English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2306

2366944	1439953	父は強いお酒を飲みません。	bunbuku	My father doesn't drink hard liquor.	CK	1
0	3241067	0	0	My father doesn't let me drive.	orycteropus	1
0	251664	0	0	My father doesn't like music.	CK	1
162876	430198	私の父はサッカーが好きではありません。	mookeee	My father doesn't like soccer.	witbrock	1
0	4415224	0	0	My father doesn't understand me.	Hybrid	1
0	1439957	0	0	My father doesn't waste his time.	CK	1
1005969	251724	父はとても古い車に乗っている。	mookeee	My father drives a very old car.	CK	1
0	497115	0	0	My father drives to work.	CK	1
84622	319092	父は壊れたいすを修理した。	bunbuku	My father fixed a broken chair.	CK	1
84622	2800043	父は壊れたいすを修理した。	bunbuku	My father fixed the broken chair.	coerce1	1
668000	684716	私の父は壊れた椅子を修理する。	arihato	My father fixes broken chairs.	notrwanda	1
0	4014913	0	0	My father gave it to me when I was a kid.	CK	1
0	4014725	0	0	My father gave it to me when I was little.	CK	1
878236	4776458	私の父がたくさんのお金を出してくれた。	bunbuku	My father gave me a lot of money.	CK	1
0	319295	0	0	My father gave me a watch for my birthday.	CK	1
84633	319081	父は煙草を止めた。	bunbuku	My father gave up smoking.	CK	1
84700	319081	父はタバコをやめた。	tommy_san	My father gave up smoking.	CK	1
0	1442082	0	0	My father gets up early.	CK	1
84358	319357	父は毎朝ジョギングする。	bunbuku	My father goes jogging every morning.	CK	1
1049165	319357	父は毎朝ジョギングしに行く。	bunbuku	My father goes jogging every morning.	CK	1
0	251693	0	0	My father goes to work by bike.	CK	1
84564	319150	父は昨夜遅く帰宅した。	bunbuku	My father got home late last night.	CK	1
0	3415341	0	0	My father got it for me.	CK	1
162764	251623	私の父親は20代で結婚した。	mookeee	My father got married in his twenties.	CK	1
84389	319326	父は病気から回復した。	bunbuku	My father got well again.	CK	1
2290195	319326	父は健康状態を取り戻した。	bunbuku	My father got well again.	CK	1
0	319040	0	0	My father graduated from Harvard University.	CK	1
84379	319336	父は米を栽培している。	bunbuku	My father grows rice.	CK	1
0	3371058	0	0	My father has a good job.	CK	1
0	454007	0	0	My father has a lot of books.	mamat	1
0	251638	0	0	My father has been busy.	CK	1
84857	318857	父が失業して一年になる。	tommy__san	My father has been out of work for a year.	CK	1
0	2882945	0	0	My father has decided to quit smoking.	CK	1
84885	318828	父は5人兄弟です。	bunbuku	My father has five brothers and sisters.	CK	1
676031	319296	父は中国へ旅立った。	qahwa	My father has gone to China.	CK	1
84695	319018	父はちょうど帰宅したところです。	tommy__san	My father has just come home.	CK	1
84608	319106	父は帰国したばかりだ。	bunbuku	My father has just returned from abroad.	CK	1
0	251641	0	0	My father has many books.	CK	1
0	319075	0	0	My father has never been abroad.	CK	1
1066818	1066970	父は今まで一度も病気をしたことがない。	bunbuku	My father has never been sick in his life.	CK	1
1066818	1066862	父は今まで一度も病気をしたことがない。	bunbuku	My father has never gotten sick in his life.	CK	1
934523	476382	私の父は夏の暑さが嫌いだ。	thyc244	My father hates the summer heat.	FeuDRenais	1
84618	319096	父は皆で電車を待とうといった。	bunbuku	My father insisted on our waiting for the train.	CK	1
84473	319242	父は私達に行けといってきかなかった。	bunbuku	My father insisted that we should go.	CM	1
0	251673	0	0	My father is a bank clerk.	CK	1
84437	319278	父は少し頭が古い。	bunbuku	My father is a bit old-fashioned.	CK	1
0	2584486	0	0	My father is a bus driver.	CM	1
84669	319045	父はビジネスマンです。	bunbuku	My father is a businessman.	CK	1
84640	251657	父は医者です。	bunbuku	My father is a doctor.	CK	1
0	319010	0	0	My father is a heavy smoker.	CK	1