English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2452

0	886973	0	0	She asked him to give her some money so she could go to a restaurant with her friends.	CK	1
0	886974	0	0	She asked him to give her some money.	CK	1
0	886975	0	0	She asked him to help her father clean the garage, but he said that he was too busy to help.	CK	1
0	886976	0	0	She asked him to help her father clean the garage.	CK	1
0	886978	0	0	She asked him to marry her.	CK	1
0	886980	0	0	She asked him to not quit his job.	CK	1
0	886981	0	0	She asked him to read it for her because she had lost her glasses.	CK	1
0	886983	0	0	She asked him to stay, but he didn't want to.	CK	1
0	886984	0	0	She asked him to stay, but he had to go to work.	CK	1
0	886985	0	0	She asked him where he lived, but he was too smart to tell her.	CK	1
0	886986	0	0	She asked him where he lived.	CK	1
1865579	886988	彼女はなぜ泣いているのか彼に訊ねたが、彼は答えなかった。	bunbuku	She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer.	CK	1
0	886989	0	0	She asked him why he was crying.	CK	1
89497	314216	彼女は私に質問をした。	bunbuku	She asked me a question.	CK	1
1630039	1675683	彼女は私に裁縫が出来るか聞いてきた。	mookeee	She asked me if I could sew.	Scott	1
1171979	314173	彼女は私がトムの住所をしっているかどうか聞いた。	bunbuku	She asked me if I knew Tom's address.	CK	1
89997	313718	彼女は今度の日曜日は暇かどうか私にたずねた。	mookeee	She asked me if I would be free next Sunday.	CK	1
1630402	313718	次の日曜空いてるか彼女に聞かれた。	mookeee	She asked me if I would be free next Sunday.	CK	1
89477	314234	彼女は私に「窓をあけてください」と言った。	mookeee	She asked me to open the window.	Nero	1
89524	314189	彼女は私に塩を取ってくれるように頼んだ。	bunbuku	She asked me to pass her the salt.	CK	1
0	886990	0	0	She asked me what had become of him, but I didn't know.	CK	1
0	886991	0	0	She asked me what had become of him.	CK	1
1160425	314123	彼女はわたしにどこへ行こうとしているのか尋ねた。	mookeee	She asked me where I was going.	CK	1
90329	313385	彼女は警察に保護を求めた。	bunbuku	She asked the police for protection.	CK	1
87238	316470	彼女は彼らに靴を脱いで下さいと頼んだ。	mookeee	She asked them to take their shoes off.	CK	1
1001546	998961	彼女は私たちにいくつか質問をした。	mookeee	She asked us several questions.	Brian255	1
86773	316937	彼女は母親が赤ん坊の世話をするのを手伝った。	bunbuku	She assisted her mother in caring for the baby.	CK	1
0	886992	0	0	She assured him that everything was OK.	CK	1
88604	315103	彼女は食事をした。	bunbuku	She ate her dinner.	CK	1
0	886993	0	0	She attacked him with a baseball bat.	CK	1
0	886994	0	0	She attacked him with a pair of scissors.	CK	1
0	886995	0	0	She attacked him with her fists.	CK	1
0	886996	0	0	She attacked him.	CK	1
0	314569	0	0	She attempted suicide.	SUZIE	1
86891	316819	彼女は父親を説得しようとした。	mookeee	She attempted to persuade her father.	CK	1
86489	317222	彼女は夜、学校に通っている。	bunbuku	She attends school at night.	CK	1
1278437	317222	彼女は夜間学校に通っている。	bunbuku	She attends school at night.	CK	1
0	314477	0	0	She attracted our attention.	CK	1
89368	314343	彼女は私の質問に答えることを避けた。	bunbuku	She avoided answering my questions.	CK	1
0	886997	0	0	She avoided him whenever possible.	CK	1
89249	314457	彼女は私を避けている。	bunbuku	She avoids me.	CK	1
93143	310566	彼女はオーブンでパンとケーキを焼いた。	mookeee	She baked bread and cakes in the oven.	CK	1
934532	511151	彼女は私にケーキを焼いてくれた。	thyc244	She baked me a cake.	FeuDRenais	1
0	886998	0	0	She beat him to death with a golf club.	CK	1
0	886999	0	0	She beat him to death.	CK	1
91184	312530	彼女は医者になった。	bunbuku	She became a doctor.	CK	1
90654	531585	彼女は看護婦になった。	bunbuku	She became a nurse.	wma	1
90814	312898	彼女は歌手になった。	bunbuku	She became a singer.	CK	1
93586	310121	彼女は20歳のときに先生になりました。	bunbuku	She became a teacher at the age of twenty.	CK	1
93586	388588	彼女は20歳のときに先生になりました。	bunbuku	She became a teacher when she was twenty.	CK	1