English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2331

227707	65060	おじは私に本を一冊くれた。	bunbuku	My uncle gave me a book.	CK	1
0	65087	0	0	My uncle gave me a camera.	CK	1
0	65062	0	0	My uncle gave me a present.	CK	1
147917	490358	叔父は私に車を譲ってくれた。	bunbuku	My uncle gave me his car.	CK	1
227720	65073	おじはその時計をくれた。	mookeee	My uncle gave me the watch.	CK	1
2079994	2079993	おじはこの時計をくれた。	bunbuku	My uncle gave me this watch.	CK	1
0	250251	0	0	My uncle has a good knowledge of French.	CK	1
163338	251174	私の叔父はパリに十年住んでいる。	bunbuku	My uncle has lived in Paris for ten years.	CK	1
0	251162	0	0	My uncle has three children.	CK	1
0	3272779	0	0	My uncle is a lousy driver.	CM	1
1110994	1003043	おじは怒っている。	mookeee	My uncle is angry.	Shishir	1
0	1388690	0	0	My uncle is rich.	Spamster	1
227721	1327475	叔父はすらっとしているが、叔母は太っている。	mookeee	My uncle is thin, but my aunt is fat.	CK	1
0	250252	0	0	My uncle lives in an apartment.	CK	1
227716	65069	おじは学校の近くに住んでいる。	bunbuku	My uncle lives near the school.	CK	1
0	65071	0	0	My uncle made a fortune.	CK	1
0	251181	0	0	My uncle never writes letters.	CK	1
227718	65072	おじはホテルを経営している。	bunbuku	My uncle runs a hotel.	CK	1
164247	250262	私のおじは大学で英語を教えている。	bunbuku	My uncle teaches English in a college.	CK	1
163346	1426578	私の叔父は1983年にメキシコに行ったまま、2度と帰ってこなかった。	bunbuku	My uncle went to Mexico in 1983 and never came back.	CK	1
164261	250248	私のおじはこの事務所で働いている。	bunbuku	My uncle works in this office.	CK	1
829650	742031	叔父の車は私の車よりも速い。	arihato	My uncle's car is faster than mine.	CK	1
163102	251410	私の大学には寮があります。	bunbuku	My university has a dorm.	CK	1
163102	1166682	私の大学には寮があります。	bunbuku	My university has a dormitory.	CK	1
163102	1166684	私の大学には寮があります。	bunbuku	My university has dormitories.	CK	1
0	19811	0	0	My vacation went by quickly.	CK	1
0	3831123	0	0	My van doesn't have a back seat.	CK	1
0	3541719	0	0	My vet recommended euthanizing my dog.	CK	1
0	898550	0	0	My vet told me to feed my dog in the evening.	CK	1
0	898551	0	0	My vet won't feed his dog commercial dog food.	CK	1
0	2891723	0	0	My vision's getting worse.	CK	1
0	3542628	0	0	My vocabulary is limited.	vvv123	1
0	1739711	0	0	My wallet has been stolen.	CM	1
0	4248281	0	0	My wallet was stolen on the bus.	e78xx_xxx	1
1528153	371420	昨日、私の財布が盗まれた。	bunbuku	My wallet was stolen yesterday.	saeb	1
0	2199773	0	0	My wallet's gone.	Hybrid	1
0	2645031	0	0	My wallet's in my pocket.	CK	1
0	5064561	0	0	My washing machine broke.	Theocracy	1
0	5109490	0	0	My watch didn't cost as much as yours.	CK	1
0	251010	0	0	My watch has been stolen.	CK	1
0	4499654	0	0	My watch has stopped working.	CK	1
0	251025	0	0	My watch is broken.	CK	1
0	2259062	0	0	My watch is five minutes fast.	_undertoad	1
0	714329	0	0	My watch is five minutes slow.	CM	1
163486	251026	私の時計は君のより正確だ。	bunbuku	My watch is more accurate than yours.	CK	1
162403	252111	私の腕時計は10分も進んでいる。	mookeee	My watch is ten minutes fast.	CK	1
0	251039	0	0	My watch is waterproof.	CK	1
0	4910166	0	0	My watch isn't working properly.	yashtib1995	1
163482	29062	私の時計は時間がたいへん正確である。	bunbuku	My watch keeps very good time.	CK	1
0	251031	0	0	My watch needs to be repaired.	CK	1