English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2459

75745	327973	彼女は彼に思いを寄せた。	mookeee	She fell in love with him.	CK	1
88586	315121	彼女は心臓がどきどきするのを感じました。	bunbuku	She felt her heart beat quickly.	CK	1
89019	314688	彼女は自分の将来に不安を感じた。	bunbuku	She felt insecure about her future.	CK	1
2217459	313202	彼女は泣きたい気持だった。	bunbuku	She felt like crying.	CK	1
86366	317345	彼女は踊りたい気分だった。	bunbuku	She felt like dancing.	CK	1
89836	388658	彼女は散歩したい気分だった。	bunbuku	She felt like taking a walk.	CK	1
90568	313144	彼女は気分が悪くなり、地面にかがみこんだ。	bunbuku	She felt sick and sank to the ground.	CK	1
1841258	316586	彼女は面目を失い、何も言うことができなかった。	bunbuku	She felt so humiliated that she couldn't say anything.	CK	1
0	887110	0	0	She first met him at a conference in Boston.	CK	1
1490507	887111	彼女はボストンで初めて彼に会った。	bunbuku	She first met him in Boston.	CK	1
0	887112	0	0	She first met him when they were students.	CK	1
91708	312004	彼女はハンカチをきちんと畳んだ。	bunbuku	She folded her handkerchief neatly.	CK	1
0	887114	0	0	She followed him home to find out where he lived.	CK	1
0	887113	0	0	She followed him home; then killed him.	CK	1
0	887115	0	0	She followed him home.	CK	1
1431655	887116	彼女は彼をだました。	bunbuku	She fooled him.	CK	1
1431663	887116	彼女は彼を欺いた。	bunbuku	She fooled him.	CK	1
1431664	887116	彼女は彼をたぶらかした。	bunbuku	She fooled him.	CK	1
0	887117	0	0	She forced him to do it.	CK	1
0	887119	0	0	She forced him to eat spinach.	CK	1
0	887120	0	0	She forced him to sit down.	CK	1
0	887121	0	0	She forgave him for killing her father.	CK	1
0	887122	0	0	She forgave him for losing all her money.	CK	1
0	887123	0	0	She forgave him.	CK	1
0	887124	0	0	She forgot that she bought him a present.	CK	1
0	887125	0	0	She forgot that she had promised to call him last night.	CK	1
0	887126	0	0	She forgot to write him.	CK	1
87814	315893	彼女は庭でボールを見つけた。	Blanka_Meduzo	She found a ball in the garden.	CK	1
90600	313112	彼女は机の下で財布を見つけた。	bunbuku	She found her purse under the desk.	CK	1
0	887127	0	0	She found him a seat.	CK	1
1452398	887128	彼女は彼をハンサムだと思った。	bunbuku	She found him handsome.	CK	1
0	887129	0	0	She found him standing near the entrance.	CK	1
1418210	314693	彼女は自分の人形を全て寄贈した。	bunbuku	She gave away all her dolls.	CK	1
93611	310096	彼女は1週間前に双子を生んだ。	bunbuku	She gave birth to twins a week ago.	CK	1
91623	312090	彼女は双子を産んだ。	bunbuku	She gave birth to twins.	CK	1
659772	456683	彼女は父にネクタイを贈った。	qahwa	She gave her father a tie.	lukaszpp	1
0	887130	0	0	She gave him a big smile.	CK	1
0	887131	0	0	She gave him a book.	CK	1
1490509	887132	彼女は彼にたくさんのお金をあげた。	bunbuku	She gave him a lot of money.	CK	1
1490510	887132	彼女は彼にたくさんのお金を与えた。	bunbuku	She gave him a lot of money.	CK	1
1490511	887134	彼女は彼に素敵なプレセントを渡した。	bunbuku	She gave him a nice present.	CK	1
1490513	887134	彼女は彼に素敵なプレゼントをあげた。	bunbuku	She gave him a nice present.	CK	1
0	887135	0	0	She gave him a piece of paper.	CK	1
1452400	887136	彼女は彼にプレゼントをあげた。	bunbuku	She gave him a present.	CK	1
0	887137	0	0	She gave him a sweater on his birthday.	CK	1
1452401	887138	彼女は彼にセーターをあげた。	bunbuku	She gave him a sweater.	CK	1
0	887139	0	0	She gave him all the money that she had.	CK	1
0	887140	0	0	She gave him an expensive watch.	CK	1
1490517	887141	彼女が彼のファーストキスの相手だった。	bunbuku	She gave him his first kiss.	CK	1
87394	316314	彼女は彼に食べ物だけでなく金も与えた。	bunbuku	She gave him money as well as food.	CK	1