English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2747

869851	388009	その山の頂は雪に覆われている。	thyc244	The top of the mountain is covered in snow.	Mouseneb	1
78214	325504	竜巻で村全体が破壊された。	mookeee	The tornado destroyed the whole village.	CK	1
0	4434790	0	0	The total amount is payable on delivery.	Objectivesea	1
0	2877882	0	0	The tour's going great.	CK	1
78138	325580	旅行者は、そのナイトクラブでむしり取られた。	mookeee	The tourists were ripped off at the nightclub.	CK	1
0	2002519	0	0	The towel is dry.	bichodebola	1
0	2002518	0	0	The towel is wet.	bichodebola	1
3324355	273375	タオルが汚れています。	arnab	The towels are dirty.	CK	1
0	3324356	0	0	The towels in the bathroom are dirty.	CK	1
207514	44767	その塔は倒れそうだ。	mookeee	The tower is going to collapse.	CK	1
207527	44780	その塔は312メートルの高さだ。	bunbuku	The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high.	CK	1
1783164	44780	その塔は312メートルの高さがある。	bunbuku	The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high.	CK	1
207517	44770	その塔はわずかに左へ傾いてる。	arnab	The tower leaned slightly to the left.	CK	1
3475247	277863	町の公会堂は人でいっぱいだった。	arnab	The town hall was full of people.	CK	1
207793	45047	その町は古い城があるので有名です。	bunbuku	The town is famous for its old castle.	CK	1
0	1390385	0	0	The town was deserted.	CK	1
0	4890825	0	0	The town where I grew up didn't have parking meters.	CK	1
0	2252588	0	0	The townspeople applauded.	CK	1
0	2252589	0	0	The townspeople cheered.	CK	1
227489	64842	おもちゃ売り場は5階です。	wakatyann630	The toy department is on the fifth floor.	CK	1
0	462970	0	0	The toy store is closed.	lukaszpp	1
0	4300611	0	0	The toy the boy was playing with is broken.	DostKaplan	1
209889	47152	その事故のせいで、列車に乗り遅れてしまった。	bunbuku	The traffic accident prevented me from catching the train.	CK	1
174115	240355	交通渋滞のせいで私は会合に遅れた。	bunbuku	The traffic jam caused me to be late for the meeting.	CM	1
0	4494868	0	0	The traffic was bad.	CK	1
0	4498874	0	0	The trail got steeper.	CK	1
0	4665726	0	0	The trail is clearly marked.	CK	1
0	3163264	0	0	The trail was not clearly marked.	Hybrid	1
77470	326249	列車は定刻に駅に到着した。	mookeee	The train arrived at the station on time.	CK	1
77510	1267525	列車はロンドンに着いた。	mookeee	The train arrived in London.	Butterbur_Umbrella	1
77469	43419	列車は定刻に着いた。	mookeee	The train arrived on schedule.	CK	1
77490	326229	列車は時間通りに到着した。それで私たちは全く待つ必要がなかった。	mookeee	The train arrived on time, so we didn't have to wait at all.	CK	1
124782	43422	電車は時間どおりに着いた。	mookeee	The train arrived on time.	CK	1
77526	326191	列車は10分遅れて到着した。	mookeee	The train arrived ten minutes behind schedule.	CK	1
0	2259461	0	0	The train began to move.	_undertoad	1
77476	326243	列車は待ってはくれない。	mookeee	The train didn't wait for me.	CK	1
77572	326146	列車が視界から消えた。	mookeee	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
77520	326199	列車はその駅では止まりません。	mookeee	The train doesn't stop at that station.	CK	1
77511	326208	列車はようやく到着した。	mookeee	The train finally arrived.	CK	1
0	1345958	0	0	The train flipped over.	CK	1
77484	326234	列車は徐々にスピードを上げた。	mookeee	The train gained speed gradually.	CK	1
77468	326251	列車は定刻に到着した。	mookeee	The train got in on time.	CK	1
98731	304969	彼らが駅についた時、列車はすでに出発していました。	bunbuku	The train had already left when they got to the station.	CK	1
0	4935714	0	0	The train has already gone.	warrenbisch	1
77566	449053	列車が着いている。	mookeee	The train has arrived.	CK	1
0	3825409	0	0	The train has been delayed.	CK	1
77494	326201	列車は今着いたばかりです。	mookeee	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
77518	326201	列車はたった今ついたばかりです。	mookeee	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
77495	326224	列車は今出たところだ。	mookeee	The train has just gone.	CK	1
0	279218	0	0	The train has just left.	CK	1