0	3636086	0	0	Mind your step.	CK	1
0	3817997	0	0	Mine is better than yours.	CK	1
0	3170693	0	0	Mine is the red one.	CK	1
0	2953228	0	0	Mine is totally different.	CK	1
0	3129830	0	0	Miracles do happen every day.	CK	1
0	3129829	0	0	Miracles do happen.	CK	1
0	4499211	0	0	Miracles have happened.	CK	1
0	2891717	0	0	Mistakes are made all the time.	CK	1
0	4498042	0	0	Mistakes do happen.	CK	1
223098	60429	このようなミスは見逃しやすい。	mookeee	Mistakes like these are easily overlooked.	CK	1
2275150	60429	この種の間違いは見逃しやすい。	tommy_san	Mistakes like these are easily overlooked.	CK	1
2275604	60429	この手のミスは見過ごされがちだ。	tommy_san	Mistakes like these are easily overlooked.	CK	1
0	3228537	0	0	Mistakes were made.	Hybrid	1
78507	325209	卵3個と1カップの砂糖をまぜてください。	mookeee	Mix three eggs and a cup of sugar.	CM	1
0	2648987	0	0	Mix Tom a drink.	CK	1
125283	278710	適度な運動は血液の循環を活発にする。	bunbuku	Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.	CK	1
0	1344025	0	0	Modern art doesn't interest me.	Chrikaru	1
0	3171860	0	0	Modern art doesn't interest Tom.	CK	1
0	2036924	0	0	Modern technology gives us many things.	CK	1
1967444	239559	現代科学技術は私たちの生活をより快適にしてくれている。	bunbuku	Modern technology has made our lives more comfortable.	CK	1
82983	1566336	母は私たちに小犬を買ってくれた。	bunbuku	Mom bought a puppy for us.	Feba	1
0	1388214	0	0	Mom has a fever.	CK	1
226608	63952	お母さんは今、夕食を作っている。	mookeee	Mom is fixing supper now.	CM	1
1097539	63952	ママは今、晩御飯を作ってるよ。	mookeee	Mom is fixing supper now.	CM	1
1097540	63952	母さんは夕飯の支度をしてるよ。	mookeee	Mom is fixing supper now.	CM	1