English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2699

0	1102308	0	0	The girl Tom was beginning to love was beginning to love him, too.	CK	1
146704	267857	少女は恐怖で震えた。	bunbuku	The girl trembled with fear.	CK	1
146710	267851	少女はゆっくりと歩いた。	Blanka_Meduzo	The girl walked slowly.	CK	1
146718	267843	少女はその危険に気づいていた。	bunbuku	The girl was aware of the danger.	CK	1
209179	46440	その少女は親切にも博物館へ行く道を教えてくれた。	mookeee	The girl was kind enough to show me the way to the museum.	CK	1
0	4529015	0	0	The girl we saw waiting in front of Tom's house was Mary.	CK	1
196936	2349317	ブルーのコートを着ている女の子は私の娘です。	wakatyann630	The girl wearing the blue coat is my daughter.	CK	1
1779946	2349317	青い外套を着ている女の子は私の娘です。	nihonjin	The girl wearing the blue coat is my daughter.	CK	1
0	267887	0	0	The girl went to sleep.	CK	1
77783	325935	隣に住んでいる少女は、とてもきれいだ。	mookeee	The girl who lives next door is very pretty.	CK	1
1920423	1927429	あのパン屋で働いている女の子は可愛い。	Unaden	The girl who works at that bakery is cute.	CK	1
0	5050709	0	0	The girls all laughed.	Hybrid	1
0	3724958	0	0	The girls all liked Tom.	CM	1
147323	267237	女の子達はゲームをして遊んだ。	mookeee	The girls amused themselves playing games.	CK	1
0	4776972	0	0	The girls are shy.	Coella	1
0	46495	0	0	The girls began to laugh.	CK	1
0	3272377	0	0	The girls fainted.	CM	1
0	2220686	0	0	The girls giggled.	Hybrid	1
992424	2660328	彼女たちは私たちを温かく迎えてくれた。	mookeee	The girls greeted us warmly.	WestofEden	1
0	3721492	0	0	The girls laughed.	CM	1
0	4197968	0	0	The girls were asleep.	Sereptie	1
0	3724080	0	0	The girls were crying.	CM	1
0	4498362	0	0	The girls were excited.	CK	1
0	4660623	0	0	The girls were quite impressed.	Hybrid	1
146676	267234	少女たちは並んで座っていました。	Blanka_Meduzo	The girls were sitting side by side.	CK	1
147326	267234	女の子たちは並んで座っていました。	Blanka_Meduzo	The girls were sitting side by side.	CK	1
0	1690727	0	0	The girls won.	Spamster	1
0	874872	0	0	The glass got broken.	CK	1
0	3422016	0	0	The glass is broken.	CK	1
0	2423572	0	0	The glass is empty.	CM	1
0	5141991	0	0	The glass was broken by someone.	Objectivesea	1
0	3531792	0	0	The good news is that Tom is OK.	CK	1
0	3396635	0	0	The good news is that we can get in free.	CK	1
184797	21928	外国を知るよい方法はそこへ行くことだ。	bunbuku	The good way to know a foreign country is to go there.	NekoKanjya	1
0	318491	0	0	The goods arrived yesterday.	CK	1
143116	271452	政府は委員会を設けてその事故の解明にあたらせた。	mookeee	The government appointed a committee to investigate the accident.	CK	1
143075	1210696	政府は農業にもっと投資するべきだ。	tommy_san	The government should invest more money in agriculture.	CK	1
0	4499067	0	0	The government took our land.	CK	1
0	4921436	0	0	The governor supports the bill.	CK	1
0	50577	0	0	The gown is made of silk.	CK	1
139663	274537	卒業式は三月二十日に行われます。	bunbuku	The graduation ceremony will take place on March 20th.	CK	1
2454475	62873	グランド・キャニオンはアメリカ有数の人気スポットだ。	tommy_san	The Grand Canyon is one of the most popular places in the USA.	CK	1
0	1027320	0	0	The grand jury indicted Tom for murder.	CK	1
0	68625	0	0	The grapes are sour.	CK	1
0	1619606	0	0	The grass always seems greener on the other side.	Spamster	1
0	265285	0	0	The grass looks nice.	CK	1
0	46890	0	0	The grass needs cutting.	CK	1
0	4496336	0	0	The grease caught fire.	CK	1
0	3436613	0	0	The grill is hot.	CK	1
126821	277269	地面は雪で覆われている。	tommy__san	The ground is covered with snow.	CK	1