English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2604

0	4014968	0	0	That wasn't accurate, was it?	CK	1
0	2250991	0	0	That wasn't bad.	CK	1
0	2250992	0	0	That wasn't cool.	CK	1
0	2646524	0	0	That wasn't difficult.	CK	1
0	4012283	0	0	That wasn't easy to translate.	CK	1
0	2644063	0	0	That wasn't easy, you know.	CK	1
0	4495014	0	0	That wasn't enough.	CK	1
0	4013760	0	0	That wasn't exactly my plan.	CK	1
0	4693250	0	0	That wasn't exactly romantic.	CK	1
0	3723542	0	0	That wasn't exactly true.	CM	1
0	2648973	0	0	That wasn't fun.	CK	1
0	1897771	0	0	That wasn't funny.	CK	1
0	5158712	0	0	That wasn't good.	CK	1
0	2250993	0	0	That wasn't hard.	CK	1
0	3723307	0	0	That wasn't here before.	CM	1
0	2250994	0	0	That wasn't it.	CK	1
0	2250995	0	0	That wasn't me.	CK	1
0	3129885	0	0	That wasn't meant to happen.	CK	1
0	2663343	0	0	That wasn't much of a problem.	CK	1
0	2644500	0	0	That wasn't my experience.	CK	1
0	3736637	0	0	That wasn't my fault.	CK	1
0	2647599	0	0	That wasn't my idea.	CK	1
0	2646523	0	0	That wasn't my intent.	CK	1
4821	1402	そんなつもりではなかった。	bunbuku	That wasn't my intention.	CK	1
0	2648029	0	0	That wasn't my job.	CK	1
0	1897772	0	0	That wasn't my mistake.	CK	1
0	3736365	0	0	That wasn't my object.	CK	1
0	2645456	0	0	That wasn't my question.	CK	1
0	2250996	0	0	That wasn't necessary.	CK	1
0	2250997	0	0	That wasn't nice.	CK	1
0	2645455	0	0	That wasn't on the list.	CK	1
0	2643706	0	0	That wasn't on the schedule.	CK	1
0	2891917	0	0	That wasn't one of the choices.	CK	1
0	3166201	0	0	That wasn't one of your better ideas.	CK	1
0	2713358	0	0	That wasn't our agreement.	CK	1
0	2646522	0	0	That wasn't our fault.	CK	1
0	4016488	0	0	That wasn't part of the deal.	CK	1
0	4013754	0	0	That wasn't part of the plan.	CK	1
0	4494730	0	0	That wasn't possible.	CK	1
0	2250998	0	0	That wasn't real.	CK	1
0	2250999	0	0	That wasn't right.	CK	1
0	2251000	0	0	That wasn't smart.	CK	1
0	2883030	0	0	That wasn't so bad, was it?	CK	1
0	2891918	0	0	That wasn't so bad.	CK	1
0	2891919	0	0	That wasn't so difficult, was it?	CK	1
0	2891920	0	0	That wasn't so hard, was it?	CK	1
0	1897773	0	0	That wasn't so hard.	CK	1
0	5021781	0	0	That wasn't so long ago.	CK	1
0	4902894	0	0	That wasn't something I expected.	CK	1
0	3130894	0	0	That wasn't supposed to happen.	CK	1