English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2489

0	388676	0	0	She went to the museum by taxi.	CK	1
0	887588	0	0	She went to the station to see him off.	CK	1
0	887589	0	0	She went to the train station to see him off.	CK	1
0	1410320	0	0	She went upstairs.	CK	1
0	887590	0	0	She went with him to Boston.	CK	1
0	887591	0	0	She went with him to the movies.	CK	1
0	887592	0	0	She went with him to the zoo.	CK	1
1433200	887593	彼女は彼とつきあっていた。	bunbuku	She went with him.	CK	1
1433202	887593	彼女は彼と一緒に行った。	bunbuku	She went with him.	CK	1
0	887594	0	0	She whispered something to him.	CK	1
89594	314121	彼女は私に、お腹がすいているとささやいた。	mookeee	She whispered to me that she was hungry.	CK	1
95580	308125	彼女がピアノで伴奏してくれます。	bunbuku	She will accompany me on the piano.	CK	1
92151	311560	彼女はたとえ疲れていても来るだろう。	bunbuku	She will come even if she is tired.	CK	1
86922	316788	彼女は富豪と結婚する。	qahwa	She will get married to a rich man.	CK	1
2333744	316788	彼女は金持ちと結婚するつもりだ。	bunbuku	She will get married to a rich man.	CK	1
86338	317373	彼女は来週パーティーを催す。	mookeee	She will give a party next week.	CK	1
1112870	317373	彼女は来週パーティーを開く。	mookeee	She will give a party next week.	CK	1
1112871	317373	彼女は来週パーティーをする。	mookeee	She will give a party next week.	CK	1
78674	507507	来月子供を生みます。	mookeee	She will have a baby next month.	NekoKanjya	1
91453	312260	彼女はまもなく退院するでしょう。	bunbuku	She will leave the hospital soon.	CK	1
86236	317474	彼女は涙をぬぐった。	bunbuku	She wiped away her tears.	CK	1
91710	312002	彼女はハンカチで顔をふいた。	bunbuku	She wiped her face with a handkerchief.	CK	1
0	887595	0	0	She witnessed him being killed.	CK	1
1556114	887596	彼女は彼を起こした。	bunbuku	She woke him up.	CK	1
86741	316969	彼女は宝くじで1千万円も手に入れた。	bunbuku	She won ten million yen in the lottery.	CM	1
0	310190	0	0	She won't be back till five.	CK	1
0	1547507	0	0	She won't like this.	CK	1
87095	388420	彼女は美しいドレスを着た。	bunbuku	She wore a beautiful dress.	CK	1
91139	312575	彼女は一生懸命働いた。	bunbuku	She worked hard.	CK	1
1785959	1787439	彼女は銀行で働いている。	bunbuku	She works at the bank.	Bah_Dure	1
93484	310224	彼女は9時から働く。	bunbuku	She works from nine.	CK	1
91309	312405	彼女はよく働く。	bunbuku	She works hard.	CK	1
237426	313334	彼女は銀行に勤めている。	mookeee	She works in a bank.	CK	1
1785959	313334	彼女は銀行で働いている。	bunbuku	She works in a bank.	CK	1
0	887597	0	0	She worships him and the ground he walks on.	CK	1
0	887598	0	0	She worships him.	CK	1
0	898565	0	0	She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant where she worked to feed to her dog.	CK	1
0	887599	0	0	She wouldn't be happy with him.	CK	1
1167036	887600	彼女は彼に話しかけようともしなかった。	bunbuku	She wouldn't even speak to him.	CK	1
0	887601	0	0	She wouldn't give him a gift.	CK	1
0	887602	0	0	She wouldn't give him the time of day.	CK	1
0	887603	0	0	She wouldn't go for a walk with him.	CK	1
193500	30665	もし彼のことをもっとよく知っていたら、彼女は彼と結婚しなかっただろうに。	bunbuku	She wouldn't have married him if she had known him better.	CK	1
237417	311689	彼女はどうしても彼を部屋の中に入れようとしなかった。	mookeee	She wouldn't let him in.	CK	1
0	887604	0	0	She wouldn't speak to him.	CK	1
88203	395538	彼女は素晴らしい字を書く。	bunbuku	She writes beautifully.	CK	1
0	887605	0	0	She writes to him every week.	CK	1
2431959	313756	彼女は字を書くとき左だ。	bunbuku	She writes with her left hand.	CK	1
237372	1143276	彼女は訪れた人々について本を書いた。	mookeee	She wrote a book about the visitors.	mookeee	1
92176	311535	彼女はたくさんの詩を書いた。	bunbuku	She wrote a lot of poems.	CK	1