English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2465

1100774	887198	彼女は彼が歌うのを聞いた。	bunbuku	She heard him sing.	CK	1
88150	315557	彼女は息を殺した。	bunbuku	She held her breath.	CK	1
2207293	315557	彼女は息をひそめた。	bunbuku	She held her breath.	CK	1
2207294	315557	彼女は息を止めた。	bunbuku	She held her breath.	CK	1
0	887199	0	0	She held him by the sleeve.	CK	1
0	887200	0	0	She held him tightly and never wanted to let go.	CK	1
0	887201	0	0	She held him tightly.	CK	1
89367	314344	彼女は私の手にしっかりとしがみ付いた。	bunbuku	She held on to my hand tightly.	CK	1
88833	314874	彼女は手を差し出した。	bunbuku	She held out her hand.	CK	1
87708	315999	彼女は頭を上げた。	bunbuku	She held up her head.	CK	1
86202	317509	彼女は老人に道路を渡らせてあげた。	mookeee	She helped an old man cross the road.	CK	1
0	315812	0	0	She helped cook lunch.	CK	1
86574	1115745	彼女は娘の身支度を手伝った。	bunbuku	She helped her daughter get dressed.	Nero	1
101978	388359	彼女は弟の絵を完成させるのを手伝った。	bunbuku	She helped her younger brother finish his picture.	CK	1
1166644	856805	彼女は弟の宿題を手伝ってあげた。	bunbuku	She helped her younger brother with his homework.	CK	1
0	887202	0	0	She helped him tie his tie because he didn't know how to.	CK	1
0	887203	0	0	She helped him tie his tie.	CK	1
1431667	887204	彼女は彼を手伝った。	bunbuku	She helped him.	CK	1
1431668	887204	彼女は彼に手を貸した。	bunbuku	She helped him.	CK	1
1431669	887204	彼女は彼を助けた。	bunbuku	She helped him.	CK	1
86202	388434	彼女は老人に道路を渡らせてあげた。	mookeee	She helped the old man across the street.	CK	1
86205	388434	彼女は老人が横断するのに手を貸してあげた。	mookeee	She helped the old man across the street.	CK	1
1204099	388434	彼女は道を横断するお年寄りの手助けをした。	bunbuku	She helped the old man across the street.	CK	1
86202	1392749	彼女は老人に道路を渡らせてあげた。	mookeee	She helped the old man cross the road.	CK	1
1430162	887205	彼女が彼を手伝います。	bunbuku	She helps him.	CK	1
1430163	887205	彼女が彼に手を貸します。	bunbuku	She helps him.	CK	1
0	887206	0	0	She herself gave him something to eat.	CK	1
0	887207	0	0	She herself helped him because no one else would.	CK	1
1452415	887208	彼女が彼を助けた。	bunbuku	She herself helped him.	CK	1
87219	388367	彼女は彼をプログラマーとして雇った。	bunbuku	She hired him as a programmer.	CK	1
0	887209	0	0	She hired him as an interpreter because she had heard that he was the best.	CK	1
0	887210	0	0	She hired him as an interpreter.	CK	1
1430164	887211	彼女が彼を雇っていました。	bunbuku	She hired him.	CK	1
1492225	887212	彼女は彼を何度も殴った。	bunbuku	She hit him again and again.	CK	1
1492226	887212	彼女は彼を何度もぶった。	bunbuku	She hit him again and again.	CK	1
1492227	887212	彼女は彼を何度も叩いた。	bunbuku	She hit him again and again.	CK	1
0	887213	0	0	She hit him hard.	CK	1
1465314	887214	彼女は彼をハンマーで殴った。	bunbuku	She hit him with a hammer.	CK	1
1465315	887214	彼女は彼を金槌で殴った。	bunbuku	She hit him with a hammer.	CK	1
1320959	887215	彼女は彼をぶった。	bunbuku	She hit him.	CK	1
0	887216	0	0	She hit me, not him.	CK	1
92075	309173	彼女はデザイナーになりたがっている。	mookeee	She hopes to become a designer.	CK	1
1431677	887217	彼女は彼を抱きしめた。	bunbuku	She hugged him.	CK	1
88174	315533	彼女は窓にカーテンをつけた。	bunbuku	She hung a curtain over the window.	CK	1
1422487	310901	彼女は急いで芝生を横切った。	bunbuku	She hurried across the lawn.	CK	1
1237537	310866	彼女は転んでひじを痛めた。	bunbuku	She hurt her elbow when she fell down.	CK	1
1237599	314575	彼女は自転車から落ちた時に足を痛めた。	bunbuku	She hurt her foot when she fell off her bicycle.	CK	1
0	887218	0	0	She idolized him.	CK	1
89396	314315	彼女は私の警告をすべて無視した。	bunbuku	She ignored all my warnings.	CK	1
0	887219	0	0	She ignored him all day.	CK	1