English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2480

95351	308355	彼女が授賞する見込みは十分にある。	bunbuku	She stands a good chance of winning the prize.	CK	1
0	887399	0	0	She stared at him and that made him very nervous.	CK	1
942199	887400	彼女は驚いて、彼をじっと見つめた。	thyc244	She stared at him in astonishment.	CK	1
0	887401	0	0	She stared at him with hatred.	CK	1
89289	314417	彼女は私をじっと見た。	bunbuku	She stared at me.	CK	1
0	887402	0	0	She stared him in the face.	CK	1
93493	310215	彼女は八歳のときにダンスを始めた。	bunbuku	She started dancing when she was eight.	CK	1
86396	317315	彼女は夕食後すぐ宿題を始めた。	bunbuku	She started doing her homework right after dinner.	CK	1
0	887403	0	0	She started kissing him as soon as he got home.	CK	1
0	887404	0	0	She started pursuing him before he became famous.	CK	1
0	887405	0	0	She startled him.	CK	1
93606	310101	彼女は1人で家にいた。	bunbuku	She stayed at home by herself.	CK	1
627998	315022	彼女は少し前に滞在していた。	arihato	She stayed there for a moment.	CK	1
628004	315022	彼女は少しの間そのあたりに滞在していた。	arihato	She stayed there for a moment.	CK	1
1172982	315022	彼女はちょっとの間そこにとどまっていた。	bunbuku	She stayed there for a moment.	CK	1
0	887406	0	0	She stays in touch with him.	CK	1
91463	312250	彼女はまだ両親に頼っている。	bunbuku	She still depends on her parents.	CK	1
0	887407	0	0	She still loves him even though he doesn't love her anymore.	CK	1
0	887408	0	0	She still loves him.	CK	1
0	887409	0	0	She stole a lot of money from him, so now she is in prison.	CK	1
0	887410	0	0	She stole a lot of money from him.	CK	1
0	887411	0	0	She stood as close to him as she could.	CK	1
87354	316354	彼女は彼のそばに立っていた。	bunbuku	She stood by him.	CK	1
86951	316759	彼女は夫のそばにぴったり寄り添っていた。	bunbuku	She stood close to her husband.	CK	1
1452427	887412	彼女は彼の近くに立っていた。	bunbuku	She stood close to him.	CK	1
90437	1442254	彼女は鏡の前に立った。	bunbuku	She stood in front of the mirror.	CK	1
90544	313168	彼女は逆立ちをした。	bunbuku	She stood on her head.	CK	1
142288	388827	赤いドレスのため彼女は目立った。	bunbuku	She stood out because she was wearing a red dress.	CK	1
0	1156045	0	0	She stood up.	CK	1
88417	315290	彼女は雛菊を摘むのをやめた。	mookeee	She stopped picking daisies.	CK	1
86186	317525	彼女は話をやめた。	bunbuku	She stopped talking.	CK	1
2207290	317525	彼女は話をするのをやめた。	bunbuku	She stopped talking.	CK	1
90997	312717	彼女は煙草を吸うために立ち止まった。	bunbuku	She stopped to smoke.	CK	1
86307	317404	彼女は立ちあがろうと、もがいた。	bunbuku	She struggled to get up.	CK	1
2438446	312694	彼女は英語を勉強しています。	bunbuku	She studies English.	CK	1
87585	316123	彼女は熱心に勉強する。	bunbuku	She studies hard.	CK	1
91729	309926	彼女はバターの代わりにマーガリンを使った。	Blanka_Meduzo	She substituted margarine for butter.	CK	1
91730	309926	彼女はバターの代わりにマーガリンを塗った。	mookeee	She substituted margarine for butter.	CK	1
93159	388363	彼女はうまく彼から真実を聞きだした。	bunbuku	She succeeded in getting him to tell the truth.	CK	1
93159	388366	彼女はうまく彼から真実を聞きだした。	bunbuku	She successfully got him to tell the truth.	CK	1
91101	312613	彼女は一躍有名になった。	bunbuku	She suddenly became famous.	CK	1
1037905	2104178	彼女は突然私にキスをした。	bunbuku	She suddenly kissed me.	CK	1
1429075	887413	彼女は彼を訴えた。	bunbuku	She sued him.	CK	1
0	887414	0	0	She suffocated him with a pillow.	CK	1
2535619	2550740	彼女は私に会議の中止を提案した。	OrangeTart	She suggested that I cancel the meeting.	CK	1
0	887415	0	0	She suggested that I give it to him right away.	CK	1
0	887416	0	0	She suggested that I go to the store with him.	CK	1
0	887417	0	0	She suggested that I should clean the bathroom.	CK	1
0	887418	0	0	She suggested that I take him to the zoo.	CK	1
0	887419	0	0	She suggested that I write to him at once.	CK	1