English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2419

0	2474214	0	0	Please return these books by Saturday.	sharptoothed	1
0	1898261	0	0	Please return to your seat.	CK	1
3357889	2953261	お座席にお戻りください。	arnab	Please return to your seats.	CK	1
3357972	2953261	お願いだから、席に戻ってちょうだい。	arnab	Please return to your seats.	CK	1
1879943	2693937	借りたものは返してください。	TomoyukiTanaka	Please return what you have borrowed.	WestofEden	1
173915	240555	口をゆすいでください。	bunbuku	Please rinse out your mouth.	CK	1
0	2791861	0	0	Please save a seat for me.	cdcjr	1
0	243649	0	0	Please save my place.	CK	1
198511	35704	パーティーで彼女に会ったら、よろしく言って下さい。	bunbuku	Please say hello to her if you see her at the party.	Nero	1
94880	308827	彼女によろしく言って下さい。	bunbuku	Please say hello to her.	CK	1
1163741	308827	彼女によろしくとお伝えください。	bunbuku	Please say hello to her.	CK	1
0	1027345	0	0	Please say hello to Tom for me.	CK	1
0	4666635	0	0	Please say hello to Tom.	CK	1
0	38901	0	0	Please say hello to your family.	Swift	1
78043	1127413	ご両親によろしくお伝えください。	mookeee	Please say hello to your parents for me.	CK	1
78043	1127411	ご両親によろしくお伝えください。	mookeee	Please say hello to your parents.	CK	1
0	25700	0	0	Please say hello to your wife.	CK	1
0	433595	0	0	Please say it once more.	CK	1
0	619688	0	0	Please say it one more time.	ulyssemc1	1
0	3286869	0	0	Please say something, Tom.	CK	1
0	2062887	0	0	Please say something.	CK	1
0	2451332	0	0	Please say that once again in French.	CK	1
0	4450347	0	0	Please say the alphabet backwards.	Will	1
930295	930292	アルファベットを後ろから言ってください。	mookeee	Please say the alphabet in reverse.	CK	1
0	2549630	0	0	Please say yes.	CK	1
0	2986250	0	0	Please see that Tom gets what he needs.	CK	1
175361	239105	犬が外へ出ないように気をつけてください。	Blanka_Meduzo	Please see to it that the dog doesn't go out.	CK	1
0	1655477	0	0	Please sell me that.	gleki	1
0	19588	0	0	Please send an ambulance.	CK	1
0	267188	0	0	Please send for help.	CK	1
0	1898260	0	0	Please send help right away.	CK	1
78799	324917	要約を火曜日までに提出しなさい。	mookeee	Please send in your summary by Tuesday.	CK	1
139695	274520	速達で送ってください。	bunbuku	Please send it by express mail.	CK	1
0	274522	0	0	Please send it by special delivery.	CK	1
204583	41824	それを私にファックスしてください。	mookeee	Please send it to me by fax.	CK	1
0	4496326	0	0	Please send me a catalog.	CK	1
226361	63704	カタログを送ってください。	arnab	Please send me a catalogue.	CK	1
1233883	1233891	着いたらすぐに手紙を頂戴ね。	mookeee	Please send me a letter as soon as you arrive.	CK	1
148569	542518	手紙を下さい。	bunbuku	Please send me a letter.	CK	1
0	38898	0	0	Please send me a picture of yourself.	CK	1
0	3350116	0	0	Please send me a postcard.	CK	1
0	3821224	0	0	Please send me a refund.	CK	1
0	31461	0	0	Please send me another copy.	CK	1
0	4499887	0	0	Please send me money.	CK	1
0	5044159	0	0	Please send me the doctor's bill.	nizoverdulo	1
0	4496325	0	0	Please send me your latest catalog.	CK	1
0	4758403	0	0	Please send me your picture.	cairnhead	1
0	1397605	0	0	Please send this by registered mail.	CK	1
221138	1341394	この小包をすぐ送ってもらいたい。	mookeee	Please send this package right away.	CK	1
0	5088447	0	0	Please send us more details.	CK	1