English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2488

0	887570	0	0	She wasn't dancing with him then.	CK	1
0	887571	0	0	She wasn't friendly with him then.	CK	1
0	887572	0	0	She wasn't polite to him.	CK	1
0	898564	0	0	She wasn't wealthy enough to feed her dog meat every day.	CK	1
0	887573	0	0	She watched him and the other boys playing baseball.	CK	1
1853527	887574	彼女は必死になって戦い続ける彼を見ていた。	bunbuku	She watched him continue to fight as hard as he could.	CK	1
1452382	887575	彼女は彼のダンスを見た。	bunbuku	She watched him dance.	CK	1
0	887576	0	0	She watched him draw a picture.	CK	1
0	887577	0	0	She watched him drawing a picture.	CK	1
0	887578	0	0	She watched him eat.	CK	1
0	887579	0	0	She watched him swim.	CK	1
89774	313941	彼女は子供たちが学校へもどっていくのをみました。	bunbuku	She watched the children going back to school.	CK	1
89772	313943	彼女は子供たちが池で泳ぐのをみました。	bunbuku	She watched the children swimming in the pool.	CK	1
90943	312770	彼女は化粧が濃い。	mookeee	She wears a lot of makeup.	CK	1
87807	315900	彼女は庭の雑草を抜いた。	mookeee	She weeded the garden.	CK	1
88062	315645	彼女は体重が120ポンドある。	bunbuku	She weighs 120 pounds.	CK	1
0	317171	0	0	She went blind.	CK	1
3292233	887581	彼女は今日の朝、彼と散歩に出かけました。	natsume	She went for a walk with him this morning.	CK	1
89834	388294	彼女は散歩に出た。	bunbuku	She went for a walk.	CK	1
90586	312850	彼女は帰宅した。	bunbuku	She went home.	CK	1
90864	312850	彼女は家に帰った。	bunbuku	She went home.	CK	1
86551	317160	彼女は迷子になった自分の子供を捜しに行った。	bunbuku	She went in search of her lost child.	CK	1
0	316046	0	0	She went inside.	CK	1
0	313260	0	0	She went into teaching.	CK	1
86193	317518	彼女は話しつづけた。	bunbuku	She went on speaking.	CK	1
87700	316007	彼女は働き続けた。	bunbuku	She went on working.	CK	1
86869	316841	彼女は部屋を出て行った。	mookeee	She went out of the room.	CK	1
88608	315098	彼女は食べ物を買いに出ていった。	bunbuku	She went out to buy some food.	CK	1
88609	315098	彼女は食べ物を買いに行った。	bunbuku	She went out to buy some food.	CK	1
90729	312983	彼女は外出した。	bunbuku	She went out.	CK	1
0	887582	0	0	She went shopping with him last Monday.	CK	1
87554	316154	彼女は買い物に出かけた。	bunbuku	She went shopping.	CK	1
2202393	316154	彼女は買い物に行った。	bunbuku	She went shopping.	CK	1
0	313813	0	0	She went there yesterday.	CK	1
141443	388681	先日彼女は映画に行った。	bunbuku	She went to a movie the other day.	CK	1
1107912	388681	この間彼女は映画に行った。	bunbuku	She went to a movie the other day.	CK	1
1107914	388681	先日彼女は映画を見に行った。	bunbuku	She went to a movie the other day.	CK	1
91190	312524	彼女は医学を勉強するためにドイツに行った。	bunbuku	She went to Germany to study medicine.	CK	1
90954	312750	彼女は音楽を勉強するためにイタリアへ行った。	bunbuku	She went to Italy to study music.	CK	1
0	887583	0	0	She went to see him in the hospital every day.	CK	1
0	887584	0	0	She went to see him reluctantly.	CK	1
0	887585	0	0	She went to see him the other day.	CK	1
0	887586	0	0	She went to see him while he was staying in Boston.	CK	1
92337	311374	彼女はその店へ行った。	bunbuku	She went to that store.	CK	1
0	887587	0	0	She went to the airport to see him off.	CK	1
1211922	4790387	彼女はタクシーで美術館に行った。	bunbuku	She went to the art museum by taxi.	CK	1
87062	316647	彼女は美容室に行った。	bunbuku	She went to the hairdresser's.	CK	1
1057368	1058266	彼女は病院までタクシーで行った。	bunbuku	She went to the hospital by taxi.	CK	1
535244	313808	彼女は昨日病院へ行きました。	bunbuku	She went to the hospital yesterday.	CK	1
88547	315160	彼女は新鮮な野菜を買いに市場へ行った。	bunbuku	She went to the market to buy fresh vegetables.	CK	1