English Sentences from Tatoeba.org with Audio - 2762
0 5203933 0 0 There are several reasons. CK 1
0 4494103 0 0 There are several theories. CK 1
0 4502135 0 0 There are signs everywhere. CK 1
0 2252612 0 0 There are similarities. CK 1
0 2026949 0 0 There are so many places I want to visit. CK 1
179457 18315 空には星がたくさんでていてとても数え切れない。 bunbuku There are so many stars in the sky, I can't count them all. CK 1
0 4077308 0 0 There are some apples in that box. CK 1
226421 63765 かごの中にりんごがいくらかあります。 arnab There are some apples in the basket. CK 1
226422 63765 かごの中にリンゴがいくつか入っています。 arnab There are some apples in the basket. CK 1
0 3820394 0 0 There are some apples on the table. CK 1
467294 20557 机の上に数冊の本がある。 Namikaze There are some books on the desk. CK 1
0 240426 0 0 There are some boys in the park. CK 1
2533729 32097 クッキーが瓶の中に入っている。 bunbuku There are some cookies in the jar. CK 1
2533671 1312952 クッキーがテーブルの下に落ちている。 bunbuku There are some cookies under the table. CK 1
0 4013910 0 0 There are some details to iron out. CK 1
236783 63768 かごの中においしいりんごが入っている。 mookeee There are some good apples in the basket. CK 1
0 4133559 0 0 There are some grapes in the refrigerator. CK 1
0 2766929 0 0 There are some magazines in my room. CK 1
0 4664795 0 0 There are some obvious concerns. CK 1
191478 1445325 悪い考えだと思う人もいます。 mookeee There are some people who think it's a bad idea. CK 1
0 4501329 0 0 There are some police cars parked outside. CK 1
0 5088061 0 0 There are some problems. CK 1
0 4015389 0 0 There are some sandwiches here. CK 1
0 3150636 0 0 There are some things even you can't buy. CK 1
1765045 1096348 君のするべきでない事がいくつかある。 bunbuku There are some things that you should never try doing. CK 1
0 2033760 0 0 There are some things we want you to see. CK 1
0 4663634 0 0 There are some things you can't control. CK 1
1171675 387444 テーブルの上にはまだたくさんの料理がある。 bunbuku There are still a lot of dishes on the table. CK 1
193017 1445420 やるべきことがまだたくさん残っている。 bunbuku There are still a lot of things that have to be done. CK 1
193017 1445423 やるべきことがまだたくさん残っている。 bunbuku There are still a lot of things to do. CK 1
0 4902790 0 0 There are still empty seats. CK 1
0 4482419 0 0 There are still many stupid laws that are on the books. CK 1
0 4529182 0 0 There are still many unanswered questions. CK 1
0 5092301 0 0 There are still problems. CK 1
0 2663338 0 0 There are still some problems. CK 1
213456 50742 その2つの絵には微妙な違いがある。 bunbuku There are subtle differences between the two pictures. CK 1
0 2252613 0 0 There are survivors. CK 1
0 4498274 0 0 There are teeth marks on the end of that pencil. CK 1
0 3396602 0 0 There are thirty names on the list. CK 1
0 4496210 0 0 There are three buttons. CK 1
0 4493818 0 0 There are three campgrounds in this area. CK 1
1568240 2512953 空き部屋は三つありますが、どれも使用できません。 bunbuku There are three empty rooms. However, we can't use any of them. CK 1
0 4494102 0 0 There are three exceptions. CK 1
0 2059865 0 0 There are three health food stores within walking distance of my house. CK 1
0 3422210 0 0 There are three men trapped in the cave. CK 1
0 3820047 0 0 There are three of them. CK 1
0 3519566 0 0 There are three of us. CK 1
0 4013948 0 0 There are three options. CK 1
0 3825104 0 0 There are three suitcases near the door. CK 1
0 2644496 0 0 There are three survivors. CK 1