English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2487

91310	419283	彼女はよく学校に遅刻した。	bunbuku	She was often late for school.	CK	1
90728	312984	彼女は外出しようとしていた。	bunbuku	She was on the point of going out.	CM	1
90610	313102	彼女は喜んで手助けしてくれた。	bunbuku	She was only too glad to help us.	CK	1
167410	247091	私が訪問した時彼女は留守だった。	mookeee	She was out when I called.	CK	1
1084360	247091	わたしが訪ねたとき彼女は不在だった。	mookeee	She was out when I called.	CK	1
92515	311195	彼女はその結果をみて喜んだ。	mookeee	She was pleased to see the results.	CK	1
90722	388611	彼女は昇格した。	bunbuku	She was promoted.	CK	1
1211965	388611	彼女は昇進した。	bunbuku	She was promoted.	CK	1
463499	1213543	彼女はフランス出身です。	qahwa	She was raised in France.	alec	1
1213527	1213543	彼女はフランス出身だ。	mookeee	She was raised in France.	alec	1
0	887555	0	0	She was ready to give him back all his money.	CK	1
0	887556	0	0	She was ready to help him with cleaning the house.	CK	1
0	887557	0	0	She was ready to help him with washing the car.	CK	1
87138	314713	彼女は秘密を打ち明けるのに気が進まなかった。	bunbuku	She was reluctant to reveal her secret.	CK	1
88893	388640	彼女は車にひかれた。	bunbuku	She was run over by a car.	CK	1
88893	314814	彼女は車にひかれた。	bunbuku	She was run over by the car.	CK	1
90302	313412	彼女は結果に満足した。	bunbuku	She was satisfied with the result.	CK	1
1142901	311793	彼女は怒りのあまり声も出なかった。	bunbuku	She was so angry that she could not speak.	CK	1
225681	894467	くたくたに疲れていたので、彼女はすぐにぐっすり眠ってしまった。	bunbuku	She was soon sound asleep because she was very tired.	CK	1
0	887558	0	0	She was stupid enough to believe him.	CK	1
0	887559	0	0	She was stupid enough to go out with him.	CK	1
0	887560	0	0	She was supposed to attend the party with him.	CK	1
0	887561	0	0	She was supposed to call him at 2:30.	CK	1
86425	388601	彼女は幽霊を見てびっくりした。	bunbuku	She was surprised when she saw the ghost.	CK	1
1069490	388601	彼女は幽霊を見て驚いた。	bunbuku	She was surprised when she saw the ghost.	CK	1
92694	311015	彼女はスパイと疑われた。	bunbuku	She was suspected of being a spy.	CK	1
79304	324413	友達の一人が彼女のめんどうをみた。	bunbuku	She was taken care of by one of her friends.	CK	1
2167105	1284235	彼女は私が初めてキスをした女の子だった。	bunbuku	She was the first girl I'd ever kissed.	CK	1
0	887562	0	0	She was the first one to help him.	CK	1
0	887563	0	0	She was the first one to pay attention to him.	CK	1
85911	388557	疲れていたが彼女は働き続けた。	bunbuku	She was tired, but she kept working.	CK	1
87561	316147	彼女は背が低すぎて塀の向こうがみえなかった。	bunbuku	She was too short to see over the fence.	CK	1
1181514	316560	彼女はあまりにも疲れていて、仕事を続けられなかった。	bunbuku	She was too tired to go on working.	CK	1
1215016	887564	彼女は海外に行くという夢を完全に諦めることはできなかった。	bunbuku	She was unable to completely give up her dream of traveling abroad.	CK	1
88674	315033	彼女は少ない収入で暮らすことに慣れていた。	mookeee	She was used to living on a small income.	CK	1
87991	315716	彼女は大変忙しかった。	bunbuku	She was very busy.	CK	1
89344	388629	彼女は私の贈り物を大変喜んでくれた。	bunbuku	She was very happy with my gift.	CK	1
0	887566	0	0	She was very rude to him.	CK	1
88096	510198	彼女は卒業するまでたいへん内気だった。	mookeee	She was very shy until she graduated.	CK	1
1213768	388603	彼女はその知らせを聞いてとても驚いた。	bunbuku	She was very surprised when she heard the news.	CK	1
89848	501378	彼女は皿洗いをしていた。	bunbuku	She was washing the dishes.	CK	1
5296	2111	彼女は黒い帽子をかぶっていた。	bunbuku	She was wearing a black hat.	CK	1
92940	1397710	彼女はグリーンのコートを着、それに合ったミニスカートをはいていた。	mookeee	She was wearing a green coat with a matching mini-skirt.	CK	1
971370	970152	彼女は奇妙な帽子を被っていた。	thyc244	She was wearing a strange hat.	slivercat	1
86303	909489	彼女は立派な服装をしていた。	bunbuku	She was well-dressed.	CK	1
2213974	909489	彼女はきちんとした身なりをしていた。	bunbuku	She was well-dressed.	CK	1
89850	313865	彼女は皿を洗い、それから乾かした。	mookeee	She washed the dishes and she dried them.	CK	1
0	887567	0	0	She wasn't able to contact him by phone.	CK	1
0	887568	0	0	She wasn't able to meet him.	CK	1
0	887569	0	0	She wasn't able to talk to him.	CK	1