English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 24

0	4011437	0	0	Am I the only one that agrees with you?	CK	1
0	4011451	0	0	Am I the only one that doesn't agree with you?	CK	1
0	3403290	0	0	Am I the only one that feels this way?	CK	1
0	4011438	0	0	Am I the only one who agrees with you?	CK	1
0	4011452	0	0	Am I the only one who doesn't agree with you?	CK	1
0	3408954	0	0	Am I the only one who thinks that?	CK	1
0	3267230	0	0	Am I the only one?	Hybrid	1
0	3426381	0	0	Am I to blame for everything?	CK	1
0	3434155	0	0	Am I to blame for what happened?	CK	1
0	3424255	0	0	Am I too demanding?	CK	1
0	4256808	0	0	Am I too early?	CK	1
0	3071844	0	0	Am I too late?	sharptoothed	1
997183	953091	私は逮捕されたんですか?	mookeee	Am I under arrest?	CK	1
0	3439393	0	0	Am I under investigation?	CK	1
0	3730606	0	0	Am I under suspicion here?	CM	1
0	3731239	0	0	Am I under suspicion?	CM	1
0	2244897	0	0	Am I understood?	CK	1
0	448742	0	0	Am I wasting my time?	CK	1
0	3434346	0	0	Am I welcome here?	CK	1
0	3426409	0	0	Am I what you expected?	CK	1
0	3408828	0	0	Am I wrong about that?	CK	1
188364	410779	俺は間違っているのか。	bunbuku	Am I wrong?	CK	1
0	2244898	0	0	America has enemies.	CK	1
230174	67541	アメリカは移民の国である。	tommy_san	America is a country of immigrants.	CK	1
0	2244899	0	0	America is beautiful.	CK	1
230177	67543	アメリカはとても大きい。	bunbuku	America is very large.	CK	1
0	2244900	0	0	America loves you.	CK	1
0	2244901	0	0	America needs you.	CK	1
230140	1008921	アメリカ経済は世界最大です。	Unaden	America's economy is the largest in the world.	AOCinJAPAN	1
1069241	67468	アメリカ人はとてもフレンドリーだ。	bunbuku	Americans are very friendly people.	CK	1
0	3150868	0	0	Americans buy a lot of Japanese cars.	CK	1
230101	67466	アメリカ人は肉を多く食べる。	tommy_san	Americans eat a lot of meat.	CK	1
0	909501	0	0	Americans have to spend hours figuring out their taxes.	CK	1
122298	2278826	日本人が野球が好きなようにアメリカ人はフットボールが好きだ。	mookeee	Americans like football in the same way that Japanese like baseball.	CK	1
0	5119487	0	0	Amsterdam is famous for its canals.	Hybrid	1
1736452	2784846	事故がちょうど今起こったところだ。	mookeee	An accident has just happened.	Cainntear	1
1736452	263675	事故がちょうど今起こったところだ。	mookeee	An accident just happened.	CK	1
188952	26098	駅でアメリカ人が私に話しかけた。	Blanka_Meduzo	An American spoke to me at the station.	Dejo	1
0	4529516	0	0	An announcement is expected soon.	CK	1
190265	236496	一日一個の林檎で医者いらず。	tommy_san	An apple a day keeps the doctor away.	fcbond	1
235696	236496	1日にリンゴ1個で医者いらず。	mookeee	An apple a day keeps the doctor away.	fcbond	1
235707	236496	1日1個のりんごは医者を遠ざける。	mookeee	An apple a day keeps the doctor away.	fcbond	1
0	319846	0	0	An army travels on its stomach.	CM	1
235905	73286	1945年広島に原子爆弾が投下された。	mookeee	An atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.	CK	1
2575175	2451973	昨日酷い事故が起きました。	OrangeTart	An awful accident happened yesterday.	sharptoothed	1
0	4937868	0	0	An awful thing happened today.	CK	1
77128	326591	鷲が一羽空高く飛んでいた。	mookeee	An eagle was soaring high up in the air.	CK	1
234928	72305	8年間も乗った車はほとんど価値がない。	bunbuku	An eight-year-old car is almost worthless.	CK	1
146304	268258	象は鼻が長い。	tommy_san	An elephant has a long nose.	CK	1
3010095	3010102	敵の敵が必ずしも味方とは限らない。	tommy_san	An enemy of an enemy is not necessarily an ally.	CK	1