English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2323

0	3260224	0	0	My new shoes are comfortable.	CK	1
0	3635941	0	0	My niece is a nurse.	CK	1
0	3831728	0	0	My nose has been broken three times.	CK	1
85520	318193	鼻がむずむずします。	bunbuku	My nose is itchy.	CK	1
85508	318205	鼻水が出ている。	bunbuku	My nose is running.	CK	1
85519	318194	鼻が詰まった。	wat	My nose is stuffed up.	CK	1
0	1369203	0	0	My nose itches.	sacredceltic	1
85510	318203	鼻水がたくさん出ました。	bunbuku	My nose was very runny.	CM	1
0	1763152	0	0	My notebook is pink.	CK	1
0	3831727	0	0	My office door's always open.	CK	1
0	2712888	0	0	My office is just across the hall.	CK	1
0	251002	0	0	My office is on the fifth floor.	CK	1
163511	251001	私の事務所はあのグレーの6階建てのビルの4階だ。	mookeee	My office is on the fourth floor of that gray six-story building.	CK	1
0	4015918	0	0	My office is on the third floor.	CK	1
0	3819979	0	0	My office is over there.	CK	1
0	4500055	0	0	My office is tiny.	CK	1
1166923	413019	兄は私たちのために準備を全てしてくれた。	bunbuku	My older brother did all the preparation for us.	CK	1
163790	467993	私の兄は宿題をさっさと済ませた。	bunbuku	My older brother finished his homework very quickly.	CK	1
0	250708	0	0	My older brother is a teacher.	CK	1
0	614439	0	0	My older brother is watching TV.	CK	1
1185276	1186483	その会社は私の兄が経営している。	bunbuku	My older brother manages that company.	CK	1
2806579	2806583	兄はよく徹夜で小説を読んでいた。	tommy_san	My older brother often stayed up all night reading novels.	CK	1
0	2591472	0	0	My older brother wants to study abroad.	CK	1
0	3024058	0	0	My older brother, Tom, was born here in Boston.	CK	1
760554	786053	私の姉は毎日ジョギングをします。	arihato	My older sister goes jogging every day.	hrin	1
3451765	786053	姉は毎日ジョギングをしています。	tommy_san	My older sister goes jogging every day.	hrin	1
164392	1034608	私の姉は婚約した。	bunbuku	My older sister got engaged.	CK	1
163552	3851618	私の姉は歌がとてもうまい。	bunbuku	My older sister is good at singing.	CK	1
0	250462	0	0	My oldest brother is single.	CK	1
0	4496624	0	0	My only complaint is that where I work isn't closer to my house.	CK	1
0	2044884	0	0	My only concern is for your happiness.	CK	1
2673329	2673505	私の唯一の悩みは悩みがないことです。	tommy_san	My only worry is that I have no worries.	WestofEden	1
82226	321490	僕の考えは君と異なる。	mookeee	My opinion differs from yours.	CK	1
0	4900633	0	0	My opinion doesn't really matter.	CK	1
0	2693752	0	0	My opinion has changed.	AlanF_US	1
0	250435	0	0	My opinion is different from yours.	CK	1
0	3008837	0	0	My opinion is irrelevant.	CK	1
0	250450	0	0	My opinion is similar to yours.	CK	1
0	4900634	0	0	My opinion really doesn't matter.	CK	1
0	3008839	0	0	My opinion was irrelevant.	CK	1
0	250453	0	0	My opinions are similar to his.	CK	1
0	3831726	0	0	My orders are to go with you.	CK	1
0	250308	0	0	My overcoat is light but warm.	CK	1
0	4499891	0	0	My palms were sweaty.	CK	1
0	2891721	0	0	My parent's aren't going to be there.	CK	1
0	3831725	0	0	My parents and I aren't close.	CK	1
0	5160936	0	0	My parents are afraid of me.	Barra	1
0	2002703	0	0	My parents are asleep.	Spamster	1
78059	325659	両親が旅に出ていて、私は家に一人だ。	mookeee	My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house.	CK	1
1088546	675655	私の両親は二人とも亡くなりました。	bunbuku	My parents are both dead.	CK	1