English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2466

0	887220	0	0	She ignored him almost all day.	CK	1
0	887221	0	0	She ignored him pretty much all day.	CK	1
0	887222	0	0	She ignored him until he became rich.	CK	1
0	887223	0	0	She ignores him completely.	CK	1
90792	312920	彼女は我々と行きたいのだとほのめかした。	mookeee	She implied that she would like to come with us.	CK	1
92639	311070	彼女はそこに行くと主張した。	bunbuku	She insisted on going there.	CK	1
0	309968	0	0	She insisted on my paying the bill.	CK	1
1149110	316664	彼女は、彼は病院に行くべきだと言い張った。	bunbuku	She insisted that he should go to the hospital.	CK	1
0	887224	0	0	She insulted him.	CK	1
88715	404959	彼女は女優になることを志した。	bunbuku	She intended to become an actress.	CK	1
0	887225	0	0	She intended to go shopping with her mother, but her mother was busy.	CK	1
1497082	887226	彼女は買い物に行くつもりだった。	bunbuku	She intended to go shopping.	CK	1
0	887227	0	0	She intends to play tennis this afternoon with her father.	CK	1
0	887228	0	0	She intends to play tennis tomorrow afternoon.	CK	1
0	887229	0	0	She intends to play tennis.	CK	1
0	887230	0	0	She interrupted him while he was speaking to my father.	CK	1
0	887231	0	0	She interrupted him while he was speaking.	CK	1
0	887232	0	0	She introduced her sister to him more than two years ago.	CK	1
0	887233	0	0	She introduced her sister to him.	CK	1
89291	314415	彼女は私をお兄さんに紹介してくれた。	mookeee	She introduced me to her brother.	CK	1
0	887234	0	0	She introduced me to him at the party.	CK	1
0	887235	0	0	She invited him in for a cup of coffee.	CK	1
1452329	887236	彼女は中に入るよう誘った。	bunbuku	She invited him in.	CK	1
0	887237	0	0	She invited him to her party.	CK	1
89282	314423	彼女は私をバレエに招待してくれた。	bunbuku	She invited me to the ballet.	CK	1
0	311823	0	0	She invited Tom and me to the party.	CK	1
87357	316351	彼女は彼のシャツにアイロンをかけた。	bunbuku	She ironed his shirts.	CK	1
86194	317517	彼女は話が下手です。	bunbuku	She is a bad speaker.	CK	1
87103	316605	彼女は美しい。	bunbuku	She is a beauty.	CK	1
1023579	676707	彼女は初心者だ。	mookeee	She is a beginner.	qdii	1
86598	539523	彼女は魅力的な女性だ。	bunbuku	She is a charming woman.	CK	1
88025	315683	彼女は大学を出ている。	bunbuku	She is a college graduate.	CK	1
88022	315684	彼女は大学生です。	bunbuku	She is a college student.	CK	1
92100	311611	彼女はつき合いにくい人だ。	bunbuku	She is a difficult person to deal with.	CK	1
86415	389142	彼女は有名な歌手だ。	bunbuku	She is a famous singer.	CK	1
1321360	313036	彼女の英語はペラペラだ。	bunbuku	She is a fluent speaker of English.	CK	1
1321361	313036	彼女は流暢に英語を話す。	bunbuku	She is a fluent speaker of English.	CK	1
145959	268603	色っぽい女性。	mookeee	She is a fox.	CM	1
3518442	268603	いい女だ。	arnab	She is a fox.	CM	1
92131	311580	彼女はダンスがうまい。	bunbuku	She is a good dancer.	CK	1
89350	314361	彼女は私の親友です。	bunbuku	She is a good friend of mine.	CK	1
91077	312636	彼女は泳ぎが上手です。	bunbuku	She is a good swimmer.	CK	1
91078	312636	彼女は泳ぎがうまい。	bunbuku	She is a good swimmer.	CK	1
92072	311639	彼女はテニスがうまい。	bunbuku	She is a good tennis player.	CK	1
86823	316887	彼女は文章がうまい。	bunbuku	She is a good writer.	CK	1
1385603	1487449	彼女はちょっと奥手なんだ。	bunbuku	She is a little shy.	marshmallowcat	1
2250717	1487449	あの子ちょっとシャイなの。	tommy_san	She is a little shy.	marshmallowcat	1
91591	312122	彼女はフランス語を母語として話す。	Blanka_Meduzo	She is a native speaker of French.	CK	1
90655	313056	彼女は看護婦です。	bunbuku	She is a nurse.	CK	1
2155588	313056	彼女は看護師です。	bunbuku	She is a nurse.	CK	1