English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2455

0	310152	0	0	She can't be over thirty.	CK	1
992866	1556827	彼女はスキーが出来ない。	mookeee	She can't ski.	brymck	1
912367	911217	彼女は私を止められない。	thyc244	She can't stop me.	papabear	1
91072	312642	彼女は泳げない。	bunbuku	She can't swim.	CK	1
0	1442138	0	0	She can't write or read.	CK	1
95631	308074	彼女がそんなことをしたはずがない。	bunbuku	She cannot have done such a thing.	CK	1
89864	313850	彼女は昨夜かぜをひいた。	bunbuku	She caught a cold last night.	CK	1
86852	388661	彼女は風邪を引きやすかった。	bunbuku	She caught colds often.	CK	1
87356	1409659	彼女は彼のスケジュールに自分のスケジュールを合わせた。	bunbuku	She changed her schedule to match his.	CK	1
1179873	1409659	彼女は自分のスケジュールを彼のに合わせた。	bunbuku	She changed her schedule to match his.	CK	1
86185	317526	彼女は話題を変えた。	bunbuku	She changed the subject.	CK	1
0	887033	0	0	She choked him with her bare hands.	CK	1
1430778	887034	彼女は彼の息の根を止めた。	bunbuku	She choked him.	CK	1
1430779	887034	彼女は彼を絞殺した。	bunbuku	She choked him.	CK	1
1430780	887034	彼女は彼を絞め殺した。	bunbuku	She choked him.	CK	1
0	887035	0	0	She claims that she knows nothing about him, but I don't believe her.	CK	1
0	887036	0	0	She claims that she knows nothing about him.	CK	1
90529	313183	彼女は急いで部屋を掃除した。	bunbuku	She cleaned her room in a hurry.	CK	1
90985	312729	彼女は屋根から下りた。	bunbuku	She climbed down from the roof.	CK	1
87613	316095	彼女は入ってからきっちりドアを閉めた。	bunbuku	She closed the door tightly behind her.	CK	1
86771	316939	彼女は母親とそっくりだ。	bunbuku	She closely resembles her mother.	CK	1
86563	317147	彼女は名門の出である。	bunbuku	She comes from a good family.	CK	1
86564	317147	彼女は良家の出身だ。	bunbuku	She comes from a good family.	CK	1
87513	313795	彼女は犯罪を犯した。	bunbuku	She committed a crime.	CK	1
89919	313795	彼女は罪を犯した。	bunbuku	She committed a crime.	CK	1
89402	388593	彼女は私の給料が安いとぶつぶつ言った。	bunbuku	She complained about my low salary.	CK	1
0	887038	0	0	She complained to him about the food.	CK	1
0	887039	0	0	She complained to him about the noise.	CK	1
87551	316157	彼女は売り子だったことを秘密にしていた。	bunbuku	She concealed the fact that she used to be a salesgirl.	Eldad	1
0	887040	0	0	She confronted him and demanded an apology.	CK	1
87294	1293059	彼女は彼の申し出をよく考えた。	mookeee	She considered his offer carefully.	CK	1
0	887041	0	0	She cooked a special dinner for him.	CK	1
0	887042	0	0	She cooks for him every day, but he doesn't appreciate it.	CK	1
1490500	887043	彼女は毎日彼のために料理を作る。	bunbuku	She cooks for him every day.	CK	1
1432747	887044	彼女は彼のために料理を作る。	bunbuku	She cooks for him.	CK	1
0	887045	0	0	She couldn't convince him to accept a personal check.	CK	1
0	887046	0	0	She couldn't convince him to accept the bribe.	CK	1
0	887047	0	0	She couldn't convince him to ask for a loan.	CK	1
0	887048	0	0	She couldn't convince him to buy her a new car.	CK	1
0	887049	0	0	She couldn't convince him to give a speech.	CK	1
0	887050	0	0	She couldn't convince him to go home.	CK	1
0	887051	0	0	She couldn't convince him to ride a horse.	CK	1
0	887052	0	0	She couldn't convince him to write a song for her.	CK	1
0	887053	0	0	She couldn't fall asleep because she was thinking about him.	CK	1
86238	1304613	彼女は涙をこらえることが出来なかった。	bunbuku	She couldn't help but cry.	CK	1
86238	1304611	彼女は涙をこらえることが出来なかった。	bunbuku	She couldn't keep from crying.	CK	1
87336	316372	彼女は彼の顔をまともに見ることができなかった。	bunbuku	She couldn't look him in the face.	CK	1
86238	1304614	彼女は涙をこらえることが出来なかった。	bunbuku	She couldn't stop the tears.	CK	1
0	887055	0	0	She couldn't take her eyes off him.	CK	1
997775	887056	彼女は彼の遺志に反して、彼を火葬した。	thyc244	She cremated him against his wishes.	CK	1