English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2690

2452168	2452102	その犬は私のブーツに噛みついた。	Hirashiki	The dog chewed up my boot.	mariquet	1
682643	682879	犬は尻尾を振って、主人を追いました。	arihato	The dog followed its master, wagging its tail.	Chelsea	1
0	65934	0	0	The dog followed me.	CK	1
0	4718981	0	0	The dog growled at me.	hinto4	1
0	2252572	0	0	The dog growled.	CK	1
0	4495139	0	0	The dog is asleep.	CK	1
0	1663882	0	0	The dog is barking at Tom.	Amastan	1
0	1662194	0	0	The dog is barking.	Amastan	1
0	3287064	0	0	The dog is chewing on something.	CK	1
175270	508844	犬は死んでいるよ。	bunbuku	The dog is dead.	kebukebu	1
210980	48251	その犬は死に掛けている。	bunbuku	The dog is dying.	CK	1
545832	48251	犬は死にかけている。	tsukimori	The dog is dying.	CK	1
2139043	882704	犬は家の中にいる。	bunbuku	The dog is in the house.	CK	1
0	493294	0	0	The dog is mine.	FeuDRenais	1
0	1828442	0	0	The dog is ours.	Amastan	1
553874	558999	犬は賢い。	Namikaze	The dog is smart.	djinni74	1
210953	526365	その犬は白いです。	bunbuku	The dog is white.	wma	1
0	48282	0	0	The dog kept barking all night.	CK	1
0	48275	0	0	The dog looks hungry.	CK	1
0	852417	0	0	The dog looks sick.	piksea	1
0	48260	0	0	The dog must be hungry.	CK	1
0	3732295	0	0	The dog needs to be fed.	CK	1
77772	325946	隣の犬はほえてばかりいます。	mookeee	The dog next door is always barking.	CK	1
77774	325944	隣の家の犬が一晩中ほえ続けていたのです。	mookeee	The dog next door kept barking all night.	CK	1
210955	48224	その犬は猫を追いかけた。	mookeee	The dog ran after the cat.	CK	1
0	406834	0	0	The dog ran towards me.	blay_paul	1
0	890537	0	0	The dog seems sick.	Scott	1
0	48218	0	0	The dog seems to be sick.	CK	1
0	2545852	0	0	The dog started barking.	CK	1
0	2545851	0	0	The dog stopped barking.	CK	1
0	48220	0	0	The dog wagged its tail.	patgfisher	1
0	2889069	0	0	The dog wants to sleep.	CK	1
0	3736359	0	0	The dog was asleep on the mat.	CK	1
0	48249	0	0	The dog was dead.	CK	1
210987	48258	その犬は穴を掘っていた。	mookeee	The dog was digging a hole.	CK	1
0	48252	0	0	The dog was dying.	CK	1
210972	388643	その犬は車にひかれた。	bunbuku	The dog was hit by a car.	CK	1
175294	239172	犬はトラックにはねられた。	mookeee	The dog was hit by a truck.	CK	1
210972	48243	その犬は車にひかれた。	bunbuku	The dog was run over by a car.	CK	1
0	48214	0	0	The dog went away.	CK	1
0	2953347	0	0	The dog will need to be fed once a day.	CK	1
211003	48273	その犬はかみついたりしませんよ。	kmt	The dog will not harm you.	CM	1
0	3121794	0	0	The dog's collar is red.	CM	1
0	4767983	0	0	The doghouse is new.	danepo	1
0	462680	0	0	The dogs are wet.	lukaszpp	1
0	5099515	0	0	The dogs howled at the full moon.	jhomel	1
0	5098024	0	0	The dogs scared us.	txw	1
0	3565870	0	0	The dogs started barking at Tom.	CK	1
0	239920	0	0	The door blew open.	CK	1
0	39108	0	0	The door blew shut.	CK	1