English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2675

0	4132813	0	0	The boat isn't where I left it.	CK	1
0	4499663	0	0	The boat isn't where I left.	CK	1
0	3725404	0	0	The boat was clean.	CM	1
0	1096097	0	0	The bomb blew Tom's car to smithereens.	CK	1
0	1096096	0	0	The bomb blew Tom's house to smithereens. Fortunately, he wasn't at home at the time.	CK	1
0	2259271	0	0	The bomb destroyed three houses.	_undertoad	1
0	4663038	0	0	The bomb is quite likely somewhere on this floor.	CK	1
0	4190406	0	0	The bomb will explode in 10 seconds.	Wuzzy	1
0	2541747	0	0	The book fit into Tom's pocket.	CK	1
0	4265824	0	0	The book I bought is on the table.	Eldad	1
433124	370748	その本は易しい。	qahwa	The book is easy.	saeb	1
433127	370748	その本は簡単です。	qahwa	The book is easy.	saeb	1
0	672885	0	0	The book is mine.	Shishir	1
1251872	681582	本は現在出版の準備が出来ている。	mookeee	The book is now ready for publication.	Source_VOA	1
0	4969010	0	0	The book is on the shelf.	Choctaw_Irish	1
0	2163151	0	0	The book is on the table.	Source_VOA	1
0	4265823	0	0	The book that I bought is on the table.	Eldad	1
0	4013633	0	0	The book Tom wrote was never published.	CK	1
893186	553660	その本は1689年に出版された。	thyc244	The book was published in 1689.	Shishir	1
0	2640785	0	0	The book you're looking for is on my desk.	CK	1
0	4731157	0	0	The books are on the bench.	hajenso	1
0	5150033	0	0	The books that I bought were delivered to me this morning.	CarpeLanam	1
163995	250515	私の家の壁に本棚が作り付けになっている。	mookeee	The bookshelves are built into the walls of my room.	CM	1
0	462596	0	0	The bookstore is open.	lukaszpp	1
0	1399667	0	0	The border is closed.	CK	1
0	2445791	0	0	The boss considered firing Tom, but decided against it.	CK	1
0	4665998	0	0	The boss could be watching.	CK	1
0	3151296	0	0	The boss gave me a week off.	CK	1
149164	265394	社長は僕たち全員に一日休みをくれた。	bunbuku	The boss gave us all a day off.	CK	1
0	2057847	0	0	The boss is looking for someone to blame.	CK	1
0	2445789	0	0	The boss is thinking about firing Tom.	CK	1
0	1638599	0	0	The boss is very upset.	Spamster	1
110820	292866	彼はまた上司にがみがみ言われたところです。	bunbuku	The boss just chewed him out again.	CK	1
0	3422243	0	0	The boss put me in charge.	CK	1
0	1096095	0	0	The boss sent Tom to Boston on business.	CK	1
0	3497979	0	0	The boss threatened to fire me.	CK	1
0	3818170	0	0	The boss was looking for you.	CK	1
0	4663756	0	0	The boss wouldn't let us go home early.	CK	1
0	3393044	0	0	The bottle is almost full.	CK	1
0	2002556	0	0	The bottle is empty.	bichodebola	1
0	2002555	0	0	The bottle is full.	bichodebola	1
85138	318575	瓶は粉々に割れた。	bunbuku	The bottle smashed to pieces.	CK	1
1006619	1006351	警備員はどうしても彼を入れてくれなかった。	mookeee	The bouncer wouldn't let him in.	CM	1
0	1334983	0	0	The box has holes in it.	CK	1
0	44463	0	0	The box is almost empty.	CK	1
0	1334948	0	0	The box is broken.	CK	1
207210	44462	その箱は一枚の大きな紙で覆われている。	mookeee	The box is covered with a large sheet of paper.	CK	1
0	491975	0	0	The box is empty.	swagner	1
0	2002513	0	0	The box is heavy.	bichodebola	1
0	44451	0	0	The box is made of wood.	Nero	1