English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2703

167243	1397731	私たちが住んでいた家は取り壊された。	bunbuku	The house we used to live in was torn down.	CK	1
212101	49380	その家は安く売られた。	mookeee	The house went cheap.	CM	1
0	4457179	0	0	The house where I live belongs to my parents.	marllboro06	1
0	2400060	0	0	The house where Tom lives is in the old part of the city.	CK	1
143937	270629	人体は何十億という小さな細胞から構成されている。	bunbuku	The human body is composed of billions of small cells.	CM	1
0	4494723	0	0	The humidity is down.	CK	1
3002976	3002981	湿度がすごく高いですね。	Fukuko	The humidity is quite high.	CK	1
3002976	3002987	湿度がすごく高いですね。	Fukuko	The humidity is very high, isn't it?	CK	1
3002976	3002983	湿度がすごく高いですね。	Fukuko	The humidity is very high.	CK	1
77902	325816	猟師は熊の足跡をたどった。	mookeee	The hunter followed the bear's tracks.	CK	1
77901	325817	猟師は熊を撃った。	mookeee	The hunter shot a bear.	CK	1
1642211	325817	ハンターは熊を撃った。	mookeee	The hunter shot a bear.	CK	1
77903	325815	猟師たちは銃でその象をねらった。	mookeee	The hunters aimed at the elephant.	CK	1
1113023	325815	ハンターたちはその象を狙って撃った。	mookeee	The hunters aimed at the elephant.	CK	1
77909	325809	猟犬たちはキツネの匂いの跡をたどった。	mookeee	The hunting dogs followed the scent of the fox.	CK	1
85400	318314	氷が溶けてしまった。	bunbuku	The ice has melted.	CK	1
85399	318313	氷が溶けている。	bunbuku	The ice is melting.	CK	1
85402	318312	氷が薄すぎてスケートができません。	bunbuku	The ice is too thin to skate on.	CK	1
0	44327	0	0	The ice is very thick.	CK	1
0	415449	0	0	The ice melted.	FeuDRenais	1
0	2545850	0	0	The icecaps are melting.	CK	1
0	47971	0	0	The idea is not bad.	CK	1
0	3351390	0	0	The idea is not new.	andrmene	1
0	2711962	0	0	The idea is stupid anyway.	CK	1
0	546007	0	0	The idea isn't bad.	kedge	1
0	5166106	0	0	The idea isn't new.	Silvestre	1
0	4495137	0	0	The idea was good.	CK	1
0	4502146	0	0	The idea was simple.	CK	1
0	4496587	0	0	The implication is clear.	CK	1
0	4496586	0	0	The implication was clear.	CK	1
0	4496583	0	0	The implications are clear.	CK	1
188282	25424	音楽の重要性は過小評価されている。	tommy_san	The importance of music is underrated.	NekoKanjya	1
0	3396684	0	0	The important thing is that you're alive.	CK	1
0	3396624	0	0	The important thing is that you're here.	CK	1
137443	275793	大切なことは注意して聞く事だ。	mookeee	The important thing is to listen carefully.	CK	1
0	243618	0	0	The imposter was caught.	CK	1
0	4496332	0	0	The impostor has been caught.	CK	1
0	4662671	0	0	The improvements we've made on the assembly line could eventually lower prices.	CK	1
207064	44314	その病気の初期症状は高熱とのどの痛みです。	bunbuku	The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat.	CK	1
0	3370325	0	0	The ink is still wet.	Hybrid	1
228403	65759	インクの染みが洗濯しても落ちない。	bunbuku	The ink stain will not wash out.	CM	1
228393	65749	インサイダー取引スキャンダルによって多数の人が破産しました。	mookeee	The insider trading scandal put a lot of people out of business.	CK	1
0	4496764	0	0	The installation is now complete.	CK	1
95892	307800	彼を見るやいなや私は彼が怒っているのがわかった。	mookeee	The instant I saw him I knew he was angry.	CM	1
2907526	46624	女の子は母親を見るなりわっと泣き出した。	tommy_san	The instant the girl saw her mother, she burst out crying.	CK	1
0	4496204	0	0	The insulation shouldn't burn.	CK	1
0	4546456	0	0	The Internet is now something we can't live without.	DostKaplan	1
0	4500335	0	0	The interrogation is over.	CK	1
0	4664163	0	0	The investigation could take months.	CK	1
0	4664309	0	0	The investigation could take weeks.	CK	1