English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2739

179492	18350	空がだんだん明るくなってきた。	bunbuku	The sky brightened.	CK	1
78428	325288	嵐の後すぐに空は晴れ上がった。	mookeee	The sky cleared up soon after the storm.	CK	1
179482	1778770	空が晴れた。	wat	The sky cleared up.	belgavox	1
205973	18280	空はますます暗くなった。	mookeee	The sky grew darker and darker.	CK	1
179482	18341	空が晴れた。	wat	The sky has become clear.	CK	1
179417	18275	空は青い。	bunbuku	The sky is blue.	CK	1
143013	433662	晴れています。	bunbuku	The sky is clear.	CK	1
0	3071532	0	0	The sky is cloudy today.	sharptoothed	1
1008430	18278	空は星でいっぱいだ。	mookeee	The sky is full of stars.	CK	1
0	18344	0	0	The sky is getting dark.	CK	1
0	22029	0	0	The sky is getting light.	CK	1
143027	271541	晴れそうだ。	bunbuku	The sky is likely to clear up.	CK	1
0	3022378	0	0	The sky is overcast.	sharptoothed	1
0	3455721	0	0	The sky is the limit.	tomo	1
0	2342526	0	0	The sky was blue.	Hybrid	1
186981	402413	家を出る時には晴れていました。	bunbuku	The sky was clear when I left home.	CK	1
179426	18284	空は真っ暗だった。	bunbuku	The sky was completely dark.	Nero	1
0	680634	0	0	The sky was dark.	Source_VOA	1
0	2549275	0	0	The sky was gray.	CK	1
0	2268527	0	0	The sky's clear today.	_undertoad	1
0	4083542	0	0	The sky's getting darker.	CK	1
0	2335040	0	0	The sky's the limit.	Hybrid	1
0	4502189	0	0	The smell is atrocious.	CK	1
0	4502187	0	0	The smell is persistent.	CK	1
0	3752937	0	0	The smell was horrible.	cromwellt	1
0	3752938	0	0	The smell was terrible.	cromwellt	1
0	5265829	0	0	The smell was unpleasant.	CK	1
0	3185595	0	0	The smell's making me sick.	CK	1
1189481	455287	火災報知器はまったくメンテナンスされなかった。	mookeee	The smoke alarm has never been maintained.	CK	1
0	25905	0	0	The smoke blew away.	CK	1
188735	25881	煙突から煙がもくもくと出ていた。	bunbuku	The smoke poured out of the chimney.	NekoKanjya	1
0	3824747	0	0	The snake bite was fatal.	CK	1
148909	265649	蛇が蛙を飲み込んだ。	bunbuku	The snake swallowed a frog.	CK	1
0	2315165	0	0	The snow completely covered the city.	CK	1
141968	272602	雪は消えた。	bunbuku	The snow has disappeared.	CK	1
1271622	272602	雪がなくなった。	bunbuku	The snow has disappeared.	CK	1
3452223	272602	雪が消えちゃった。	tomo	The snow has disappeared.	CK	1
0	2950111	0	0	The snow has finally melted.	CK	1
0	838700	0	0	The snow has melted.	Scott	1
0	4502199	0	0	The snow is great.	CK	1
0	3735412	0	0	The snow is letting up.	CK	1
0	4501023	0	0	The snow is melting.	CK	1
141995	272575	雪のため私は外出できなかった。	bunbuku	The snow prevented me from going out.	Dejo	1
0	4500521	0	0	The snow started last night.	CK	1
0	272605	0	0	The snow was knee deep.	CK	1
0	4853285	0	0	The snow was very deep.	Hybrid	1
141975	272595	雪はすぐに消えるだろう。	mookeee	The snow will soon disappear.	CK	1
0	3735325	0	0	The snow's a foot deep.	CK	1
0	645082	0	0	The snowstorm continued.	CK	1
142358	272212	石けんが目にしみました。	bunbuku	The soap hurt my eyes.	CK	1