English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2534

78217	325501	硫黄は青い炎を上げて燃える。	mookeee	Sulfur burns with a blue flame.	CM	1
78218	325500	硫黄はマッチを作るのに使われる。	mookeee	Sulfur is used to make matches.	CK	1
0	442006	0	0	Summer has ended.	CK	1
0	5100086	0	0	Summer is almost here.	CK	1
0	2547069	0	0	Summer is almost over.	CK	1
0	2943081	0	0	Summer is my favorite season.	CK	1
0	394438	0	0	Summer is over.	doviende	1
0	24304	0	0	Summer vacation begins next Monday.	CK	1
187168	4356594	夏休みはもうすぐだ。	bunbuku	Summer vacation is soon.	CK	1
0	453484	0	0	Sunday follows Saturday.	FeuDRenais	1
0	4266798	0	0	Sunshine is the main source of vitamin D.	patgfisher	1
0	4501309	0	0	Supervise your own children.	CK	1
79116	3060760	夕食ができたよ。	bunbuku	Supper is ready.	sharptoothed	1
0	2879530	0	0	Supper's getting cold.	CK	1
236126	73501	1000ドルあったら君はどうしますか。	mookeee	Suppose you had a thousand dollars, what would you do with it?	CK	1
0	2261049	0	0	Sure, Tom, I understand.	Hybrid	1
0	2713359	0	0	Surely that's unnecessary.	CK	1
0	5134410	0	0	Surely there was some mistake.	CK	1
0	5079340	0	0	Surely Tom can be trusted.	CK	1
0	3727902	0	0	Surely Tom is aware of that.	CM	1
0	3096109	0	0	Surely you can see that.	CK	1
0	3200104	0	0	Surely you told somebody.	CK	1
0	4397581	0	0	Surfing looks like fun.	CK	1
0	4501770	0	0	Surgery was required.	CK	1
0	4529623	0	0	Surprisingly, I agree with Tom.	CK	1
0	264792	0	0	Sweep my room.	papabear	1
0	3649575	0	0	Sweep the floor.	CK	1
0	30054	0	0	Sweet dreams!	CK	1
207859	45115	その池で泳ぐのは危険です。	bunbuku	Swimming in the pond is dangerous.	CK	1
0	5154868	0	0	Swimming in this lake is not permitted.	CarpeLanam	1
0	2953298	0	0	Swimming is a lot of fun.	CK	1
0	487827	0	0	Swimming is easy for me.	CK	1
0	487828	0	0	Swimming is easy.	CK	1
0	26406	0	0	Swimming is fun for me.	CK	1
143684	270881	水泳は私の趣味です。	mookeee	Swimming is my hobby.	CK	1
220835	58157	この川で泳いではいけない。	bunbuku	Swimming is not allowed in this river.	CK	1
0	5154864	0	0	Swimming is not permitted in this river.	CarpeLanam	1
143698	270868	水泳が私の楽しみの1つです。	bunbuku	Swimming is one thing I enjoy.	CK	1
0	3168177	0	0	Swimming is one thing I'm good at.	CK	1
0	2953299	0	0	Swimming isn't allowed here.	CK	1
143685	270882	水泳は足を強くする。	bunbuku	Swimming makes your legs strong.	CK	1
0	4753796	0	0	Swimming makes your legs stronger.	garborg	1
0	2539398	0	0	Swimming should help you lose weight.	CK	1
0	2250031	0	0	Switch it off.	CK	1
0	2250032	0	0	Switch it on.	CK	1
0	3635878	0	0	Switch places with me.	CK	1
215140	52437	スイスは訪れる価値のある美しい国です。	bunbuku	Switzerland is a beautiful country worth visiting.	CK	1
215144	52441	スイスは美しい国です。	bunbuku	Switzerland is a beautiful country.	CK	1
215145	52442	スイスは中立国である。	bunbuku	Switzerland is a neutral country.	CK	1
215141	52438	スイスは風光明媚なことで有名である。	bunbuku	Switzerland is famous for its scenic beauty.	CK	1