English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2732

0	29797	0	0	The radio is a bit loud.	CK	1
0	374597	0	0	The radio is broken.	CK	1
0	1898197	0	0	The radio is on.	CK	1
0	29784	0	0	The radio is too loud.	CK	1
78429	325287	嵐の後すぐ、そのラジオ局は放送を再開した。	mookeee	The radio station came back on the air shortly after the storm.	CK	1
0	2549276	0	0	The radio was on.	CK	1
0	4551200	0	0	The radio was plugged in.	danepo	1
0	26824	0	0	The rain changed to snow.	CK	1
0	3733957	0	0	The rain didn't last long.	CK	1
0	3818865	0	0	The rain didn't stop us.	CK	1
0	4349620	0	0	The rain gauge is broken.	123xyz	1
0	3403450	0	0	The rain has let up.	CK	1
189555	26707	雨はまだやんでいませんね。	mookeee	The rain hasn't stopped yet, has it?	CK	1
0	974869	0	0	The rain is letting up.	MecklyBver	1
0	26703	0	0	The rain lasted a week.	CK	1
0	508812	0	0	The rain lasted for three days.	kebukebu	1
189536	26688	雨は夜通し降り続いた。	tommy_san	The rain lasted through the night.	CK	1
189585	26738	雨のために来られませんでした。	mookeee	The rain prevented me from coming.	CK	1
0	30241	0	0	The rain stopped at last.	CK	1
0	2618207	0	0	The rain turned into snow.	CK	1
0	2618202	0	0	The rain turned to snow.	CK	1
0	4496063	0	0	The rain was beneficial.	CK	1
872765	660392	雨で土壌が流されてしまった。	thyc244	The rain washed away the soil.	Nero	1
0	3007548	0	0	The rain's not letting up.	CK	1
0	26683	0	0	The rainy season begins in June.	CK	1
0	3826255	0	0	The rainy season has begun.	CK	1
2243172	2243173	雨季に入った。	Ianagisacos	The rainy season has started.	CK	1
0	4495887	0	0	The rash never came back.	CK	1
0	4502141	0	0	The rational is simple.	CK	1
0	3725465	0	0	The rear gate was open.	CM	1
0	2627924	0	0	The rear tire of my bicycle is flat.	CK	1
0	2272101	0	0	The reason doesn't matter.	CK	1
120473	283536	彼が休んだ理由はひどい頭痛がしたからだった。	bunbuku	The reason he was absent was that he had a severe headache.	CK	1
0	847122	0	0	The reason is clear.	Source_Benedict_1921	1
0	3821852	0	0	The reason is obvious.	CK	1
0	5096635	0	0	The reason is pretty obvious.	CK	1
0	3896455	0	0	The reason is simple.	arlene	1
0	4665039	0	0	The reason soon became obvious.	CK	1
2935072	2935128	トムの病気は食べすぎが原因だった。	tommy_san	The reason Tom got sick was because he overate.	CK	1
0	1027307	0	0	The reason Tom is fat is because he eats too much and doesn't get enough exercise.	CK	1
0	4496591	0	0	The reason was unclear.	CK	1
1142397	246598	私の成績が悪かった理由は、勉強しなかったからです。	bunbuku	The reason why I got a bad grade is that I did not study.	CK	1
78363	325352	理由は以下のとおりである。	mookeee	The reasons are as follows.	CM	1
0	4496589	0	0	The reasons are unclear.	CK	1
0	4501637	0	0	The reasons are understandable.	CK	1
179786	1396442	近年における医学の進歩はめざましい。	bunbuku	The recent advances in medicine are remarkable.	CK	1
5020197	4902789	客間には誰もいない。	huizi99	The reception room is empty.	CK	1
0	4494594	0	0	The recession is over.	CK	1
142282	1192365	赤いベルトが彼女の黒いドレスをひきたたせている。	mookeee	The red belt goes well with her black dress.	CK	1
0	3170672	0	0	The red light above the door was on.	CK	1