English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2398

0	3374693	0	0	Please be specific.	CK	1
0	318241	0	0	Please be sure to come on time.	CK	1
214851	52145	すぐに新住所をお知らせ下さい。	mookeee	Please be sure to let me know your new address soon.	CK	1
235698	73078	1日に3度1錠ずつ服用してください。	mookeee	Please be sure to take one dose three times a day.	CK	1
147789	1489401	出かける前に必ず電気を消して下さい。	bunbuku	Please be sure to turn off the light before you leave.	CK	1
0	4501488	0	0	Please be understanding.	CK	1
0	2047617	0	0	Please be very careful.	CK	1
0	246737	0	0	Please bear in mind what I said.	CK	1
0	2249767	0	0	Please begin immediately.	CK	1
78486	325231	卵を1つゆでてください。	mookeee	Please boil an egg for me.	CK	1
85516	318197	鼻で息をしていてください。	mookeee	Please breathe through your nose.	CK	1
0	3343215	0	0	Please bring a salad.	CK	1
0	273370	0	0	Please bring in the washing.	CK	1
0	41750	0	0	Please bring it back tomorrow.	CK	1
77759	1397795	隣の部屋から椅子を持って来て下さい。	mookeee	Please bring me a chair from the next room.	CK	1
1121258	1121245	きれいなナイフを持ってきてくれないか。	mookeee	Please bring me a clean knife.	Scotland	1
0	3990490	0	0	Please bring me a cup of tea.	el_otro_Stephen	1
0	505869	0	0	Please bring me a glass of water.	wma	1
183972	435202	勘定書を持ってきてくれ。	bunbuku	Please bring me my bill.	CK	1
227364	435202	お勘定して下さい。	bunbuku	Please bring me my bill.	CK	1
0	241309	0	0	Please bring the master key.	CK	1
169284	245202	残りを持って来てください。	bunbuku	Please bring the others.	CK	1
224887	62222	コーヒーを2杯お願いします。	tommy__san	Please bring us two cups of coffee.	CK	1
869739	530786	お茶を2杯と、コーヒーを1杯お願いします。	thyc244	Please bring us two cups of tea and one cup of coffee.	wma	1
0	4663891	0	0	Please bring your own eating utensils.	CK	1
0	4664024	0	0	Please bring your own fork and spoon.	CK	1
76370	327350	りんごを少し買ってください。	mookeee	Please buy a few apples.	CK	1
219517	56838	この本を私に買って下さい。	bunbuku	Please buy me this book.	CK	1
0	2953253	0	0	Please buy this for me.	CK	1
203703	456607	タクシーを呼んで下さい。	arnab	Please call a taxi for me.	lukaszpp	1
203703	2267647	タクシーを呼んで下さい。	arnab	Please call a taxi.	_undertoad	1
0	781717	0	0	Please call again.	OCORCORAIN	1
182412	4571886	救急車を呼んでください。	tommy_san	Please call an ambulance.	CK	1
0	2249768	0	0	Please call back.	CK	1
0	1972285	0	0	Please call before you come.	CK	1
118516	285147	彼に電話して下さい。	bunbuku	Please call him up.	Zifre	1
118516	903267	彼に電話して下さい。	bunbuku	Please call him.	CK	1
0	4017198	0	0	Please call if you find out anything.	CK	1
1396962	27901	お医者さんを呼んでください。	bunbuku	Please call in a doctor.	CK	1
190738	27897	医者を呼んで下さい。	bunbuku	Please call me a doctor.	CK	1
0	3148358	0	0	Please call me as soon as you arrive in Boston.	CK	1
0	66180	0	0	Please call me at any time.	CK	1
234313	71688	あとでホテルに電話を下さい。	mookeee	Please call me at my hotel later.	CK	1
1151932	323081	明日朝7時に電話してください。	mookeee	Please call me at seven tomorrow morning.	CK	1
0	1538310	0	0	Please call me back in an hour.	GeeZ	1
0	1972283	0	0	Please call me before you come.	CK	1
0	3517208	0	0	Please call me Tom.	CK	1
171267	2786577	今晩お電話下さい。	bunbuku	Please call me tonight.	CK	1
0	240126	0	0	Please call me up later.	CK	1
0	2249769	0	0	Please call me.	CK	1