English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2716

0	4983561	0	0	The odds are against me.	CK	1
0	268505	0	0	The odds are against us.	CK	1
0	1027318	0	0	The odds are in Tom's favor.	CK	1
0	3723000	0	0	The odds are two to one.	CM	1
0	4983560	0	0	The odds were against me.	CK	1
0	3424189	0	0	The office is dark.	CK	1
0	3426311	0	0	The office is empty.	CK	1
0	2046849	0	0	The office seems very busy today.	CK	1
0	3721741	0	0	The office was deserted.	CM	1
0	4495715	0	0	The officers arrested three of the protesters.	CK	1
0	4144887	0	0	The old barn collapsed.	Hybrid	1
0	4190404	0	0	The old book was moldy.	Hybrid	1
206082	43328	その老婦人はやっとの事で階段を上った。	mookeee	The old lady climbed the stairs with difficulty.	CK	1
77252	326467	老婦人は3LDKの集合住宅に独りで住んでいた。	arnab	The old lady lived in a three-room apartment by herself.	CK	1
206081	43327	その老婦人はゆっくりと丘を歩いて登った。	mookeee	The old lady walked slowly up the hill.	CK	1
206075	43321	その老婦人は親切にも駅への道を教えてくれた。	Blanka_Meduzo	The old lady was kind enough to show me the way to the station.	CK	1
684575	2719633	老人が近づいてきた。	arihato	The old man approached.	WestofEden	1
1173489	43369	その老人は私にお金の施しを求めた。	bunbuku	The old man begged me for money.	CK	1
77265	326454	老人は役に立つ忠告を1つしてくれた。	mookeee	The old man gave me a useful piece of advice.	CK	1
4213533	326454	そのお年寄りは私に役に立つアドバイスをしてくれた。	Atamapan	The old man gave me a useful piece of advice.	CK	1
206101	43347	その老人は年金で暮らしている。	bunbuku	The old man lives on his pension.	CK	1
77280	326439	老人はラバに砂のいっぱい入った袋をのせた。	mookeee	The old man loaded his mule with bags full of sand.	CK	1
206138	43384	その老人は危うく車にひかれるところだった。	bunbuku	The old man narrowly escaped being run over by a car.	CK	1
77275	326444	老人は今朝亡くなった。	mookeee	The old man passed away this morning.	CK	1
77282	326437	老人はたったひとりで座っていた。	mookeee	The old man sat all alone.	CK	1
0	43375	0	0	The old man sat down.	CK	1
77274	326445	老人は子供たちに囲まれて座っていた。	mookeee	The old man sat surrounded by the children.	CK	1
0	43370	0	0	The old man spoke to me in French.	CK	1
0	1526442	0	0	The old man spoke with me in French.	pauldhunt	1
77276	326443	老人は休むために少しの間立ち止まった。	mookeee	The old man stopped for a moment to rest.	Nero	1
4216154	326443	お爺さんは休憩するために少し立ち止まった。	Atamapan	The old man stopped for a moment to rest.	Nero	1
77273	326446	老人は子供たちに面白い話をした。	mookeee	The old man told the children an amusing story.	CK	1
206138	388651	その老人は危うく車にひかれるところだった。	bunbuku	The old man was almost hit by a car.	CK	1
206131	43377	その老人は見かけほど意地悪くなかった。	bunbuku	The old man was not as mean as he looked.	CK	1
77316	326403	老人がとぼとぼ歩いていた。	mookeee	The old man was plodding along.	CK	1
77314	326405	老人が車にひかれた。	mookeee	The old man was run over by a car.	CK	1
77264	326455	老人は腕組みをして座っていた。	mookeee	The old man was sitting with his arms folded.	CM	1
0	5161455	0	0	The old man you just saw is my grandfather.	CarpeLanam	1
0	2276876	0	0	The old rules don't apply.	CK	1
0	1632235	0	0	The old system works.	Spamster	1
206082	1392881	その老婦人はやっとの事で階段を上った。	mookeee	The old woman climbed the stairs with difficulty.	CK	1
77247	326471	老婦人は転んでけがをした。	mookeee	The old woman got hurt when she fell.	Eldad	1
0	5161456	0	0	The old woman you just saw is my grandmother.	CarpeLanam	1
101349	302347	彼は年を取るにつれて、ますます有名になった。	mookeee	The older he got, the more famous he became.	CK	1
2619724	2394076	オリンピックは4年に1度開催される。	tommy_san	The Olympic Games take place every four years.	CK	1
0	4664799	0	0	The one who did that wasn't Tom.	CK	1
0	4012407	0	0	The one with the guitar is Tom.	CK	1
0	1089365	0	0	The only car Tom has ever driven is his own.	CK	1
0	1096085	0	0	The only country Tom has ever lived in is Australia.	CK	1
0	1096084	0	0	The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's.	CK	1