English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2490

0	887606	0	0	She wrote him a long letter, but he didn't read it.	CK	1
0	887607	0	0	She wrote him a long letter, but she didn't mail it.	CK	1
0	887608	0	0	She wrote to him to tell him how wonderful he was.	CK	1
0	887609	0	0	She wrote to him to tell him that she couldn't come to visit next summer.	CK	1
0	887610	0	0	She wrote to him to tell him that she loved him.	CK	1
95638	1396387	彼女がその本を読み始めたと思ったら誰かがドアをノックした。	bunbuku	She'd just begun to read the book when someone knocked on the door.	CK	1
0	887611	0	0	She'd like him to come to her house at 2:30.	CK	1
0	887612	0	0	She'd like him to get in touch with her as soon as possible.	CK	1
0	887613	0	0	She'd like him to leave right away.	CK	1
95682	1293040	彼女がこんなにおびえたことは1度もなかった。	bunbuku	She'd never been so frightened.	CK	1
95682	1293037	彼女がこんなにおびえたことは1度もなかった。	bunbuku	She'd never been this frightened before.	CK	1
0	909566	0	0	She'd rather be spending time with someone else.	CK	1
86330	317381	彼女は来年結婚する。	bunbuku	She'll be getting married next year.	CK	1
0	887614	0	0	She'll be having dinner with him at this time tomorrow.	CK	1
171939	242536	今日の午後には起きて歩けることでしょう。	bunbuku	She'll be up and around this afternoon.	CK	1
179033	17889	君が帰る前に彼女はいなくなっているだろう。	bunbuku	She'll have left before you come back.	CK	1
1230881	17889	君が戻る前に彼女は帰ってしまっているよ。	bunbuku	She'll have left before you come back.	CK	1
0	887615	0	0	She'll love him forever.	CK	1
86253	317458	彼女は良い奥さんになるでしょう。	arnab	She'll make a good wife.	CK	1
203327	1396338	たぶん彼女は来るだろう。	mookeee	She'll probably come.	CK	1
0	909507	0	0	She'll spend the next four years in prison.	CK	1
92982	1327567	彼女はきっと成功する。	bunbuku	She'll succeed for sure.	CK	1
0	887616	0	0	She'll tell him about it when she comes back.	CK	1
92814	2661995	彼女はしたたかな女だ。	bunbuku	She's a determined woman.	WestofEden	1
3507489	1764721	この子は犬よ。	arnab	She's a dog.	CK	1
3507492	1764721	あの女は不細工だ。	arnab	She's a dog.	CK	1
3508018	3508008	あの女は実にセクシーだ。	arnab	She's a fox.	CK	1
92942	310767	彼女はグラマーだね。	bunbuku	She's a glamorous girl.	CK	1
229344	593241	いい人です。	bunbuku	She's a good person.	CK	1
79426	593246	優しい人です。	bunbuku	She's a kind person.	CK	1
229344	593246	いい人です。	bunbuku	She's a kind person.	CK	1
0	1442227	0	0	She's a lot better today.	CK	1
88916	314791	彼女は実にいい子だ。	bunbuku	She's a really nice girl.	CK	1
93561	2772572	彼女は2年生です。	bunbuku	She's a second grader.	CK	1
92814	2661991	彼女はしたたかな女だ。	bunbuku	She's a stubborn woman.	WestofEden	1
92814	310895	彼女はしたたかな女だ。	bunbuku	She's a tough woman.	CK	1
2332384	310895	彼女は強い女性です。	bunbuku	She's a tough woman.	CK	1
2332394	310895	彼女は手厳しい人です。	bunbuku	She's a tough woman.	CK	1
0	1442372	0	0	She's a very wise mother.	CK	1
89604	1173723	彼女は私と同じくらいの年齢です。	bunbuku	She's about the same age as I am.	CK	1
89604	1173722	彼女は私と同じくらいの年齢です。	bunbuku	She's about the same age as me.	CK	1
93449	310259	彼女はあなたとだいたい同じくらいの身長だ。	bunbuku	She's about the same height as you.	CK	1
1035899	310259	彼女は大体あなたと同じくらいの身長です。	bunbuku	She's about the same height as you.	CK	1
87025	1396199	彼女は病気で休んでいる。	bunbuku	She's absent because she's sick.	CK	1
93710	1312858	彼女は、早起きにはなれている。	bunbuku	She's accustomed to getting up early.	CK	1
86657	317054	彼女は本能のままに振る舞っているんですよ。	bunbuku	She's acting on instinct.	Nero	1
89946	1408612	彼女は再び病気になるのではないかと恐れている。	bunbuku	She's afraid of getting sick again.	CK	1
91217	312497	彼女は暗闇を恐れる。	bunbuku	She's afraid of the dark.	CK	1
2287422	312497	彼女は暗いところが怖い。	bunbuku	She's afraid of the dark.	CK	1
87701	316006	彼女は働きづめだ。	bunbuku	She's always on the go.	CK	1