English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2482

1465902	887447	彼女は彼に心配しないようにと言った。	bunbuku	She told him not to worry.	CK	1
0	887448	0	0	She told him that he was right.	CK	1
0	887449	0	0	She told him that her father had died.	CK	1
0	887450	0	0	She told him that it would rain all day.	CK	1
0	887451	0	0	She told him that she believed in astrology.	CK	1
0	887452	0	0	She told him that she didn't love him.	CK	1
0	887453	0	0	She told him that she had seen me there last week.	CK	1
0	887455	0	0	She told him that she was happy.	CK	1
0	887456	0	0	She told him that she was leaving.	CK	1
0	887457	0	0	She told him that she was sad.	CK	1
0	887458	0	0	She told him to rewrite his resume.	CK	1
0	887459	0	0	She told him to stop.	CK	1
1452377	887460	彼女は彼に勉強するよう言った。	bunbuku	She told him to study.	CK	1
0	887461	0	0	She told him to try harder.	CK	1
0	887462	0	0	She told him where to put the suitcase.	CK	1
89444	314267	彼女は私に面白い話をした。	bunbuku	She told me an interesting story.	CK	1
89585	314130	彼女は私に1人でそこに行っては行けないといった。	bunbuku	She told me not to go there alone.	CK	1
91372	312341	彼女はもう二度と私の顔を見たくないときっぱり言った。	bunbuku	She told me once and for all that she did not want to see me again.	CK	1
89544	388416	彼女は私にどの服を着ていったらよいか教えてくれた。	bunbuku	She told me which clothes would be good to wear.	CK	1
1172795	314066	彼女は私たちに音をたてないように言った。	bunbuku	She told us not to make a noise.	CK	1
89238	314468	彼女は私達にその道路が閉鎖されていると教えてくれた。	bunbuku	She told us the road was closed.	CK	1
88537	315170	彼女は深呼吸してから、身の上を語り始めた。	bunbuku	She took a deep breath and then started to talk about herself.	CK	1
88536	315171	彼女は深呼吸をした。	bunbuku	She took a deep breath.	CK	1
87044	316665	彼女は病院までタクシーに乗った。	bunbuku	She took a taxi to the hospital.	CK	1
1057368	316665	彼女は病院までタクシーで行った。	bunbuku	She took a taxi to the hospital.	CK	1
87868	315839	彼女は朝食前に散歩した。	bunbuku	She took a walk before breakfast.	CK	1
992071	245638	彼女は子どもたちの面倒を見た。	mookeee	She took care of the children.	adjusting	1
0	887463	0	0	She took him for all his money.	CK	1
0	887464	0	0	She took him to the lake.	CK	1
0	887465	0	0	She took him to the store.	CK	1
0	887466	0	0	She took him to the zoo.	CK	1
86690	317021	彼女は僕を驚かせた。	bunbuku	She took me by surprise.	CK	1
89365	314346	彼女は私の手を取った。	bunbuku	She took my hand.	CK	1
88646	315061	彼女は上着を脱いだ。	bunbuku	She took off her coat.	CK	1
95492	308213	彼女が我々の計画に参加した。	mookeee	She took part in our project.	CK	1
0	887467	0	0	She took pity on him.	CK	1
461913	270692	彼女は図書館に本を返した。	bunbuku	She took the book back to the library.	CK	1
92422	311289	彼女はその手紙を読んだあと破いてしまった。	bunbuku	She tore the letter up after reading it.	CK	1
0	887468	0	0	She touched him on the shoulder.	CK	1
92239	311472	彼女はそれを一語一語翻訳した。	mookeee	She translated it word for word.	CK	1
993578	311472	彼女はそれを逐語訳した。	mookeee	She translated it word for word.	CK	1
88410	315297	彼女は世界中を旅行した。	mookeee	She traveled all over the world.	CK	1
1076181	315297	彼女は世界中を旅した。	bunbuku	She traveled all over the world.	CK	1
87627	567463	彼女は日本一周旅行をした。	bunbuku	She traveled around Japan.	CK	1
1254685	567463	彼女は日本の各地を旅してまわった。	bunbuku	She traveled around Japan.	CK	1
89874	313841	彼女は昨年世界一周旅行をした。	bunbuku	She traveled around the world last year.	CK	1
91540	312173	彼女はボストンからシカゴ経由でサンフランシスコへ旅行した。	bunbuku	She traveled from Boston to San Francisco via Chicago.	CK	1
89611	314104	彼女は私たち一人一人にアイスクリームをおごってくれた。	bunbuku	She treated each of us to an ice cream.	CK	1
0	887469	0	0	She treated him like a king.	CK	1
0	887470	0	0	She treated him very well.	CK	1