English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2457

0	887076	0	0	She didn't like him at first.	CK	1
87211	388373	彼女は彼を嫌っていた。	bunbuku	She didn't like him.	CK	1
87865	315842	彼女は町に住んでいるのが好きではありませんでした。	bunbuku	She didn't like living in the city.	CK	1
1317233	315842	彼女は街での暮らしが好きではなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't like living in the city.	CK	1
89928	313787	彼女は最初その馬が気に入らなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't like the horse at first.	CK	1
1318556	313787	最初彼女はその馬が好きではなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't like the horse at first.	CK	1
87469	388383	彼女は彼とけんかをするつもりはなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't plan on having a fight with him.	CK	1
0	887077	0	0	She didn't press him for an explanation.	CK	1
86802	316909	彼女は返答しなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't reply.	CK	1
2356973	316909	彼女は答えなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't reply.	CK	1
2356974	316909	彼女は返事をしなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't reply.	CK	1
91740	311972	彼女はバスに間に合うほど速く走らなかった。	mookeee	She didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.	CK	1
0	313074	0	0	She didn't seem interested.	CK	1
1841247	1448310	彼女はパーティーに姿を見せなかったが、誰にもその理由は分からない。	bunbuku	She didn't show up at the party, but nobody knows why.	CK	1
86356	317355	彼女は来なかった。	mookeee	She didn't show up.	CK	1
90214	317355	彼女は現れなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't show up.	CK	1
90300	313414	彼女は結局、電話してこなかった。	mookeee	She didn't telephone after all.	CK	1
0	4897317	0	0	She didn't tell me her name.	Hybrid	1
0	887078	0	0	She didn't try to evade the truth.	CK	1
0	887079	0	0	She didn't try to translate the letter.	CK	1
0	313829	0	0	She didn't visit anybody.	CK	1
0	887080	0	0	She didn't want him to die.	CK	1
0	887081	0	0	She didn't want him to go out with other women.	CK	1
0	887082	0	0	She didn't want him to go overseas.	CK	1
0	887083	0	0	She didn't want him to leave the room.	CK	1
0	887084	0	0	She didn't want him to pamper the children.	CK	1
0	887085	0	0	She didn't want him to play poker.	CK	1
0	887086	0	0	She didn't want him to stay any longer.	CK	1
91893	2792886	彼女はとにかく外出したくなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't want to go out anyway.	CK	1
92132	311579	彼女はだれにも話しかけたくなかった。	bunbuku	She didn't want to speak to anyone.	CK	1
572446	956942	彼女は54歳で死んだ。	bunbuku	She died at the age of 54.	CM	1
93626	310081	彼女は1960年に死んだ。	bunbuku	She died in 1960.	pierrephi	1
1799414	310081	彼女は1960年に亡くなりました。	bunbuku	She died in 1960.	pierrephi	1
0	310930	0	0	She died of shock.	CK	1
572446	572444	彼女は54歳で死んだ。	bunbuku	She died when she was 54 years old.	CK	1
0	313816	0	0	She died yesterday afternoon.	CK	1
0	1442219	0	0	She disappeared.	CK	1
0	887087	0	0	She disguised herself as him.	CK	1
86929	388376	彼女は夫を嫌っていた。	bunbuku	She disliked her husband.	CK	1
87211	388372	彼女は彼を嫌っていた。	bunbuku	She disliked him.	CK	1
86957	316753	彼女は夫と離婚した。	bunbuku	She divorced her husband.	CK	1
4898160	887088	長い不幸な年月ののち、彼女は彼と離婚した。	huizi99	She divorced him after many years of unhappiness.	CK	1
0	887089	0	0	She divorced him last year.	CK	1
0	887090	0	0	She divorced him.	CK	1
89112	314594	彼女は自分が間違っているのを認めない。	bunbuku	She doesn't admit that she is wrong.	CK	1
88533	315174	彼女は神を信じない。	bunbuku	She doesn't believe in God.	CK	1
2288288	315174	彼女は神を信じていない。	bunbuku	She doesn't believe in God.	CK	1
86837	388419	彼女は服装にかまわない。	bunbuku	She doesn't care how she dresses.	CK	1
1073491	582934	彼女は運転免許を持っていません。	bunbuku	She doesn't have a driver's license.	CK	1
1080872	1045362	彼女には敵が全くいない。	thyc244	She doesn't have any enemies at all.	erik21889	1