English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2396

197035	34215	プラスチックは燃えにくい。	bunbuku	Plastic does not burn easily.	CK	1
0	4495922	0	0	Plastic grocery bags have been banned.	CK	1
0	5062405	0	0	Play another song for us.	CK	1
0	1553403	0	0	Play it again.	CK	1
78541	325175	落ちついて。	mookeee	Play it cool.	CK	1
201957	39168	テレビを見てないで、外で遊びなさい。	mookeee	Play outside instead of watching TV.	CM	1
0	1860609	0	0	Play that song again.	CK	1
0	815666	0	0	Play us a tune.	FeuDRenais	1
0	1096107	0	0	Play your cards right and Tom might invite you to his party.	CK	1
0	3331150	0	0	Playing badminton is a lot of fun.	CK	1
79626	324087	野球をするのは楽しい。	bunbuku	Playing baseball is fun.	CK	1
79631	324087	野球をするのはおもしろい。	bunbuku	Playing baseball is fun.	CK	1
198216	1265336	バスケットボールをするのはおもしろい。	bunbuku	Playing basketball is fun.	CK	1
199715	36918	トランプは人気のある娯楽だ。	bunbuku	Playing cards is a popular pastime.	CK	1
199714	36916	トランプは面白い。	bunbuku	Playing cards is fun.	CK	1
1250368	36916	トランプをするのは楽しい。	bunbuku	Playing cards is fun.	CK	1
2064488	1444022	トランプで遊ぶのはとても面白い。	bunbuku	Playing cards is very interesting.	qana	1
219035	56351	ゴルフをするのはとても楽しい。	bunbuku	Playing golf is great fun.	CK	1
0	3226433	0	0	Playing in the street is dangerous.	CK	1
0	2050688	0	0	Playing Russian roulette isn't really a good idea.	CK	1
202167	39379	テニスをするのはとても面白い。	bunbuku	Playing tennis is a lot of fun.	CK	1
202175	39379	テニスをするのはたいへん楽しい。	bunbuku	Playing tennis is a lot of fun.	CK	1
202173	487834	テニスをするのは楽しい。	bunbuku	Playing tennis is fun.	CK	1
202176	487834	テニスをするのはおもしろい。	bunbuku	Playing tennis is fun.	CK	1
202169	39381	テニスをするのが彼の趣味です。	bunbuku	Playing tennis is his hobby.	CK	1
226059	63399	ギターをひくのはおもしろい。	bunbuku	Playing the guitar is fun.	CK	1
1250373	63399	ギターを演奏するのは面白い。	bunbuku	Playing the guitar is fun.	CK	1
1172794	34900	ピアノを弾くことが彼女の一番の楽しみです。	bunbuku	Playing the piano is her favorite pastime.	Nero	1
2996265	2996266	火遊びは危ないよ。	tommy_san	Playing with fire is dangerous.	CK	1
0	1879698	0	0	Please accept my apologies.	Asma	1
0	4495428	0	0	Please accept my condolences.	CK	1
0	4529404	0	0	Please accept my heartfelt apology.	CK	1
1250388	251236	私の心からの謝罪をどうか受け入れてください。	bunbuku	Please accept my sincere apologies.	CK	1
1250391	54345	お悔み申し上げます。	bunbuku	Please accept my sympathies.	CK	1
0	4017170	0	0	Please accept our apologies.	CK	1
0	2249765	0	0	Please accompany me.	CK	1
80761	322954	名簿に私の名前も追加してください。	bunbuku	Please add my name to the list.	CK	1
0	5154781	0	0	Please add Tom to the list.	CK	1
0	5154780	0	0	Please add Tom's name to the list.	CK	1
1250672	21099	請求書を合計してください。	bunbuku	Please add up the bill.	CK	1
143541	271026	数字を合計して下さい。	bunbuku	Please add up the numbers.	CK	1
0	4977044	0	0	Please adopt this cat.	CM	1
0	4977043	0	0	Please adopt this puppy.	CM	1
0	4907684	0	0	Please advise me on what to do.	meirad	1
0	3819053	0	0	Please advise Tom to tell the truth.	CK	1
0	319525	0	0	Please air the room.	CK	1
0	70866	0	0	Please allow me to carry your bag.	CK	1
0	4015936	0	0	Please allow me to finish.	CK	1
164396	433630	私に行かせてください。	bunbuku	Please allow me to go.	CK	1
0	5270062	0	0	Please allow Tom to do his job.	CK	1