English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2694

0	263481	0	0	The examinations will begin on Monday next week.	CK	1
77680	326038	例外は原則のある証拠。	mookeee	The exception proves the rule.	Eldad	1
0	4498401	0	0	The exhibit runs through October 20th.	CK	1
0	5115387	0	0	The exit will be on the left.	AlanF_US	1
0	2400057	0	0	The experience caused Tom great pain.	CK	1
0	351258	0	0	The experiment failed.	human600	1
0	3735649	0	0	The experiment is over.	CK	1
149359	265199	実験は成功だった。	tommy_san	The experiment was successful.	CK	1
0	4529750	0	0	The experts were amazed, too.	CK	1
0	3820819	0	0	The explanation is simple.	CK	1
139683	274528	続いて起きた爆発で多くの人が死んだ。	bunbuku	The explosion that followed killed many people.	CM	1
2944646	2944654	武器の輸出は禁止されていた。	tommy_san	The export of arms was not allowed.	CK	1
2944646	2944652	武器の輸出は禁止されていた。	tommy_san	The export of arms was prohibited.	CK	1
2944646	319449	武器の輸出は禁止されていた。	tommy_san	The export of weapons was prohibited.	CK	1
182436	19609	急行は午後6時30分着だ。	mookeee	The express arrives at 6:30 p.m.	CK	1
120642	283366	彼が一切お金を受取らなかったという事実から彼が正直な男だという事が分かる。	bunbuku	The fact that he did not accept any money shows that he is an honest man.	CK	1
210732	48002	その工場は古い機械類を廃棄することにした。	bunbuku	The factory decided to do away with the old machinery.	CM	1
732505	681408	工場では複雑な機械をたくさん使います。	arihato	The factory uses many complicated machines.	Source_VOA	1
0	4498768	0	0	The facts are frightening.	CK	1
0	806866	0	0	The facts are not clear.	Source_VOA	1
212031	49308	その家族は一緒に夕食を食べた。	bunbuku	The family ate dinner together.	CK	1
190677	27837	一家は戦後ひどく辛い目にあった。	mookeee	The family had a hard time after the war.	CK	1
0	3779310	0	0	The fan doesn't work.	tanay	1
0	4496544	0	0	The fans cheered.	CK	1
0	3097247	0	0	The farm workers unloaded the truck.	CK	1
0	5096683	0	0	The farmers are planting rice.	CarpeLanam	1
78076	325642	両手をより速くこすればこするほど、両手はそれだけ暖かくなってくる。	mookeee	The faster we rub our hands together, the warmer they get.	CK	1
1211966	388608	その太った女性は猿を抱きかかえていた。	bunbuku	The fat woman was holding a monkey.	CK	1
0	4585217	0	0	The faucet is dripping.	CK	1
0	265654	0	0	The faucet is leaking.	CK	1
0	4494598	0	0	The feedback was good.	CK	1
0	1806265	0	0	The feeling is mutual.	Spamster	1
0	3724591	0	0	The feeling was mutual.	CM	1
0	4606202	0	0	The feeling's mutual.	slyfin	1
0	2544623	0	0	The fence needed painting.	CK	1
0	44091	0	0	The fence will be painted by Tom tomorrow.	CM	1
0	4502392	0	0	The festival was a great success.	CK	1
0	4495239	0	0	The feud is over.	CK	1
0	273233	0	0	The fight is over.	CK	1
0	4904981	0	0	The fight lasted three seconds.	CK	1
0	4498636	0	0	The figures are impressive.	CK	1
0	4498635	0	0	The figures are incredible.	CK	1
0	4498634	0	0	The figures are staggering.	CK	1
197238	34420	ファイルキャビネットの引き出しが開いている。	mookeee	The file cabinet drawers are open.	CK	1
2976561	965928	ファイルが破損しています。	tommy_san	The file is corrupt.	CM	1
0	1453957	0	0	The files are missing.	Spamster	1
0	23849	0	0	The fire alarm rang.	CK	1
186712	23848	火災報知器が鳴った。	mookeee	The fire alarm sounded.	NekoKanjya	1
236061	429701	10軒の家がその火事で焼失した。	mookeee	The fire burned down ten houses.	blay_paul	1
186699	23835	火事で劇場の中は大混乱になった。	mookeee	The fire caused a panic in the theater.	NekoKanjya	1