English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2753

0	3733983	0	0	The way you did it was wrong.	CK	1
2094631	1994453	あなたのその話し方は、いつかトラブルを招くことになりますよ。	bunbuku	The way you talk is going to get you in trouble someday.	CK	1
0	3733984	0	0	The way you're doing it is wrong.	CK	1
0	278936	0	0	The weather became warm.	CK	1
125074	278919	天気予報は必ずしも当てになるとは限らない。	bunbuku	The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.	CK	1
2237946	278900	天気予報によると明日は晴れです。	tommy_san	The weather forecast says it will be fine tomorrow.	CK	1
0	961734	0	0	The weather got cold.	Eevee	1
0	278835	0	0	The weather has improved.	CK	1
0	4664160	0	0	The weather here can change quickly.	CK	1
0	4135297	0	0	The weather here is very unpredictable.	CK	1
3984862	4051760	今日のボストンは素晴らしい天気です。	tommy_san	The weather in Boston today is great.	CK	1
0	4635764	0	0	The weather is bad and it's the day before payday, so I won't go out today.	CK	1
0	2701432	0	0	The weather is bad.	CM	1
77913	325805	涼しくなってきた。	mookeee	The weather is becoming cooler.	CK	1
0	3023994	0	0	The weather is fine in Boston.	CK	1
0	4360166	0	0	The weather is getting nice again.	Adelpa	1
0	1766700	0	0	The weather is good.	CK	1
0	5090002	0	0	The weather is just perfect.	CK	1
0	3824356	0	0	The weather is looking good.	CK	1
226026	63366	きっと雨になりますよ。	bunbuku	The weather is sure to be wet.	CK	1
0	2262870	0	0	The weather is terrible.	CK	1
0	4728118	0	0	The weather is unusually cold.	paper1n0	1
0	2268650	0	0	The weather is very bad.	_undertoad	1
125118	278875	天気はずっと悪いままだった。	bunbuku	The weather stayed bad.	CK	1
123137	280863	二週間暑いままであった。	arnab	The weather stayed hot for two weeks.	CK	1
125160	278833	天気が悪くなった。	mookeee	The weather turned bad.	CK	1
0	3260305	0	0	The weather was bad this weekend.	CK	1
0	4494591	0	0	The weather was balmy.	CK	1
0	4494169	0	0	The weather was beautiful.	CK	1
0	4497166	0	0	The weather was delightful.	CK	1
0	4494168	0	0	The weather was fantastic.	CK	1
0	278944	0	0	The weather was ideal.	CK	1
0	2545843	0	0	The weather was perfect.	CK	1
1619782	37810	とても寒かったので、湖は一面氷に覆われた。	bunbuku	The weather was so cold that the lake froze over.	CK	1
0	4494248	0	0	The weather was terrible.	CK	1
0	4494247	0	0	The weather was terrific.	CK	1
0	594748	0	0	The weather won't be fine.	CK	1
1167506	1167498	天気、悪いよね。	bunbuku	The weather's bad, isn't it?	NekoKanjya	1
0	3826394	0	0	The weather's been really bad.	CK	1
0	4588193	0	0	The weather's been very good ever since.	wells	1
0	5129621	0	0	The weatherman says a storm is coming.	eritain	1
125097	278896	天気予報では、嵐になりそうだと言っている。	mookeee	The weatherman says there is a storm on the way.	CM	1
1754226	278896	天気予報によると嵐が向ってきている。	mookeee	The weatherman says there is a storm on the way.	CM	1
0	1510138	0	0	The website is down.	CK	1
0	3419770	0	0	The wedding is still a few days away.	CK	1
2374366	2394761	結婚式は直前に取りやめになった。	tommy_san	The wedding was canceled at the last minute.	kuma	1
175731	238733	結婚式は延期された。	arnab	The wedding was put off.	CK	1
0	238735	0	0	The wedding will take place at the end of October.	CK	1
2869671	238736	結婚式は土曜日に行われます。	tommy_san	The wedding will take place on Saturday.	Dejo	1
0	4665273	0	0	The wedding's been called off.	CK	1