English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2379

0	3517846	0	0	OK, Tom, you've made your point.	CK	1
0	3164472	0	0	OK, what's the secret?	CK	1
0	3567737	0	0	OK, where were we?	CK	1
0	3733073	0	0	OK, you two, follow me.	CK	1
0	433874	0	0	OK. I agree.	CK	1
0	2690899	0	0	Old habits are hard to break.	Hybrid	1
0	278132	0	0	Old habits die hard.	CK	1
77260	1426422	老人達が若者達よりいつも賢いとは限らない。	mookeee	Old people aren't always wiser than young people.	CK	1
77288	473991	老人はかぜを引きやすい。	arnab	Old people catch colds easily.	CK	1
77261	1293130	老人を尊敬せねばならない。	mookeee	Old people deserve respect.	CK	1
1102690	1293130	お年寄りは敬わなければならない。	mookeee	Old people deserve respect.	CK	1
0	4915825	0	0	Old people get sick easily.	CK	1
77302	326417	老人には話し相手が必要だ。	mookeee	Old people need someone to talk to.	CK	1
0	4753773	0	0	Old people often talk to themselves.	garborg	1
3377461	4740195	晴れた日には遠くに富士山が見えます。	tommy_san	On a clear day, we can see Mt. Fuji in the distance.	CK	1
1202263	387471	クリスマスの日、トムの右足はまだギプスをはめていた。	bunbuku	On Christmas day, Tom's right leg was still in a cast.	CK	1
1897589	1497180	二月十四日に、アメリカ人はバレンタイン・デーのお祝いをする。	bunbuku	On February 14th, Americans celebrate Valentine's Day.	CK	1
0	941301	0	0	On Friday evenings, a group of us with spouses working overseas meet at Chuck's Bar and Grill.	CK	1
0	1046465	0	0	On his way home, Tom met a man he thought was an American.	CK	1
1897883	275534	大きな農場では、大抵牛に焼き印がつけられている。	bunbuku	On large farms, cattle are usually marked with brands.	CM	1
0	4094017	0	0	On Monday, I'm going to visit my sister in Boston.	CK	1
170147	1473041	昨日、私は学校から帰る途中にわか雨にあった。	bunbuku	On my way home from school yesterday, I was caught in a shower.	CK	1
3480820	1853570	トムは、学校のある日は9時に床につくが、金曜と土曜にはもっとずっと遅くまで起きている。	arnab	On school nights, Tom goes to bed at nine o'clock, but on Fridays and Saturdays, he stays up much later.	CK	1
2570505	2452021	平均で一週間に一回は映画に行きます。	OrangeTart	On the average, I go to the movies once a week.	sharptoothed	1
0	3071598	0	0	On the whole, I agree with you.	sharptoothed	1
0	4529019	0	0	On this matter, I feel exactly the same as way Tom does.	CK	1
228883	66241	いったん悪い癖がつくと、なおすのは難しい。	bunbuku	Once a bad habit is formed, it is hard to get rid of it.	Nero	1
1046145	66241	一度悪い習慣がついてしまうと、それを取り除くのは難しい。	bunbuku	Once a bad habit is formed, it is hard to get rid of it.	Nero	1
0	3734113	0	0	Once is enough.	CK	1
0	3258938	0	0	Once is not enough.	CK	1
0	2249740	0	0	Once isn't enough.	CK	1
0	31725	0	0	Once more, please.	CK	1
0	4495308	0	0	Once was enough.	CK	1
228882	1392882	いったん悪い癖がつくと、容易に直すことは出来ない。	bunbuku	Once you've formed a bad habit, you can't get rid of it easily.	CK	1
0	2771683	0	0	Once you've said something, it can't be taken back.	CK	1
0	1096110	0	0	One afternoon in late spring, Tom went out for a swim and was never seen again.	CK	1
0	2840423	0	0	One and one makes two.	CK	1
0	3822397	0	0	One box is still missing.	CK	1
0	4500417	0	0	One civilian was killed.	CK	1
0	3822398	0	0	One crate is still missing.	CK	1
224848	631064	コーヒー一杯ください。	bunbuku	One cup of coffee, please.	BraveSentry	1
224865	631064	コーヒーを一杯下さい。	bunbuku	One cup of coffee, please.	BraveSentry	1
0	3166216	0	0	One day Tom will understand.	CK	1
0	3166215	0	0	One day you'll thank me.	CK	1
0	2315164	0	0	One fork is missing.	CK	1
0	4495739	0	0	One gunman was arrested.	CK	1
0	4824033	0	0	One hour of sleep before midnight is better than two afterwards.	whitefishglobal	1
0	4380174	0	0	One hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after.	CK	1
236112	73489	100ドルなんてはした金さ。	mookeee	One hundred dollars is just chicken feed.	CM	1
236115	73491	100ドルあれば旅行の費用としては十分だろう。	mookeee	One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip.	CK	1